Each Bible verse has a prophetic meaning, and it does not depend on the
time of writing the book, and the section in which it entered. So, 99.9%
of all Bible prophecies are still awaiting fulfillment. They are a
detailed description of the most important events that will take place
in heaven and on earth during the harvest and on the DAY of Pentecost.
This is a description of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and making
of the New Testament, this is a description of the events of the future
1000 years of the peace and especially its last days. If a person does
not understand “the sayings of the prophecie of this booke,” then
he does not believe the Scriptures, does not believe the Author of the
Scriptures, with all the ensuing consequences.
What events will take place in the heavenly Tabernacle after Church of
the first born enters it? Jesus Christ after “long preaching”
(Acts.20:9) with the firstborns will leave them, passing behind the veil
into the main part of the Tabernacle: “þe
Holiest of all”
(Heb.9). There, “dwelling in the light, which no man can approch
vnto, whom no man hath seene, nor can see” (1Tim.6:16), He will
stand before God (Zech.3). For this reason, in some types the Church of
the first born is shown as a widow.
In His absence, what ministry will she perform in the Tabernacle of
Using many types, Scripture shows us the ministry of Church of the first
born during the harvest. She is shown to us performing the functions:
wife, widow, servant, daughter, mother. She is shown even in the form of
a woman clothed with the Sun (Rev.12:1) (KJV1611).
One of these types is shown to us in chapter 4 of the book of 2 Kings.
The widow, in her hour of need, cried out to Elisha: “Thy seruant my
husband is dead, and thou knowest that thy seruant did feare the Lord:
and the creditour is come to take vnto him my two sonnes to be bondmen”
(2Kings.4:1). We are shown Church of the first born, which, like a
warrior, stands in the break of the wall and fights for her sons. God is
shown in the form of Elisha. Her children during the harvest period will
preach the word of God and give their lives for it (Rev.6:9). They will
be giving her empty vessels, and she will fill them with the holy Ghost.
And when the chosen vessels are full, the oil will stop. The phrase
“There is not a vessel more” (2Kings.4:6) means that “the fulnes
of the Gentiles” came in (Rom.11:25). In this type we are shown the
birth of chosen.
Scripture in chapter 2 of the book of 2 Kings, following this type,
continues to show us in more detail the events that will take place
during the harvest. On the first day of the week, Church of the first
born, assembled “to breake bread” (Acts.20:7), will go to the
Heavenly Tabernacle the next day.
Ҧ And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great
woman; and shee constrained him to eate bread: And so it was, that as
oft as he passed by, hee turned in thither to eate bread”
The great woman asked her husband to make the chamber for the holy man
of God (2Kings.4:8‑37). And when everything was ready, the table, the
lamp and other items were brought in, “hee came” into the chamber
(2Kings.4:11). In these verses Scripture shows us the events that will
take place a few days earlier, on the eve of the rapture of Church of
the first born. Scripture shows us how the heavenly Tabernacle is made
and things are brought into it. In the form of a great woman who begged
her husband, the Holy Ghost is shown to us. The Heavenly Father is shown
to us in the form of her husband. But what holy man, who will be the
first to enter the Tabernacle of heaven, does the Scripture speak of?
Notice, in the first type, Scripture calls the woman “a great woman.”
In the second type, Scripture calls her: Shunamite. In the type of the
Shunamite (2Kings.4:12), who came to the upper room at the call of the
Prophet, the Scriptures show us Church of the first born.
The Shunamite woman did not have a son, and from this she grieved in
soul. The Scripture names the reason: “her husband is old”
(2Kings.4:14). Elisha “had called her, she stood in the doore”
(2Kings.4:15). She stood in the doorway like a warrior in a break in the
wall. After all, after Elisha's words, she had a hope to hold her son in
her arms. And from this thought, with a strong emotion that gripped her,
she says: “Nay my lord, thou man of God, doe not lie vnto thine
handmaid” (2Kings.4:16). Further, we are shown chosen in the type of
the Sonamite woman's son.
So, what holy person is Scripture talking about? After the rapture,
Church of the first born will be betrothed to Jesus Christ (Matt.1:18),
but why does the Scripture say that Church of the first born has an
old husband (2Kings.4:14)?
Scripture calls the holy man: an Euangelist (2Tim.4:5);
messenger (Luke.7:27); a faithfull witnesse (Ps.89:37);
the Apostle (Heb.3:1); Christ (Rev.11:15); Anoynted
(Ps.2:2), (Ps.89); the Anointed of the God of Jacob (2Sam.23:1);
“the sweet Psalmist of Israel” (2Sam.23:1); a Prophet vnto the
nations (Jer.1:5); seruant (Is.42:1); the first borne
(Ps.89:27), (1Chron.5:1,2); the Just one (Acts.7:52);
righteous seruant (Is.53:11); the Sheapheard (Gen.49:22-26);
a lambe (Is.53:7); the Prince (Ezek.44:2,3); the Prince
of life (Acts.3:15); Prince Michael; the holy One of
Israel (Ps.89); “the man whose name is the Branch”
(Zech.3.6); a righteous branch (Jer.23:5); The Lord Our
Righteousnes (Jer.23:6).
In relation to Church of the first born, he is shown in types:
the husband of an handmaid (Gen.16:1);
husband of Asenefa, daughter of Priest of On (Gen.41:50);
husband of Zipporah, husband of Zipporah, daughter of Priest of Midian
the second husband of Michal, daughter of Saul (1Sam.25:44),
In relation to chosen, & called, he is their father, and they are his
numerous descendants. Moses and his two sons: Gershon and Eliezer
(1Chron.23:15) are a type of the Evangelist and his posterity. The two
sons of Moses are a type of the chosen & called.
Joseph and his two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim (Gen.41:50‑52) are another
type of the Evangelist and his descendants. The two sons of Joseph are a
type of chosen, & called.
Jacob, when he returned to his homeland, had two camps. It is also a
type of the Evangelist and his posterity. The two camps of Jacob are a
type of chosen, & called.
Abraham lived by faith in the promised land, as in a foreign land,
“dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Iacob, the heires with him of
the same promise” (Heb.11:9). It is also a type of the Evangelist
and his posterity. Isaac and Jacob in this verse are a type of chosen, &
“Sarai Abram’s wife”
Israel gained independence in 1948. Since then, many people have
immigrated to Israel. This country has received 350 percent of the
population over the past 60 years. Characterizing the population of
present-day Israel, Scripture says: these are people “that were
returned from all nations whither they had bene driuen, to dwell in the
land of Iudah” (Jer.43:5). Currently, the population of Israel has
exceeded 9 million.
In the near future, “Out of the North an euill shal breake foorth
vpon all the inhabitants of the land” (Jer.1:14). Someone will die
of hunger and sword; others will go prisoner. A “remnant of Iudah”
(Jer.40:11), after the defeat of the land by the people of the north,
will go to the USA, “into the land of Egypt” (Jer.43:7). Again
they will not listen to “the voyce of the Lord”. Although His
answer will be announced to them through the Evangelist (Jer.42). This
will happen in 2032. 84 years will pass since independence. Israel, like
Anna a Prophetess, will have reached “of a great age” by that
time (Luke.2:36). With her husband, Israel will only live the last seven
years of the harvest. This will be the last seventieth week of Daniel
(Dan.9:27). The one she will have is not her husband at all, as it will
be turned out later (John.4:18).
In the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke, we are figuratively shown
several events: the resurrection of Jesus Christ after a long sleep
(verse.7), the rapture of Church of the first born (verse.13), gathering
of chosen and called in the Tabernacle of heaven (verse.16). The day of
the rapture of those invited to the wedding feast is named; they will go
up “to Hierusalem, after the custome of the feast” (Luke.2:42).
And all these fees are preparation for the DAY of Pentecost. On this
day, a spiritual house will be built from living stones. The Son will be
born through the action of the holy Ghost (verses.21‑39). The sacrament
of the union of Christ and Church is hidden in the verses that speak of
the circumcision of the infant and the offering of the sacrifice. A pair
of turtle doves for sacrificing them is a type of Jesus Christ and
Church of the first born. A man named Simeon, waiting for rest of
Israel, is a type of chosen. He was a righteous and devout man, and
“the holy Ghost was vpon him” (Luke.2:25). Anna, the Prophetess, is
a type of these who are called “of all the tribes of the children of
Israel” (Rev.7:4). Scripture says about her:
“And there was one Anna a Prophetesse, the daughter of Phanuel, of the
tribe of Aser; she was of a great age, and had liued with an husband
seuen yeeres from her virginitie.
And she was a widow of about fourescore and foure yeeres, which departed
not from the Temple, but serued God with fastings and prayers night and
Naming the age of the widow (84 years), Scripture allows us to determine
the year of the captivity of the people of Israel (2032). And this verse
is not the only place in Scripture to determine the time when Jerusalem
will be destroyed (Ezek.33:21). The destruction will be such that there
will “not be left heere one stone vpon another”; everything will
be destroyed (Matt.24:2).
In Genesis, Scripture compares Israel to a barren woman who does not
give birth: “Sarai Abrams wife bare him no children” (Gen.16:1).
In this type, Sarah, Abram's wife, is a type of the people of Israel.
God will give them “the spirit of slumber: eyes that they should not
see, and eares that they should not heare vnto this day” (Rom.11:8).
The handmaiden's husband
In the first verses of the 16th chapter of Genesis, we are shown:
Israel, the Evangelist, and the Church of the first born. The Evangelist
will begin his ministry in Israel, because the Word of God must first be
spoken to them (Acts.13:46). But Israel will reject “the liuely
oracles” (Acts.7:38), transmitted to them from God through the
Evangelist. They will hear with the ear and do not understand, and with
their eyes they will look and will not see (Acts.28:26). It is said:
they “thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned backe againe
into Egypt” (Acts.7:39). Therefore, the Evangelist will turn to the
Gentiles (Acts.13:46) and continue his ministry among them.
At this time, Church of the first born with Jesus Christ will be
vigilant in the heavenly Tabernacle.
“And Sarai said vnto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from
bearing: I pray thee go in vnto my maid: it may bee that I may obtaine
children by her: and Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.
And Sarai Abrams wife, tooke Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, after Abram
had dwelt ten yeeres in the land of Canaan, and gaue her to her husband
Abram, to be his wife”
The prototype of Church of the Firstborn is “an handmaide, an
Egyptian, whose name was Hagar”. But let the reader not be confused
by the dark skin of the Egyptian. She says about herself: “Looke not
vpon me because I am blacke, because the Sunne hath looked vpon me”
(Song.1:6). To marry her, to go in unto her, means to begin ministry
together with her. After the expiration of time, Church of the first
born (Hagar) will be given to the Evangelist (Abram) as a “wife”, just
as Saul “had giuen Michal his daughter, Dauids wife, to Phalti the
sonne of Laish, which was of Gallim” (1Sam.25:44).
“¶ And he went in vnto Hagar, and she conceiued”
“Testifying both to the Iewes and also to the Greekes, repentance toward
God, and faith toward our Lord Iesus Christ”
(Acts 20:21), the Evangelist will gain many disciples. In the book of
Revelation, they are named “called, & chosen”; in the book “To
the Hebrews”, they are named “the generall assembly” (Heb.12:23).
Scripture prophetically says that chosen will neglect their mistress
(Gen.16:4). Here the mistress is a type of the people of Israel, because
they, “as touching the election”, are beloved for the sake of the
fathers, but as “concerning the Gospel”, they will be real
enemies (Rom.11:28) and will do a lot of evil.
“And Sarai said vnto Abram, My wrong be vpon thee: I haue giuen my maid
into thy bosome, and when shee saw that she had conceiued, I was
despised in her eyes: the LORD iudge betweene me and thee.”
The cause of Israel’s offense will be jealousy to God. Israel is kind of
complaining to God: “She’s making fun of me because of your relationship
with her.” Moses says:
“I will prouoke you to iealousie by them that are no people, & by a
foolish nation I will anger you.”
You can imagine how exactly Sarah, after the words: “doe to her as it
pleaseth thee” (Gen.16:6), began to deal with her maid. These were
measures of physical and moral pressure in order to create unbearable
conditions for life: slaps, insults, restriction of sleep, food and
Having this type before our eyes, one can understand the degree of
persecution of the Church of God during the harvest. Paul, before his
repentance (Acts.8:1‑3), at the moment of his repentance (Acts.9), and
after his epiphany, is a type of the people of Israel. So, Paul wrote:
“yee haue heard of my couuersation in time past, in the Iewes
Religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the Church of God”
(Gal.1:13), “made hauocke” (Acts.8:3), “compelled them to
blaspheme”, (Acts.26:11), “persecuted this way vnto the death”
(Acts.22:4), “breathing out threatnings & slaughter” (Acts.9:1).
In the 27th chapter of the book of 1 Samuel, beginning with verse 8, we
are figuratively shown how Israel will be punishing Church of God.
Ҧ And Dauid and his men went vp and inuaded the Geshurites, and the
Gezrites, and the Amalekites: for those nations were of old the
inhabitants of the land, as thou goest to Shur, euen vnto the land of
And Dauid smote the land, and left neither man nor woman aliue, and
tooke away the sheepe, and the oxen, and the asses, and the camels, and
the apparell, and returned, and came to Achish.
And Achish said, Whither haue ye made a rode to day? And Dauid said,
Against the South of Iudah, and against the South of the Ierahmeelites,
and against the South of the Kenites.”
This is how Israel will act, “and so will be his maner, all the while
he dwelleth in the countrey” of the north (1Sam.27:11). At this
time, the people of Israel will be in the service of the Babylonian
harlot, because when they are abandoned, the daughter of Pharaoh will
take him up for education. And she will take him vp and nourish “him
for her owne sonne” (Acts.7:21). It will happen in the presence of
the idoll shepheard (Zech.11:16-17). He will begin “to make warre
with the Saints”, and defeat them (Rev.13:7). Scripture reveals to
us his thoughts about Israel: “Hee hath made his people Israel
vtterly to abhorre” the Saints and faithful in heaven, “therefore
hee shall be my seruant for euer” (1Sam.27:12). The idoll shepheard
is shown in the person of Anchus. The image of David shows the people of
Israel, who will make a covenant with death (Is.28:18).
The illness of the Sonamite woman's son and his death (2Kings.4) is
another type of the persecution of the Church of God.
Ҧ And when the child was growen, it fell on a day that hee went out to
his father, to the reapers.
And he said vnto his father, My head, my head: and he said to a ladde,
Carie him to his mother.
And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, hee sate on
her knees till noone, and then died”
In this type, Scripture shows us the process of gathering a ripe
harvest. It is said: “the child was growen”. And so, the reaper's
hand cuts off the ripe ears with a reaper knife. The Babylonian harlot
will deprive people of their lives for the Word of God and for the
testimony they will have (Rev.6:9), through beheading them while sitting
on their knees: “hee sate on her knees till noone, and then died”.
The phrase “My head, my head” speaks about this execution.
Abram said to Sarah: “Behold, thy maid is in thy hand; doe to her as
it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, shee fled from
her face” (Gen.16:6).
Anyone who wants to save his life at this time will lose it, and the
one who will not pity her and will be killed “for the word of God”
(Rev.6:9‑11) will find it. He will receive the crown of life. The first
death, for a person executed for the word of God, Scripture compares
with the bite of a snake in the heel (Gen.3:15). It is painful, but not
fatal, because he “shall not be hurt of the second death”
(Rev.2:11), on such “the second death hath no power” (Rev.20:6).
But a defeat of the head, prophetically, means the second death. In
relation to the devil, the words of the Lord God, about the defeat of
the serpent's head, have a literal meaning yet. The Lord God spoke to
the serpent:
“And I will put enmitie betweene thee and the woman, and betweene thy
seed and her seed: it shal bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his
The seed of the serpent are the tares; “the tares are the children of
the wicked one” (Matt.13:38). The seed of the woman are the good
seed; “The good seed, are the children of the kingdome”.
In order not to be mistaken in understanding the prophetic meaning of
the verses, it is necessary to compare many types, checking your vision
of future events with each of them.
It is not for nothing that Scripture speaks with anxiety about the life
of Ishmael in the words of Abraham: “O that Ishmael might liue before
thee” (Gen.17:18). The question is structured in such a way that it
contains an affirmative answer: Ishmael will live before God! Ishmael in
two chapters (Gen.16,17) is a type of chosen.
These “which are arayed in white robes” (Rev.7:13) will remain
before the Throne of God, and serve Him “day and night in his Temple”
They will all be executed, but they will live, as it is said, before God
in heavenly Jerusalem. The phrase said to the servant: “Carie him to
his mother” means that the souls of people killed for the Word of
God will be moved by the Angels to the heavenly tabernacle “to his
mother” throughout the entire harvest time.
Ҧ And the Angel of the LORD found her by a fountaine of water, in the
wildernesse, by the fountaine, in the way to Shur”
The fountain of water in the wilderness is the “the Temple of God”
(Rev.11:19), “the Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in
heauen” (Rev.15:5). The prototype of this Temple is a well in the
field, above the mouth of which there is a large stone (Gen.29:2).
Currently, there is a barrier between God and man. But one day, this
barrier, like “the vaile of the Temple” (Matt.27:51), will be
removed, and then the previously hidden and invisible Lord God will be
During the harvest, the souls of those killed for the Word of God will
be gathered “vnder the altar”, which will stand at His feet at
the entrance to the “Holiest of all”. It is said: “shee fled
from her face” (Gen.16:6).
In the book of Revelation about this transmigration, the Scripture says:
“and her child was caught vp vnto God, and to his Throne”
Simon told Mary: “Yea a sword shall pearce thorow thy owne soule
also” (Luke.2:35). The intensity of the struggle will be so great
that the firstborns in the heavenly Tabernacle will begin to die, just
as a woman dies during childbirth “trauailing in birth, and pained to
be deliuered” (Rev.12:2). A disciple named Tabitha is a type of
Church of the first born in the heavenly Tabernacle.
“And it came to passe in those dayes that she was sicke, and died: whome
when they had washed, they laid her in an vpper chamber”
Rachel gave birth to her second son and died on the road during
childbirth, before reaching the city (Gen.35:16‑18). The Scriptures in
these verses show us Church of the first born, her difficult birth of
her second son, and her death along the way. But she will not get to the
heavenly Jerusalem “just a little way”. It is said prophetically:
“Lydda was nigh to Ioppa” (Acts.9:38).
Ҧ And they iourneyed from Bethel: and there was but a litle way to come
to Ephrath; and Rachel traueiled, and she had hard labour.
And it came to passe when shee was in hard labour, that the midwife said
vnto her, Feare not: thou shalt haue this sonne also.
And it came to passe as her soule was in departing, (for she died)...”
The second son of Church of the first born and the Evangelist ‑‑ these
are called; they will be 144,000 “of all the tribes of the children
of Israel” (Rev.7:4). Ishmael and the twelve princes who will be
born of him, this is another type of chosen, and called. God told
“And as for Ishmael, I haue heard thee: behold, I haue blessed him, and
will make him fruitfull, and will multiplie him exceedingly: Twelue
princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation”
“And also, of the sonne of the bond woman will I make a nation,
because he is thy seed” (Gen.21:13).
The “generall assembly” of chosen and called (Heb.12:23), as
“a great nation” in heaven, will sing the song of Moses and the song
of the Lamb (Rev.15:3).
Oracles of Jacob
Before his death, Jacob gathered his sons and predicted what would
happen to them in the last days. The Scripture in the words of Jacob
speaks of the last days; this is the time of the harvest lasting 49
years, this is the time of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the time of the future Millennium.
“And Iacob called vnto his sonnes, and said, Gather your selues
together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last
His predictions for Judas:
Ҧ Iudah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be
in the necke of thine enemies, thy fathers children shall bow downe
before thee.
Iudah is a Lyons whelpe: from the pray my sonne thou art gone vp: he
stouped downe, hee couched as a Lyon, and as an old Lyon: who shall
rouse him vp?
The scepter shall not depart from Iudah, nor a Law-giuer from betweene
his feete, vntill Shiloh come: and vnto him shall the gathering of the
people be:
Binding his foale vnto the vine, and his asses colt vnto the choice
vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of
His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milke.”
In this prophecy, Judah is a type of Jesus Christ. The conciliator will
come to the people of Israel and make a New Testament with them.
Therefore, the Scripture says that all 12 tribes of Israel who were in
the scattering until this time will gather to Him (James.1:1).
To Joseph, Jacob said the following prophecy:
Ҧ Ioseph is a fruitfull bough, euen a fruitfull bough by a well, whose
branches runne ouer the wall.
The archers haue sorely grieued him, and shot at him, and hated him.
But his bow abode in strength, and the armes of his hands were made
strong, by the hands of the mighty God of Iacob: from thence is the
Sheapheard, the stone of Israel,
Euen by the God of thy father who shall helpe thee, and by the
Almightie, who shall blesse thee with blessings of heauen aboue,
blessings of the deepe that lyeth vnder, blessings of the breasts and of
the wombe.
The blessings of thy father haue preuailed aboue the blessings of my
progenitors: vnto the vtmost bound of the euerlasting hils, they shall
bee on the head of Ioseph, and on the crowne of the head of him that was
separate from his brethren.”
The people of Israel, having all the necessary prophecies about the
birth of Jesus Christ, did not recognize Him. This is a prototype of the
future time; history will repeat itself. The people of Israel do not
recognize the Anointed One who now comes from the tribe of Joseph.
“For they that dwell at Hierusalem, & their rulers, because they knew
him not, nor yet the voices of the Prophets which are read euery Sabbath
they WILL FULFILL them “in condemning him” (Acts.13:27).
The inhabitants of Jerusalem in the near future will fulfill the words
of prophecy, read every Saturday day! Not finding in him any guilt
worthy of death, they will ask “Pilate” that “he should be slaine”
And this is not surprising, because the people of Israel for the first
time will begin to understand the Word of God only after the DAY of
Pentecost, although by that time they should have already become
teachers. And at the present time the whole Christian society is in a
similar infant state.
The Jews know about the coming of the Messiah and, in their own way,
expect Him. But the Christian society even has no idea about Him, though
Christians have at least some idea of a man of sin who will be accepted
in Israel as the Messiah. Neither Jews nor Christians have a complete
correct picture of future events, because neither ones nor the another
do not understand the prophetic meaning of the Word of God.
Types of the Evangelist in Scripture:
female (Gen.1:27); an helpe (Gen.2:18);
Abel (Gen.4); Enoch (Gen.5:24), (Heb.11:5);
Noah (Gen.6), (Heb.11:7); Abraham (Gen.18:7); a ladde (1Sam.20);
servant of Abraham (Gen.24:1); Joseph;
Hirah (Gen.38);
The scepter (Gen.49:10); the vine (Gen.49:11);
a starre out of Jacob (Num.24:17);
olive tree (Zech.4:11); BRANCH (Zech.3:8);
Shepherd, the stone of Israel (Gen.49:22‑26);
Moses; Joshua (Ex.17); Gideon (Judges.7);
“the captaine of the Lords hoste” (Joshua.5:15);
the child Samuel (1Sam.3); Samuel (1Sam.16); armour bearer (1Sam.14);
Saul's armour bearer (1Sam.16:21); David; Jonathan (1Sam.23:16-17);
ruler ouer Israel (1Sam.25:28‑30); Benaiah (2Sam.23:20‑23);
Eliiah the Tishbite (3Kings.17‑19); the son of a widow
Elisha (1Kings.19:17); Jehoiada (2Kings.11:4);
“Ezra the Priest, the Scribe, euen a Scribe of the words of the
commandements of the Lord” (Ezra.7);
Hanani (Nehem.1);
Nehemiah; Phinehas (Ps.106:30,31); Isaiah (Is.41:27);
Evangelist (2Tim.4:5);
“mine elect” (Is.42:1), “my messenger” (Is.42:19);
arme of the Lord (Is.51:9); lamb (Is.53:7); Jeremiah; Baruch
(Jer.36,45); Ezekiel;
King and shepherd (Ezek.37:24); Abdemelech the Ethiopian (Jer.38:10,11);
Daniel (Dan.2:48,49); Zerubbabel (Zech.4:6‑10); “my messenger”
Prince Michael; Starre in the East (Matt. 2:1‑10); Joseph (Matt.2); John
the Baptist;
Jesus; Christ (Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke);
Son of man (Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke) (Matt.26:64);
Son of God (Luke.22:70); a man of Cyrene, Simon (Matt.27:32);
Eutychus (Acts 20:7‑12); Paul (Acts20:17‑38) Agabus (Acts.21:10)
Cephas (1Cor.15:5); Archangel (1Thess.4:16), (Jude.1:9);
the Holy one, and the Just (Acts.3:14); a Prince and a Sauiour
Stephen (Acts.6‑8) Angel (Luke.2:13), (Luke.22:43), (Acts.12),
(Rev.20:1); Timothy;
Apostle (Heb.3:1); John (Rev.1‑10); “my faithful Martyr” (Rev.2:13);
The word of God (Rev.19:13); the Lambe (Rev.21:23), (Rev.22:1).
Scripture speaks of the Evangelist beginning with the first chapter of
the first book of the Bible and ends with the last chapter of the last
book. To investigate the ministry of the Evangelist, or to conduct other
research, it is necessary to know the sequence of future events. So, the
ability to find this sequence in books, chapters and verses of Scripture
allows us to find new types, and therefore details of future events. All
the types mentioned above have numerous connections with each other.
Here is not a complete list of the prototypes of the Evangelist. It is
not possible to list all the places in Scripture. References to verses
are not indicated in those places where they are not isolated.
The first witness of the resurrection of Christ
The person who becomes the first witness of the resurrection of Jesus
Christ after 2,000 years of His “deepe sleepe” (Gen.2:21) will
receive the spirit of prophecie. The type of the first witness is
Cephas. He was the first to see the resurrected Jesus. Paul, preaching
the gospel, writes; read prophetically:
“For I deliuered vnto you first of all, that which I also receiued, how
that Christ died for our sinnes according to the Scriptures:
And that he was buried, and that he rose againe the third day according
to the Scriptures.
And that he was seene of Cephas, then of the twelue.
And that hee was seene of aboue fiue hundred brethren at once: of whom
the greater part remaine vnto this present, but some are fallen asleepe.
After that, he was seen of Iames, then of all the Apostles.
And last of all he was seene of me also, as of one borne out of due
In these verses, Scripture lists in order the following, after Cephas,
the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These are: called, &
chosen, and faithfull, and the people of Israel.
The appearance of the Angel of the Lord to Moses in a flame of fire from
the midst of a bush is a prototype of calling of "Cephas" to the
prophetic ministry. The Lord told Moses that his brother would come out
to meet him. It is said: “he commeth foorth to meet thee: and when he
seeth thee, hee will be glad in his heart” (Ex.4:14). In this type
we are shown the meeting of the future Evangelist and the risen Jesus.
Aaron is a type of Jesus Christ.
In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we are shown in more detail calling
of “Cephas” to the prophetic ministry. The Angel of the Lord appeared to
Moses in a flame of fire, and John saw the Angel in a flame of fire, his
feet “like vnto fine brasse, as if they burned in a furnace”
(Rev.1:15). In the tenth chapter of the book, we are shown that the
Evangelist receives a special ministry: he “must prophesie againe
before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings” And this
will be the great ministry of the Prophet of the most high God, who will
go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways.
“And I tooke the little booke out of the Angels hand, and ate it vp, and
it was in my mouth sweet as honie: and as soone as I had eaten it, my
belly was bitter.
And he sayd vnto me, Thou must prophesie againe before many peoples, and
nations, and tongues, and kings”
Jeremiah, called by God to the ministry (Jer.1), is another type of
calling of the Evangelist to the prophetic ministry.
“Thy wordes were found, and I did eate them, and thy word was vnto mee,
the ioy and reioycing of mine heart: for I am called by thy Name, O Lord
God of hostes”
The phrase: “Thou must prophesie againe” says that this man
prophesied (prophesies) before. And his brothers hated him “for his
dreames, and for his words” (Gen.37:8).
God knew him before he was formed in the womb, and sanctified him before
he came out of the womb: he made him a Prophet unto the nations
(Jer.1:5). Even he himself will be asking, and look for great things for
himself. To which the Lord says to him:
“seeke them not: for behold, I wil bring euill vpon all flesh, saith the
Lord: but thy life will I giue vnto thee for a pray in all places
whither thou goest”
And least he “should bee exalted aboue measure through the abundance
of the reuelations”, there will be giuen to him “a thorne in the
flesh” (2Cor.12:7). He will be “a man ofsorrows, and acquainted
with griefe” (Is.53:3).
God promised Moses to raise up a Prophet like him to Israel:
“I will raise them vp a Prophet from among their brethren, like vnto
thee, and will put my wordes in his mouth, and hee shall speake vnto
them all that I shall command him”
The conventional interpretation of this verse is incorrect. Jesus Christ
cannot be a Prophet like Moses. In this verse, Scripture speaks of a man
from the tribe of Joseph who will be entrusted with a great ministry
according to prophecy (1Tim.1:18). He is chosen of the people for this
ministry and God will make a covenant with him (Ps.89:4). He will be
called by the Lord in righteousness (Is.42:6). His iniquities will be
forgiven and sins covered (Rom.4:7). It is said: “Who was before a
blasphemer, and a persecuter, and iniurious”, but he “obtained
mercie” (1Tim.1:13).
The calling of the Evangelist to the ministry, his sanctification and
his sending to preach the Word of God, is shown to us in the sixth
chapter of the book of Isaiah. The evangelist will be horrified to see
“the Lord sitting vpon a throne, high and lifted vp”. This is
understandable, a person who sees His formidable greatness and holiness
will experience the strongest fear, and will consider himself already
lost. His awareness of his sinful nature will become so acute that he
will blame himself in his thoughts. And even if he dares to speak, then,
because of the great fear, he will not be able to organize his speech.
He will consider himself highly unworthy to be in His presence.
Further, we are figuratively shown how, through a spiritual operation,
the iniquity of the Evangelist will be eliminated, and his sin will be
Ҧ Then sayd I; woe is me; for I am vndone, because I am a man of
vncleane lippes, and I dwell in the midst of a people of vncleane
lippes: for mine eyes haue seene the king, the Lord of hostes.
Then flew one of the Seraphims vnto mee, hauing a liue-cole in his hand,
which hee had taken with the tongs from off the altar.
And he laide it vpon my mouth, and sayd, Loe, this hath touched thy
lippes, and thine iniquitie is taken away, and thy sinne purged”
About this event in the book of Jeremiah it is said: “Then the Lord
put foorth his hand, and touched my mouth, and the Lord said vnto me,
Behold, I haue put my words in thy mouth” (Jer.1:9).
The Lord does not oppress anyone, does not force, and therefore, asking
the question: “who will goe for vs?” ‑ He will encourage the
Evangelist to accept the call to the ministry. And he voluntarily,
without compulsion, will accept the prophetic ministry. Having gained
confidence, he will be ready to face the greatest challenges.
The Father and the holy Ghost will sit “vpon a throne, high and
lifted vp” as King and Queen.
“Also I heard the voyce of the Lord, saying; Whom shall I send, and who
will goe for vs? Then I saide; Heere am I, send me”
When Israel sent Joseph to his brothers, he said to him:
“Doe not thy brethren feed the flocke in Shechem? Come, and I will send
thee vnto them: & he said to him, Here am I.”
“... and bring me word”
Joseph immediately obeyed the order of his father, who was concerned
about the welfare of the children.
The appearance of the Angel of the Lord to Moses in a flame of fire
(Ex.3), the communication of the father with Joseph (Gen.37), the word
of the Lord to Jeremiah (Jer.1) and the vision of John of the Angel
(Rev.1) are all types of the future appearance of God to the first
witness of the resurrection Jesus. He will be the only Prophet whom God
will know face to face (Deut.34:10).
According to worldly concepts, he will be absolutely unsuitable for this
ministry. His abilities will not be enough. He will not have authority
in society, he will not be able to flatter, please people, seeking his
own benefit and adapting. He is an ingenuous and inconspicuous person
(Is.53:2). In addition, he is a speechless person; he is slow of speech,
and of a slow tongue (Ex.4:10). But it is precisely such a person that
the Lord needs, he will not be able to rely on his abilities. His
strength will be made perfect “in weaknes” (2Cor.12:9). The Lord,
seeing his confusion, promises him.
“goe, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say”
“Say not, I am a childe: for thou shalt goe to all that I shall send
thee, and whatsoeuer I command thee, thou shalt speake”
He will be set “ouer the nations, and ouer the kingdomes, to roote
out, and to pull downe, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build and
to plant” (Jer.1:10). He will be “a man of strife, and a man of
contention to the whole earth” (Jer.15:10), fighting like a good
warrior. Foretelling a gloomy future for people who do not believe him,
he will become the object of daily ridicule and mockery (Jer.20:8), and
in moments of despair he will curse his birthday (Jer.20:14‑18).
Ҧ For I heard the defaming of many, feare on euery side. Report, say
they, and wee will report it: all my familiars watched for my halting,
saying; Peraduenture he will be enticed: and we shall preuaile against
him, and we shall take our reuenge on him”
Scripture shows us how a Prophet in prayer complains to the Lord about
all those who curse him. They will hate him as if he were a money
Ҧ Woe is mee, my mother, that that thou hast borne me a man of strife,
and a man of contention to the whole earth: I haue neither lent on
vsurie, nor men haue lent to me on vsurie, yet euery one of them doeth
curse me”
But no one can overpower him. He will not be confused. He will make his
face like flint, for he knows that he will not be put to shame (Is.50:7)
“He shall not faile nor be discouraged, till he haue set iudgement in
the earth”
The Lord tells him: “for I am with thee to deliuer thee”
He will pronounce judgment on Israel, will act “against the whole
land, against the kings of Iudah, against the princes thereof, against
the Priests thereof, and against the people of the land” (Jer.1:18).
But when they hear his voice, they will harden their hearts, as it was
already “in the prouocation, in the day of temptation in the
wildernesse” (Heb.3:8).
Joseph's brothers “hated him yet the more, for his dreames, and for
his words” asking, “Shalt thou indeed reigne ouer vs? or shalt
thou indeed haue dominion ouer vs?” (Gen.37:8). The people of Israel
will envy the Evangelist (Gen.37:11), and at the same time hate him.
God, sending him to the ministry, will tell him:
Ҧ And he sayd, Goe and tell this people; Heare yee indeede, but
vnderstand not: and see yee indeed, but perceiue not.
Make the heart of this people fat, and make their eares heauy, and shut
their eyes: lest they see with their eyes, and heare with their eares,
and vnderstand with their heart, and conuert and be healed”
The Lord says about Israel: “All day long I haue stretched foorth my
hands vnto a disobedient and gainesaying people” (Rom.10:21).
In a short period of time, before the seventh Angel sounds (Rev.11:15),
the people of Israel will have to deny Jesus Christ three times. They
will deliver the righteous man to crucifixion, declaring: “His blood
be on vs, and on our children” (Matt.27:25). Before the beginning of
the “seuen yeeres of famine” they will choose “Barabbas” by
mistake - they will make the son of perdition their leader. It is said:
“Now Barabbas was a robber” (John.18:40). They will deny Jesus
Christ a third time when they give consent and begin to serve the
Babylonian harlot. The Lord told Peter: “Before the cocke crow, thou
shalt deny me thrise” (Luke.22:61).
It is about the Evangelist that Scripture says: “The voyce of one
crying in the wildernes” (Matt.3:3). John the Baptist is his type.
Scripture in the book "To the Hebrews" says that he is a minister,
“for a testimonie of those things which were to be spoken after”
(Heb.3:5). The Scripture strictly warns the people of Israel so that on
the DAY of Pentecost, when they hear “his voyce” they will not
harden their hearts (Heb.3:7,8). Because for them this will be the last
opportunity to receive the King.
The obstacles standing in the way of the Evangelist will seem
insurmountable (Zech.4:7). But, ultimately, on the eve of the DAY of
Pentecost, “Euery valley shalbe exalted, and euery mountaine and hill
shalbe made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough
places plaine” (Is.40:4).
Jesus, accusing the Pharisees, told them: “Iohn came vnto you in the
way of righteousnesse, and ye beleeued him not” (Matt.21:32). All
those who persecute him “shall not preuaile, they shall be greatly
ashamed, for they shall not prosper” (Jer.20:11). The name of every
person who “will not heare that Prophet” will be blotted out from
the book of life, “their euerlasting confusion shall neuer be
forgotten” (Jer.20:11).
“And it shall come to passe, that euery soule which will not heare that
Prophet, shalbe destroyed from among the people”
Sonne of man
The disciples who were shown a future event, the baptism with holy Ghost
on the DAY of Pentecost (Mark 9:2‑7), asked Jesus about Elijah.
11 Ҧ And they asked him, saying, Why say the Scribes that Elias must
first come?” (Mark.9:11).
Three verses (Mark.9:11‑13) in one paragraph express one thought
prophetically. Scripture speaks about the Evangelist: about the time of
his coming: “must first come”, about his ministry: he
“restores everything”, and his humiliation, because they do not
recognize him. Three verses are combined into one topic.
So the Evangelist will come before the DAY of Pentecost and make
EVERYTHING. Scripture calls him: Elijah and the Son of man.
12 “... Elias verely commeth first, and restoreth al things, and how
it is written of the Sonne of man, that he must suffer many things, and
be set at nought.”
13 They will deal unto him “as it is written of him” (Mark.9:13).
14 ¶ ...
Paragraphs in the King James Bible marked with ¶ can be one or more
verses. This sign shows us the beginning of a new prophetic context, of
which there may be several in one chapter.
And also, in a Word document, this sign denotes a hidden formatting mark
that denotes the place where the ENTER key was pressed. After this
hidden character, a new paragraph begins.
Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham
In the 11th chapter of the book “To the Hebrews,” Scripture, using the
life of the first patriarchs, shows us the most important events that
will occur during the harvest, starting with the first and ending with
the last days. In this chapter, the Evangelist is shown to us in types:
Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham. It will be correct if we consider them in a
different order: Enoch, Noah, Abel, Abraham.
“By faith Enoch was translated, that he should not see death, and was
not found, because God had translated him: For before his translation he
had this testimonie, that he pleased God”
Scripture prophetically says: God “appeared againe in Shiloh: for the
Lord reueiled himselfe to Samuel in Shiloh, by the word of the Lord”
(1Sam.3:21). Somewhere today there is an unremarkable man of the tribe
of Joseph who has received “this testimonie, that he pleased God.”
This will be a simple person who will not be able to boast of his
nobility or power. In him there will be “no beautie that we should
desire him” (Is.53:2). To “confound the wise”, and “to
confound the things which are mighty” (1Cor.1:27‑28), God will
choose a person who is not guided by worldly wisdom.
One can imagine what feelings a person who has been chosen for a great
ministry. The prayer of David, whom God took from the flock of sheep to
be the leader of Israel (2Sam.7:8), allows us to understand these
feelings: “Who am I, O Lord God? and what is my house, that thou hast
brought me hitherto?” (2Sam.7:18).
A person, who caught up to the third heaven, will be dedicated to a
special ministry. Scripture in the words of Paul prophetically says:
“I knewe a man in Christ ... such a one, caught vp to the third heauen
... (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell, God
knoweth.)” (2Cor.12:2‑3). In the Gospel of Luke, this event is
modestly indicated in the verse “the word of God came vnto Iohn the
sonne of Zacharias, in the wildernesse” (Luke.3:2).
The future Evangelist will prepare the heavenly Tabernacle, just as Noah
prepared the Ark for the salvation of his house.
“By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seene as yet, moued
with feare, prepared an Arke to the sauing of his house, by the which he
condemned the world, and became heire of the righteousnesse which is by
He will sanctify the Tabernacle of heaven, just as Moses set up and
sanctified the Tabernacle of the Congregation. The Lord said to Moses:
“And thou shalt take the annoynting oyle, and annoynt the Tabernacle and
all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the vessels thereof:
and it shalbe holy”
When Noah built the Ark, he made compartments in it, which is a type of
the two compartments in the Tabernacle of heaven. Noah tarred the Ark
inside and out, a type of the consecration of the heavenly Tabernacle
with the oil of the anointing.
Ҧ Make thee an Arke of Gopher-wood: roomes shalt thou make in the arke,
and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch”
To the Evangelist, like as Noah (Gen.6:15-16), and Moses (Ex.26:30) will
be given a pattern according to which he will have to prepare the
heavenly Tabernacle.
“A window shalt thou make to the arke, and in a cubite shalt thou finish
it aboue; and the doore of the arke shalt thou set in the side thereof:
With lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it”
“A window shalt thou make to the arke”
is a type of a narrow corridor in the waters of the great deep. The
great deep, “the kings poole” (Neh.2:14), separates the second
heaven from the third one. Regarding a man, it is like an endless block
of ice, with a temperature close to absolute zero. Church of the first
born will pass through this window “aboue” on the day of their
rapture. The waters of the deep will be “a wall vnto them on their
right hand, and on their left” (Ex.14:22).
The door of the ark “in the side thereof” is the door of the
Tabernacle of heaven, which must be closed for the entire time of
service in it. Church of the first born will hide from the storm
“vnder the shadowe” of the most High, like the chicks who find
protection under the wings of the hen “vntill these calamities bee
ouerpast” (Ps.57:1). And no one will leave the heavenly Tabernacle
until the “youngest brother” comes there (Gen.42:15).
The Evangelist is the first of sinners to whom righteousness is imputed
by faith in the word of God, therefore he is called the first born.
Scripture, as it were, says on his behalf:
“This is a faithfull saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ
Iesus came into the world to saue sinners, of whom I am chiefe”
All people who received the baptism with word of God during the harvest
will be called his sons. God will bless him with numerous posterity,
because they will only believe the word of God “through him”
(John.1:7). They will be imputed righteousness by faith, and he will
become “a father of many nations” (Gen.17:5). In him “shall
all nations be blessed” (Gal.3:8).
“Euen as Abraham beleeued God, and it was accounted to him for
Therefore, all believers are the sons of “Abraham” (Gal.3:7),
prophetically -- of the Evangelist. In the future, his offspring will
not be counted (Gen.15:5).
The first purpose of the Evangelist is “To open the blind eyes”.
He will be set as an example for those who are further to believe in
Jesus Christ “to life euerlasting” (1Tim.1:16). God says about
“Behold my seruant whome I vphold, mine elect in whom my soule
delighteth: I haue put my Spirit vpon him, he shall bring forth
iudgement to the Gentiles.
Hee shall not crie, nor lift vp, nor cause his voyce to bee heard in the
A bruised reed shall he not breake, and the smoking flaxe shall hee not
quench: he shall bring forth iudgment vnto trueth.
He shall not faile nor be discouraged, till he haue set iudgement in the
earth: and the yles shall waite for his lawe.”
Scripture from the name of God says to the Evangelist:
“I the Lord haue called thee in righteousnes, and wil hold thine hand,
and will keepe thee, and giue thee for a couenant of the people, for a
light of the Gentiles:
To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and
them that sit in darkenesse out of the prison house”
God will call one man chosen by Him, bless him and make an eternal
covenant with him and with his descendants. Joseph, who served “in
the house of his master the Egyptian” (Gen.39:2), is a type of the
Evangelist. The LORD was with him (Gen.39:3), and therefore Joseph
received the complete trust of his master and the authority “in all
his house”, like Moses (Heb.3:2).
“And Ioseph found grace in his sight, and he serued him; and hee made
him ouerseer ouer his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.
... the LORD blessed the Egyptians house for Iosephs sake: and the
blessing of the LORD was vpon all that he had in the house, and in the
Scripture, as if on behalf of the Evangelist, says: “I foresaw the
Lord alwayes before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should
not be moued” (Acts.2:25).
God, having made a covenant with him, will swear by His holiness
(Ps.89:35). God says:
“Also I will make him my first borne: higher then the kings of the
My mercy will I keepe for him for euermore: and my couenant shall stand
fast with him.”
“My couenant will I not breake: nor alter the thing that is gone out of
my lippes”
“And I will make thee exceeding fruitfull, and I will make nations of
thee, and Kings shall come out of thee.
And I will establish my couenant betweene me and thee, and thy seede
after thee, in their generations for an euerlasting couenant, to bee a
God vnto thee, and to thy seed after thee”
Currently, there is no covenant between God and man. People are
religious and do not trust the Scriptures, but “without faith it is
impossible to please” God. One should distinguish between faith in
God and faith of God. Faith of God means faith in His Word, which must
be received “not as the word of men, but (as it is in trueth) the
word of God” (1Thess.2:13).
The Evangelist will live on earth as in a foreign country, for he will
wait for “a citie which hath foundations, whose builder and maker”
will be God (Heb.11:10).
The second Abraham will build the foundation of the new Jerusalem
(Temple not made by hands). Scripture calls this foundation the
foundation “of the Apostles and Prophets” (Eph.2:20). The
Evangelist will choose the Apostles and send them out to the ministry.
People who preach the Kingdom of God during the harvest are called
prophets. Their future ministry is described in the book ҦActs of the
Now, consider the types from the 11th chapter of the book “To the
Hebrews”, which show us the ministry of the Evangelist.
“By faith Abel offered vnto God a more excellent sacrifice then Kain, by
which he obtained witnes that he was righteous, God testifying of his
gifts: and by it he being dead, yet speaketh.”
The Evangelist will willingly give his life. The Scriptures say in the
words of Paul on behalf of the Evangelist: “I am ready, not to bee
bound onely, but also to die at Hierusalem for the Name of the Lord
Iesus” (Acts.21:13). Thanks to this sacrifice, “he being dead”
will continue to speak. The gifts brought by him are the souls of those
killed for the word of God, which can only be caught up “vnto God,
and to his Throne” through death (Rev.12:5).
Abel and Cain were brothers, like the Son of God and Lucifer.
“And in processe of time it came to passe, that Cain brought of the
fruite of the ground, an offering vnto the LORD.
And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flocke, and of the
fat thereof: and the LORD had respect vnto Abel, and to his offering.
But vnto Cain, and to his offring he had not respect: and Cain was very
wroth, and his countenance fell”
In this type we are shown the Evangelist and the beast from the sea
(Rev.13:1), who will oppose him. The 70th week in the book of Revelation
begins with John's vision of a rider on a white horse (Rev.6:2), he is
called a prince, and it ends with a vision of a rider sitting on a white
horse (Rev.19:11). The first rider is a false messiah, the second is the
Lord from heaven. Two princes will oppose each other, just as Christ
opposes the devil. The peak will come on the DAY of Pentecost, and their
conflict will be completely resolved in the final battle.
“By faith Abraham when he was tried, offered vp Isaac: and he that had
receiued the promises, offered vp his onely begotten sonne,
Of whom it was said, That, in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
Accounting that God was able to raise him vp, euen from the dead: from
whence also he receiued him in a figure”
Abraham, who laid his only begotten son on the altar, and Abel, who
offered “from the firstborn of his flock”, these are types of the
ministry of the first witness. Note that Abel’s offering is plural.
“Abel” WILL BRING “of the firstlings of his flocke” (Gen.4:4).
The verse (Heb.11:19) shows that the soul of the slain, whom “God is
able to rise up” is the figure of his body. It is said: “also he
receiued him in a figure.”
From verse 20 of the book of Hebrews to the end of the chapter,
Scripture shows us all the significant events that relate to Israel
during the last seven years of the harvest (Dan.9:27).
“a bloody husband art thou to mee”
Zipporah called her husband bloody (Ex.4:25,26). Scripture
characterizes the ministry of the Evangelist with the word “bloody”;
a such it will be in the eyes of Church of the first born.
“Surely a bloody husband art thou to mee”
“Zipporah tooke a sharpe stone, and cut off the foreskinne of her sonne”
(Ex.4:25). The circumcision of the foreskin of a son is a type of chosen
who give their lives for the Word of God. Their souls, separated from
the flesh, will be under the altar in the Tabernacle of heaven
“he rolled a great stone to the doore of the sepulchre, and departed”
Telling about the burial of Jesus (Matt.27:59,60), (Mark.15:46‑47),
Scripture shows us the structure of the heavenly Tabernacle. The large
stone that was rolled against the door of the sepulcher, closing the
entrance to it, is a type of the first section of the heavenly
Tabernacle. Faithful will be in it, and by the end of the harvest there
will also be many “soules of them that were slaine for the word of
God” (Rev.6:9) ‑ these are chosen.
Scripture prophetically speaks about them: “And there was Mary
Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting ouer against the sepulchre”
(Matt.27:61). Two “Mary”, faithful and chosen, will sit opposite
the “sepulchre”.
The second compartment of the Heavenly Tabernacle (þe Holiest of all) in
this type is the sepulcher. There will be the heavenly God and also
Jesus Christ, performing the function of the high Priest. The high
Priest will be dressed in “the holy linnen coate” (Lev.16:4) made
of a clean linen cloth.
“And when Ioseph had taken the body, hee wrapped it in a cleane linnen
And laide it in his owne newe tombe, which he had hewen out in the
rocke: and he rolled a great stone to the doore of the sepulchre, and
In the type of a rich man who will arrange all this “is God”
(Heb.3:4). But also, the Scripture shows us here the ministry of the
Evangelist, “who also himselfe was Iesus disciple” (Matt.27:57).
“for thus it becommeth vs to fulfill all righteousnesse”
The Evangelist will dedicate the high Priest and his Priests to the
ministry in the heavenly Tabernacle. In the eighth chapter of the book
of Leviticus, this event is shown in the ceremony of hallowing of Aaron
and his sons. The Lord will command to make this dedication “by the
hand of Moses” (Lev.8:36). He will wash with water body of Jesus
Christ and wrap it “in a clean linen cloth” (Matt.27:59).
“And Moses brought Aaron and his sonnes, and washed them with water.
And he put vpon him the coate, and girded him with the girdle, and
clothed him with the robe, and put the Ephod vpon him, and he girded him
with the curious girdle of the Ephod, and bound it vnto him therewith”
The coate is a linen garment in the form of a long shirt (Lev.16:4). The
dedication by “Moses” of Aaron and his sons to serve in the heavenly
Tabernacle corresponds to the phrase: “he rolled a great stone to the
doore of the sepulchre, and departed”.
The baptism of Jesus by John in the waters of the Jordan is another type
of Christ's consecration to serve in the heavenly Tabernacle.
Ҧ Then commeth Iesus from Galilee to Iordane, vnto Iohn, to be baptized
of him:
But Iohn forbade him, saying, I haue need to bee baptized of thee, and
commest thou to me?
And Iesus answering, said vnto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it
becommeth vs to fulfill all righteousnesse. Then he suffered him”
In the 16th chapter of 1 Samuel, this event is shown to us in another
“Then Samuel tooke the horne of oile, and annointed him in the midst of
his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came vpon Dauid, from that day
forward: So Samuel rose vp and went to Ramah”
“And he powred of the anointing oile vpon Aarons head, and anointed him,
to sanctifie him.”
After this dedication, the Spirit will immediately lead Jesus Christ and
his “brothers” to the heavenly Tabernacle (Mark.1:12). Further
ministry of the Evangelist will take place on earth. Scripture says:
“and departed” (Matt.27:60), “rose vp and went” (1Sam.16:13).
After the anointing, “David” will return to feed his father's sheep,
although his three brothers will go to the camp.
“But Dauid went, and returned from Saul, to feed his fathers sheepe at
When Joseph detained his brothers, under the pretext that they were
looking for nakednes of the land, he said to them:
“Send one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and ye shalbe kept in
The brothers detained in prison are a type of the first born in the
Tabernacle of heaven, and one of them, sent for a youngest brother, is a
type of the Evangelist. The Evangelist, having received the ministry to
preach the Gospel of the grace of God (Acts.20:24), will leave the
heavenly Tabernacle to bring chosen into it.
“By faith Abraham when he was called to goe out into a place which hee
should after receiue for an inheritance, obeyed, and he went out, not
knowing whither he went”
Despite the fact that Joseph made a different decision on the third day,
this does not affect the prophetic meaning of this verse (Gen.42:16).
Joseph's decision to leave one brother hostage and release the rest is a
type of further events in the heavenly Tabernacle. We are shown the time
when the high Priest will be delivered into the hands of the devil and
his angels, in fact, to destroy. To justify “many” He must give
His soul to death. Without this sacrifice, the great Victory will not be
achieved. That is why the Scripture in the words of Joseph prophetically
says: “This doe, and liue” (Gen.42:18).
“If ye be true men, let one of your brethren be bound in the house of
your prison: goe ye ...”
“But all this was done, that the Scriptures of the Prophets might be
fulfilled. Then all the Disciples forsooke him, and fled”
“Prouide mee now a man, that can play well, and bring him to me”
In 1 Samuel chapter 16, Scripture shows us how the successful ministry
of the Evangelist will have a beneficial effect on the ministry of the
high Priest in the Tabernacle of heaven. The days will come (Matt.9:15)
when the high Priest will move from the first section of the heavenly
Tabernacle to its second section - þe Holiest of all. In the image of
Saul, we are shown Jesus Christ in the tabernacle of heaven tempted by
the devil. Scripture shows us how the devil, “an euil spirit from the
Lord” by his opposition to Christ, will revolt Him:
Ҧ But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an euil spirit
from the Lord troubled him”
From that day on and after, the Spirit of the Lord will rest on the
Evangelist (1Sam.16:13). God says: “I haue put my Spirit vpon him”
(Is.42:1). Scripture on behalf of the Evangelist says:
“The Spirit of the Lord is vpon mee, because hee hath anointed mee, to
preach the Gospel to the poore, he hath sent mee to heale the broken
hearted, to preach deliuerance to the captiues, and recouering of sight
to the blinde, to set at libertie them that are bruised,
To preach the acceptable yeere of the Lord”
The beginning of Jesus' ministry, after His temptation from the devil,
shown to us in the Gospels: accordance to Matthew, accordance to Mark,
and accordance to Luke, is a type of the ministry of the Evangelist. The
Evangelist will have complete independence in making decisions related
to his ministry. His ministry, like skillfully playing the harp, will
restore the strength of Jesus Christ, and He will be well.
“Let our lord now command thy seruants which are before thee, to seeke
out a man, who is a cunning player on an harpe: and it shall come to
passe when the euill spirit from God is vpon thee, that hee shall play
with his hand, and thou shalt be well”
We are shown the qualities of the Evangelist on the eve of Pentecost.
He, having reached old age, will be an old man “among men”
“And Saul said vnto his seruants, Prouide mee now a man, that can play
well, and bring him to me.
Then answered one of the seruants, and said, Behold, I haue seene a
sonne of Iesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a
mighty valiant man, and a man of warre, and prudent in matters, and a
comely person, and the Lord is with him”
David, called by Saul, and the gifts sent to Saul: bread, wine, and a
kid, show us the collection and preparation for the wedding feast.
Ҧ Wherefore Saul sent messengers vnto Iesse, and said, Send me Dauid
thy sonne, which is with the sheepe.
And Iesse tooke an asse laden with bread, and a bottle of wine, and a
kid, and sent them by Dauid his sonne vnto Saul”
The last verses of chapter 16 show us the appointment of Prince Michael
as the second under Jesus Christ, and also show the final battle and
casting of the devil into the bottomless pit.
“And Dauid came to Saul, and stood before him: and hee loued him
greatly, and hee became his armour bearer.
And Saul sent to Iesse, saying, Let Dauid, I pray thee, stand before me:
for hee hath found fauour in my sight.”
John, who wrote the book of Revelation, saw “David” who had already
become Saul's “armour bearer”:
“And I saw an Angel come down from heauen, hauing the key of the
bottomles pit, & a great chaine in his hand.
And hee laid hold on the dragon that old serpent, which is the deuill
and Satan, and bound him a thousand yeres”
The prototype of this “armour bearer” is Benaiah, “who had
done many actes, he slew two lion-like men of Moab: hee went downe also,
and slewe a Lyon in the middest of a pit in time of snow”
(2Sam.23:20). Two lion-like people will only look like people. These are
a beast from the sea and a beast from the earth, “that wrought
miracles before him”. They will be seized and both will be cast
“aliue into a lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Rev.19:20), just
as “the Kings of Sodome & Gomorrah fled, and fell” into the
slime-pits (Gen.14:10).
The third being to be slain by Saul's “armour bearer” is not
nearly human. This is the devil himself. Scripture speaks figuratively ‑
Leo. “Benaiah”, descending from heaven, will throw him into the
bottomless pit (Rev.20:3).
In the type of David, who found favor in the eyes of Saul, Scripture
shows us the Evangelist who became over “guard” (2Sam.23:23),
(1Chron.11:25) of Jesus Christ.
The “euill spirit” (1Sam.16:23), who departed, was the devil
locked in a bottomless pit.
“follow me”
The Evangelist will teach people publicly and from house to house for 30
years, testifying “both to the Iewes and also to the Greekes,
repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Iesus Christ”
(Acts.20:21). He will open the eyes of many blind people (Is.42:7),
persuading and turning away them away from worshiping other gods
(Acts.19:26). And all this time the Pharisees will fight against him,
but they will not overcome him.
"¶ Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him ..."
In Acts chapter 20, we are figuratively shown his farewell to his
disciples. At the end of the ministry, bonds and afflictions will await
him (Acts.20:23). Scripture says on his behalf:
“I haue fought a good fight, I haue finished my course, I haue kept the
In the last chapter of book 2, Timothy is shown his departure. As soon
as the third Temple is built in Jerusalem, the Evangelist will be
executed. This will happen before the beginning of the ministry in it.
Delivering of Jesus into the hands of the chief Priests and elders is a
type of delivering of the Evangelist by the people of Israel. It will be
valued by them at thirty silver coins.
“Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Ieremie the Prophet,
saying, And they tooke the thirtie pieces of siluer, the price of him
that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value”
In the three synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, we are shown the
earthly life of Jesus Christ. Men of God, presenting events, used their
perception of reality, their subjective judgments and concepts.
Therefore, the earthly life of Jesus Christ is shown to us in the word
of men (1Thess.2:13), in plain text. But the prophetic meaning of the
Scriptures is conveyed to us by the Author Himself. In the synoptic
Gospels, if we accept them as the Word of God, we are shown the ministry
of the Evangelist.
When the soldiers, laughing at Jesus, led Him to be crucified, “they
found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to beare his
Crosse” (Matt.27:32).
In the person of Simon, we are shown the Evangelist “coming out of
the country” (Luke.23:26), (Mark.15:21). He will follow Jesus
wherever He pleases and will do whatever is in His heart (1Sam.14:7).
He says about himself: “For I am now readie to bee offered, and the
time of my departure is at hand” (2Tim.4:6). Showing us his
aspiration for a heavenly country, Scripture says that he will hasten,
“if it were possible for him, to be at Hierusalem the day of
Pentecost” (Acts.20:16).
At the moment of his handing over into the hands of sinners, the
Scripture on his behalf says: “no man stood with mee, but all men
forsooke mee” (2Tim.4:16). He, as a true Shepherd, will give his
life for the sheep.
Scripture, pointing to the feat of the Evangelist, speaks of the blood
of Abel. In the 12th chapter of the book “To the Hebrews”, Scripture,
listing the inhabitants of the heavenly city, among others, names Jesus
Christ as the Mediator of the New Testament and the Evangelist who
follows Him. These two will accomplish the “great saluation”
(1Sam.14:45), but the blood of sprinkling of the New Testament will
speak “better things then that of Abel” (Heb.12:24).
The Lord God says about the Evangelist: “by his knowledge shall my
righteous seruant iustifie many: for hee shall beare their iniquities”
(Is.53:11). In Isaiah chapter 53, Scripture shows us the Evangelist and
the redemptive meaning of his suffering.
In the 14th chapter of the book of 1 Samuel, the Scriptures show us the
feats of Jesus Christ and the Evangelist. Jonathan said to his servant:
“Come, and let vs goe ouer to the Philistines garison, that is on the
other side” (1Sam.14:1) “and we will discouer our selues vnto
them” (1Sam.14:8).
Jesus revealed Himself to the world, and the world hated Him
(John.15:18). The Evangelist who preaches the word, denounces,
reproaches and exhorts “with all long suffering & doctrine”
(2Tim.4:2) will also become hated in the world and will be executed.
Jesus and the Evangelist are not of this world; their homeland is in
heaven. Therefore, it is said that they “goe ouer to the Philistines
garison,” which is located “on the other side” And their path
is “betweene the passages” (1Sam.14:4); it passes through the
death of the Cross.
Ҧ And betweene the passages, by which Ionathan sought to go ouer vnto
the Philistines garison, there was a sharpe rocke on the one side, and a
sharp rocke on the other side: and the name of the one was Bozez, and
the name of the other Seneh”
With Jesus were crucified “two theeues”, “one on the right hand, and
another on the left” (Matt.27:38). The name of one robber is Bozez,
the name of another is Seneh (1Sam.14:4).
Jonathan said “to the young man that bare his armour”: “Come...”, “it
may be that the Lord will worke for vs: for there is no restraint to the
Lord, to saue by many, or by few” (1Sam.14:6).
The Lord will grant a great Victory “by few”, through the two
Anointed ones, who will ascend to heaven and stand beside the Lord of
the whole earth (Zech.4:14).
Jonathan told the armour bearer: “If they say thus vnto vs, Tary“,
“then wee will stand still in our place, and will not goe vp vnto them”
“But if they say thus, Come vp”,“then we will goe vp”
“And his armour bearer sayd vnto him, Doe all that is in thine heart:
turne thee, behold, I am with thee, according to thy heart”
And so, the “Gouernour” asks a question to the people: “What
shall I doe then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They all sayde vnto
him, Let him be crucified” (Matt.27:22).
Crucifixion is the most painful death ever invented by man. It is only
in films that a person crucified on a cross is shown motionless. Jesus,
leaning on his legs and arms nailed by nails, had to lift his own body.
These movements were necessary for breathing. Since the ventilation of
the lungs was difficult, and physiological reflexes demanded from Him
deeper breathing, He involuntarily moved up and down faster and faster,
despite the excruciating pain. Suffocation made Him make these efforts.
His forced movement on the Cross up and down, Scripture shows us,
describing the efforts of Jonathan, when he ascended the mountain:
“And Ionathan climed vp vpon his hands, and vpon his feete”.
The execution of the Evangelist on the cross in the future is confirmed
by the phrase: “and his armour bearer after him” (1Sam.14:13).
The people of Israel, driven by envy, will deny the Holy one, and the
Just, and will ask to grant them “a murderer” (Acts.3:14). This
murderer is named; he is a beast from the sea (Rev.13:1), which will be
accepted by Israel as a man from the LORD.
“And Ionathan climed vp vpon his hands, and vpon his feete, and his
armour bearer after him: and they fell before Ionathan; and his armour
bearer slew after him”
The first part of the verse (1Sam.14:13) shows us the death of Jesus and
the Evangelist on the cross, and the second part shows the second coming
of the Lord Jesus Christ and the defeat of all those who rebelled
“against the Lord, and against his Anoynted” (Ps.2:2). The rebels
will be killed with the sword of Prince Michael. He is shown in the form
of a young man who was dressed in the armor of Jonathan and “bare his
armour” (1Sam.14:6). It is said: “armour bearer slew”.
In another prototype, this event is described by the words:
“Dauid tooke an harpe, and played with his hand ... and the euill spirit
departed from him”
“And there was trembling in the hoste, in the field, and among all the
people: the garison and the spoilers, they also trembled, and the earth
quaked: so it was a very great trembling”
In the type of a pair of oxen cultivating the field, we are shown two
Anointed ones cultivating the hearts of people with their ministry
(1Sam.14:14), whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.
Woman Iezebel
In the 39th chapter of Genesis we are shown the master's wife, who
persistently tries to seduce the servant into fornication.
Ҧ And it came to passe after these things, that his masters wife cast
her eyes vpon Ioseph, and shee said, Lie with me”
In her face, we are shown the “сhristian сhurch”, which has
received a special status in the state. Woman Jezebel, who teaches and
seduces people to commit fornication (Rev.2:20) is her type. And
everyone who goes to bed with her (accepts her doctrine) will know the
depthes of Satan. This harlot will tempt the Evangelist for many years,
but he will be adamant. His execution is shown to us in the attempt of
his wife to force Joseph to commit fornication.
“And shee caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left
his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out”
Before the crucifixion, Jesus was stripped naked; and the Evangelist's
clothes will also be taken off. The phrase: “fled, and got him out”
shows us the rapture of his soul “vnto God, and to his Throne”
Calling the people of her house, she, justifying herself, said: “See,
he hath brought in an Hebrew vnto vs, to mocke vs: he came in vnto me to
lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice” (Gen.39:14).
Paul, going to Jerusalem, said: “After I haue bin there, I must also
see Rome” (Acts.19:21). At the end of his ministry, the evangelist,
having visited Jerusalem, will also see another city, in which behind
thick walls and high gates (Jer.51:58) there will be the sovereign
territory of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Kremlin will turn into a
city‑state “Vatican”. The city itself will be the third and last Babylon
in human history.
“Yong man, I say vnto thee, Arise”
In the 7th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Scripture, using types, speaks
of the resurrection of the Evangelist. Consider them:
“Now when hee had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people,
hee entred into Capernaum”
In other words, when the Evangelist completes his ministry, he,
“bound in the spirit”, will go to Jerusalem (Acts.20:22). There,
accused of blasphemy, he will be brought before the Jewish court, then
crucified and killed by the hands of the authorities.
Scripture names a sign when this will happen. Luke chapter 7 verse 5
speaks of a synagogue that was built. The synagogue built, in this type,
is the third Temple built in Jerusalem. It will be built by the first
settlers returning to Jerusalem from captivity.
Further, in the person of the centurion, Jesus Christ is shown to us,
who, being in the first compartment of the heavenly Tabernacle, will
intercede with God so that He “would come and heale his seruant”
(Luke.7:3). The whole Church of the first born will intercede,
“beseeching him”. They will ask God “instantly, saying, that hee
was worthy for whome hee should doe this” (Luke.7:4). She is shown
to us in the persons of the elders of the Jews.
“And a certaine Centurions seruant, who was deare vnto him, was sicke
and ready to die.”
And “he sent vnto him the Elders of the Iewes, beseeching him that he
would come and heale his seruant” (Luke.7:2‑3).
His servant will be “taken vp dead” to the third heaven
(Acts.20:9). Scripture figuratively shows us how Jesus Christ asks God
in prayer:
“I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe ... but say
in a worde, and my seruant shall bee healed.”
And God will hear the voice of the high Priest and the entire
congregation. The soul of this child will return to him, and he will
come to life (1Kings.17:22). The book of 1 Kings describes the
resurrection of a widow's son. In this prototype, Church (believers in
the Word of God) is shown as the mistress of the house, the Church of
the first born is called a widow, the Evangelist is shown as her only
son, and Jesus Christ in the heavenly Tabernacle is shown as the man of
God who lives on the upper floor.
“And shee sayd vnto Eliiah, What haue I to doe with thee? O thou man of
God! Art thou come vnto me to call my sinne to remembrance, and to slay
my sonne?
And he said vnto her, Giue me thy sonne. And he tooke him out of her
bosome, and caried him vp into a loft, where he abode, and laide him
vpon his owne bed.
And hee cried vnto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, hast thou also
brought euill vpon the widow, with whom I soiourne, by slaying her
And he stretched himselfe vpon the child three times, and cried vnto the
Lord, and said; O Lord my God, I pray thee, let this childes soule come
into him againe.
And the Lord heard the voice of Eliiah, and the soule of the child came
into him againe, and he reuiued.
And Eliiah tooke the childe, and brought him downe out of the chamber
into the house, and deliuered him vnto his mother: and Eliiah said, See,
thy sonne liueth.”
In this type we are shown that the widow's son was buried after “that
there was no breath left in him”. And the man of God, taking him
from the depths, lifted him into the upper room. Further, we see the
intercession of Church of the first born and the intercession of Jesus
Christ before God: “And hee cried vnto the Lord”. The concluding
verse, conveying the woman's emotions, shows us joy and wonder of the
people who will see the resurrected Evangelist. After all, their eyes
will open: “Now by this I know, that thou (the Evangelist) art
a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is trueth”
Scripture says that before this event, people's attitude towards him
will be completely different:
“He is despised and reiected of men, a man ofsorrows, and acquainted
with griefe: and we hid as it were our faces from him; hee was despised,
and wee esteemed him not”
In chapter 20 of the book “Acts” Scripture shows us: the rapture of the
Church of the firstborn, their meeting in the heavenly Tabernacle, the
feast of unleavened bread in it and the long absence of one brother
named “Eutychus” (Acts 20:8-12). In the person of a young man, we are
shown the Evangelist sent for a youngest brother (Gen.42:16). He will be
raised up dead to the third floor ...
In the 7th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Scripture, telling about the
resurrection of the youth of Nain by Jesus, continues to speak of the
resurrection of the Evangelist.
“Now when he came nigh to the gate of the citie, behold, there was a
dead man caried out, the onely sonne of his mother, and shee was a
widow: and much people of the citie was with her”
This prototype shews Church as a widow, and the Evangelist as her only
son as well.
“And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and saide vnto
her, Weepe not.
And hee came and touched the beere (and they that bare him, stood
still.) And he said, Yong man, I say vnto thee, Arise.
And he that was dead, sate vp, and began to speake: and he deliuered him
to his mother”
And he said: “See, thy sonne liueth” (1Kings.17:17‑23).
The Evangelist will go “through the valley of the shadowe of death”;
he “will feare no euill” (Ps.23:4).
“He restoreth my soule: he leadeth me in the pathes of righteousnes, for
his names sake.
Yea though I walke through the valley of the shadowe of death, I will
feare no euill: for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staffe, they
comfort me”
He will reveal himself alive “Not to all the people, but vnto
witnesses, chosen before of God” (Acts.10:41). People will be
overwhelmed by fear and joy. The evangelist, having received power and
authority, will become “much more then a Prophet” (Luke.7:26).
Glorifying God, people will say: “a great Prophet is risen vp among
vs, and that God hath visited his people” (Luke.7:16). “And this
rumour” about the resurrected Evangelist will spread throughout the
earth (Luke.7:17). And it will become clear to many people that his
ministry is the fulfillment of prophecy’s, and he is “hee that should
come” (Luke.7:20).
They will see and hear: “the blind see, the lame walke, the lepers
are clensed, the deafe heare, the dead are raised, to the poore the
Gospel is preached” (Luke.7:22).
They will become witnesses of his ministry in the Gospel, witnesses of
his resurrection and ascension from them. Everything that they have seen
and heard, they will put in their hearts. He, having shown himself alive
to them, after his suffering will no longer walk between people openly.
In the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Scripture through
Zechariah's words explains to us the ministry of the Evangelist to
Israel. He will visit his people to save them from their enemies, and
from the hand of all who hate them (Luke.1:71).
Timothy and Epaphroditus
In Philippians, the Lord characterizes the ministry of the Evangelist.
Sending him to the ministry, He gives him His assessment: “I haue no
man like minded, who will naturally care” about the churches. Jesus
Christ will be imprisoned in the heavenly Tabernacle, and therefore
“Timothy” will be sent.
“But I trust in the Lord Iesus, to send Timotheus shortly vnto you, that
I also may bee of good comfort, when I know your state.
For I haue no man like minded, who will naturally care for your state.
For all seeke their owne, not the things which are Iesus Christs.
But ye know the proofe of him, That as a sonne with the father, hee hath
serued with me, in the Gospel.
Him therefore I hope to send presently, so soone as I shall see how it
wil goe with me.
But I trust in the Lord, that I also my selfe shall come shortly.”
Further, in the person of Epaphroditus, we are shown the resurrected
Evangelist. Jesus calls him brother and companion in labor. His death on
the cross in this prototype is indicated by illness: “he was sicke
nigh vnto death”. He will worry that the believers will not be able
to rejoice without seeing “him againe” After all, this
“sicknesse is not vnto death, but for the glory of God, that the Sonne
of God might be glorified thereby” (John.11:4). The Scripture says
from the name of Jesus Christ: “I sent him therefore the more
carefully, that when ye see him againe, ye may reioyce, and that I may
bee the lesse sorrowfull”.
“For hee longed after you all, and was full of heauinesse, because that
yee had heard that he had bene sicke.
For indeed he was sicke nigh vnto death, but God had mercy on him: and
not on him onely, but on mee also, lest I should haue sorow vpon sorow.
I sent him therefore the more carefully, that when ye see him againe, ye
may reioyce, and that I may bee the lesse sorrowfull.
Receiue him therfore in the Lord with all gladnesse, and hold such in
Because for the worke of Christ he was nigh vnto death, not regarding
his life, to supply your lacke of seruice toward me”
Further verses of the 7th chapter of the Gospel of Luke show us the
Evangelist in the type of John the Baptist.
Timothy and Titus
In the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, Scripture shows us the
ministry of the Evangelist to the Lord “with all humilitie of minde,
and with many teares, and temptations” (Acts.20:19). These Epistles
end with the words:
“The second Epistle vnto Timotheus, ordeined the first Bishop of the
Church of the Ephesians, was written from Rome, when Paul was brought
before Nero the second time”.
This verse has no numbering. Scripture prophetically says that the
Evangelist will appear before “Pilate” twice. The second time will be
the last for him - he will be crucified and killed. He is the very stone
which the builders will reject.
The Epistle to Titus again shows us the Evangelist, but already having
special authority from God. The resurrected Evangelist will appear in a
different form. He, having special rights from God, will speak, exhort
and denounce now “with all authoritie” Scripture says, “Let no
man despise thee” (Tit.2:15).
This special authority from God are shown to us in the content of the
letter “that the king Artaxerxes gaue vnto Ezra the Priest, the
Scribe, euen a Scribe of the words of the commandements of the Lord, and
of his Statutes to Israel” (Ezra.7:11).
“And thou, Ezra, after the wisdome of thy God, that is in thine hand,
set magistrates and iudges, which may iudge all the people, that are
beyond the riuer, all such as know the lawes of thy God, and teach yee
them that knowe them not.
And whosoeuer will not doe the law of thy God, and the law of the king,
let iudgement be executed speedily vpon him, whether it be vnto death,
or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment”
Now it is clear why he will show himself alive, not to all the people,
but only to witnesses previously chosen by God. Worthless builders will
lose their lives when they meet him, and this should not be allowed,
because the time for this has not yet come. And when it comes, the
judgment on them will be done quickly.
The expression “beyond the riuer” figuratively separators the
earth and the third heaven. The function of such a river is performed by
the waters of the great deep. Note that Abraham was also taken “frō
the other side of the flood” (Joshua.24:3), and in the Gospels the
third heaven is indicated by the phrase “in the wildernesse”. The
Temple not made by hands has not yet been built, which means that there
is no one to fill the new heaven, fill the new earth and possess it
The Evangelist, after his resurrection, will have to complete unfinished
labor. He will continue the election of the Apostles to be “in euery
citie”, as God Himself put him “ouer the nations, and ouer the
kingdomes, to roote out, and to pull downe, and to destroy, and to throw
down, to build and to plant” (Jer.1:10). Now he will give them
power. In the epistle to Titus, they are called Elders (Tit.1:5).
“For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order
the things that are wanting, and ordaine Elders in euery citie, as I had
appointed thee”
In the letter of King Artaxerxes, which he gave to Ezra, they are shown
to us in the person of rulers and judges. In the Gospels they are shown
to us in the person of Jesus' disciples. This will need to be done in
order to collect “the foode of the field which was round about euery
citie” (Gen.41:48).
Fiftieth Jubilee Year and DAY of Pentecost
To investigate the events that will occur that year, you need to know
that the coming year will be a jubilee year. The condemnation to death,
crucifixion and resurrection of the Evangelist will take place in 2050.
“A Iubile shall that fiftieth yeere be vnto you”
We must distinguish between the fiftieth jubilee year and the feast of
the Lord called the day of Pentecost (Lev.23:10‑17). In the ceremonial
law, the fiftieth day is tied to waving of the first sheaf of the
harvest. Thus, Scripture shows us the connection between the rapture of
Church of the first born and the DAY of Pentecost. But Jubilee year has
not such a connection.
The service in the third Temple will begin on Passover in 2050. The
inhabitants of Jerusalem, not knowing what they are doing, will fulfill
the words of the prophetic, read every Saturday. Those returning from
captivity will make the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first
month. The Evangelist will become the Passover lamb.
Ҧ And the King commanded all the people saying, Keepe the Passeouer
vnto the Lord your God, as it is written in this booke of the Couenant.
Surely there was not holden such a Passeouer, from the daies of the
Iudges that iudged Israel, nor in all the dayes of the kings of Israel,
nor of the kings of Iudah:
But in the eighteenth yeere of king Iosiah, wherein this Passeouer was
holden to the Lord in Ierusalem.”
Here is the eighteenth year since the captivity of the people of Israel
in 2032. The people of Israel, resettled by “Nebuchadnezzar” in the
northern land, will begin to actively return to their land. The
ceremonial law says:
“In the yeere of this Iubile yee shall returne euery man vnto his
The second chapter of the book of Acts talks about the events of the
future DAY of Pentecost, and also shows the events that will occur in
the jubilee year 2050. In the book “¶Acts of the Apostles” we are shown
the ministry of people who will witness the ministry of the Evangelist,
his resurrection and ascension from them. This book tells about the
construction of the foundation of the Temple not made by hands, which is
called the foundation of “the Apostles and Prophets” (Eph.2:20).
The Gospels show us how Jesus sends His disciples to preach. In these
stories, Scripture shows us the Evangelist and the apostles sent by him
to the ministry.
“Then he called his twelue disciples together, and gaue them power and
authority ouer all deuils, and to cure diseases.
And hee sent them to preach the Kingdome of God, and to heale the sicke”
In the 9th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, in a paragraph of three
verses, Scripture gives a hint regarding the beginning of the ministry
of the apostles.
Ҧ Now Herode the Tetrarch heard of all that was done by him: and hee
was perplexed, because that it was said of some, that Iohn was risen
from the dead:
And of some, that Elias had appeared: and of others, that one of the
olde Prophets was risen againe.
And Herode said, Iohn haue I beheaded: but who is this of whom I heare
such things? And hee desired to see him”
In the second chapter of the book of Acts, we are figuratively shown how
on the day of the resurrection of the Evangelist on the Apostles whom He
will choose (Acts.1:2), the holy Ghost will be poured out.
“And suddenly there came a sound from heauen as of a rushing mighty
wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared vnto them clouen tongues, like as of fire, and it
sate vpon each of them.
And they were all filled with the holy Ghost, and began to speake with
other tongues, as the spirit gaue them vtterance”
Jesus told his disciples:
Ҧ I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will I, if it be
already kindled?
But I haue a baptisme to be baptized with, and how am I straitned till
it be accomplished?”
The fire sent to the earth is a type of the descending holy Ghost. But
until the Evangelist rises from the dead, the fire will not be kindled.
In the third chapter of the epistle to Titus, Scripture speaks of the
descent of the holy Ghost upon the Apostles.
“Not by workes of righteousnesse which wee haue done, but according
to his mercy he saued vs, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing
of the holy Ghost,
Which hee shed on vs abundantly, through Iesus Christ our Sauiour”
After the burial of the Evangelist, he will be pulled by the hand of God
out of the depths of the crypt and raised “into a loft”
(1Kings.17:19). Scripture says about this: “Therefore being by the
right hand of God exalted, and hauing receiued of the Father the promise
of the holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and heare”
Distinguishing two dates, one must also distinguish two events: the
outpouring of the holy Ghost in the jubilee year 2050, and the baptism
of the holy Ghost 20 years later, on the DAY of Pentecost.
The promise of God will be the promise to the Evangelist to multiply his
seed, to make it “as the dust of the earth”, which no one can
count (Gen.13:16). To achieve this goal, God will for a long time lead
the Evangelist “throughout all the land of Canaan”. In the Gospel
of Luke, Scripture says about him:
“And he came into all the countrey about Iordane, preaching the baptisme
of repentance, for the remissiō of sinnes”
And then one day, in the jubilee year, when all his disciples will be
unanimously together, “Isaac” will be born to the Evangelist. Because
from that day on, the empty vessels will begin to be filled with the
holy Ghost (2Kings.4:6). Isaac in verses (Joshua.24:3,4) is a type of
“Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood …and they serued
other gods”
In the 24th chapter of the book of Joshua, the Scriptures figuratively
show us how the Lord during the harvest adds to Church those who are to
be saved. We are shown the future meeting of the twelve tribes of Israel
in Jerusalem. They will appear before the Lord for the conclusion of the
New Testament with Him, they will receive the law “by the disposition
of Angels” (Acts.7:53). Jesus told the people:
“And Ioshua said vnto all the people, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel,
Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, euen
Terah the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they serued
other gods.
And I tooke your father Abraham frō the other side of the flood, and led
him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gaue
him Isaac.
And I gaue vnto Isaac, Iacob and Esau: & I gaue vnto Esau mount Seir, to
possesse it: but Iacob and his children went downe into Egypt.
I sent Moses also and Aaron, and I plagued Egypt, according to that
which I did amongst them: and afterward, I brought you out”
To the Evangelist, before God begins to lead “him throughout all the
land”, there will be the word of God “in the wildernesse”
(Luke.3:2). It is said, “And I tooke your father ... frō the other
side of the flood”. Before the beginning of the Gospel (Mark.1:1),
all the ministry of the “fathers”, for a long time, is the
service of “other gods”. Stephen asked the Pharisees sitting in
the Sanhedrin: “Which of the Prophets haue not your fathers
persecuted?” (Acts.7:52). There were many great people in this world
among “them that are borne of women” but the Evangelist in his
ministry will surpass all of them (Matt.11:11).
In the type of Jacob and Esau, who were given to Isaac, we are shown
Israel and called. Here Jacob and his sons are Prince Michael and
Israel in the future 1000 years of the peace. “Mount Seir” will
be given for those who are called; they will be in heaven. The Prince
and Israel will go “in Egypt” - they will remain on earth, among
the kingdoms of the world. In the type of Moses and Aaron, who struck
Egypt with plagues, we are shown two witnesses. They will be given
“power to shut heauen, that it raine not ... power ouer waters to turne
them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they
will” (Rev.11:6).
“Looke vnto Abraham your father, and vnto Sarah that bare you: for I
called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him”
These words refer to the beloved of the future 1000 years of the peace.
On the DAY of Pentecost, God will remove the reproach among man from
Israel (Luke.1:25) and Sarah's inability to give birth (Gen.16:1) will
become a thing of the past.
Year of Jubilee
Proclaiming of Joseph as the ruler “ouer all the land of Egypt”
(Gen.41:43), and over the “house” of Pharaoh (Gen.41:40) is a
prototype of proclaiming of the resurrected Evangelist as the Anointed
One of God, with the assignment of a title to him, and a new name. God
says: “I will make him my first borne: higher then the kings of the
earth” (Ps.89:27). In Psalm 89, God makes great promises to His
first born about eternal favor and mercy towards him and his posterity.
“I haue found Dauid my seruant: with my holy oile haue I anointed him.
With whome my hand shall bee established: mine arme also shall
strengthen him”
All the “people” of God (Gen.41:40) will be ruled by his words.
New name of the Evangelist: Prince of life (Acts.3:15). Scripture
calls him: Prince Michael. The name Michael is of Hebrew origin and
means “like God.” Prince Michael – “the holy one of Israel”,
their savior, “the God of the whole earth shall he be called”
“And Pharaoh tooke off his ring from his hand, & put it vpon Iosephs
hand, and arayed him in vestures of fine linnen, and put a gold chaine
about his necke”
Scripture says that the fine linen is “the righteousnesse of Saints”
(Rev.19:8). The transfer of the ring means the transfer of power. The
decrees were fastened with the royal ring, therefore, “the writing
which is written in the Kings name, and sealed with the Kings ring, may
no man reuerse” (Esther.8:8). “Where the word of a king is, there
is power” (Eccl.8:4).
“And he made him to ride in the second charet which he had: and they
cried before him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler ouer all the land
of Egypt.
And Pharaoh said vnto Ioseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no
man lift vp his hand or foote, in all the land of Egypt”
Church of the first born will be given as a wife to the risen
Evangelist. Scripture compares her to a faire damosel, who was sought
“throughout all the coasts of Israel” (1Kings.1:3). In this type,
she is shown as the daughter of “priest of On”. Poti-pherah's
daughter was black, like Solomon's bride (Song.1:5).
“And Pharaoh called Iosephs name, Zaphnath-Paaneah, and he gaue him to
wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah, priest of On: and Ioseph went
out ouer all the lande of Egypt”
The “priest of On”, in a prophetic sense, is the Priest of God,
therefore the “priest of On” is a type of the high Priest Jesus
Christ. In relation to Church of the first born On is shown as her
In ancient Egypt, the city of On (Iliopolis) was the main place of
worship for the sun god Ra. The Greeks called this city Heliopolis –
“the city of the sun”, and Jeremiah called it Bethsamis – “the house of
the sun”. See work: “The Burden of Egypt”.
Where else in Scripture is the beginning of the joint ministry of the
Evangelist and Church of the first born shown?
In chapter 20 of the book of Acts, the Scripture speaks of the rapture
of Church of the first born, and informs about the peculiarities of the
Tabernacle of heaven, there will be many lights (Acts.20:7,8).
Further verses speak of the Evangelist.
“And there sate in a window a certaine yong man named Eutychus, being
fallen into a deepe sleepe, and as Paul was long preaching, hee sunke
downe with sleepe, and fel downe from the third loft, and was taken vp
In the type of a young man, we are shown the Evangelist, who is with
everyone in the heavenly Tabernacle. The high Priest will preach for a
long time. He is the bridegroom, and Church of the first born is the
bride. His deep sleep during his fall from the third heaven is a
figurative description of his return trip to earth. His purpose is to
bring chosen into the heavenly Tabernacle. Saying to the congregation,
Scripture says: “Send one of you, and let him fetch your brother, and
ye shalbe kept” (Gen.42:16). Thirty years of his ministry are hidden
in this type. He will come with the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ (Mark.1:1) and soon he will already “taken vp dead.” He
will be executed because there will be a lot of buzz around his path
(Acts 19:23). Religious people, accusing him, will say: Everywhere this
man “hath perswaded and turned away much people ...“
(Acts.19:26). His resurrection is indicated by the phrase: “his life
is in him.”
“And Paul went downe, and fell on him, and embracing him, saide, Trouble
not your selues, for his life is in him”
At this time, the High Priest will be separated from his brothers. He,
having left the first compartment of the heavenly Tabernacle, will go to
þe Holiest of all. He has no right to descend from the third heaven, or
at least leave the heavenly Tabernacle. Therefore, in the following
verses, Scripture speaks of the resurrected Evangelist: “hee
therefore was come vp againe”.
“When hee therefore was come vp againe, & had broken bread, and eaten,
and talked a long while, euen till breake of day, so he departed.
And they brought the yong man aliue, and were not a little comforted.”
He will speak “a long while” after which he departs.
Showing us how the congregation is experiencing for the young man who
fell out of the window, who was “taken vp dead”, Scripture speaks
of their common ministry. It is said: “were not a little comforted.”
Church of the first born, like a maiden, will serve Prince Michael, but
they will not become one. Scripture says: “And the damosell was very
faire, and cherished the king, and ministred to him: but the king knew
her not” (1Kings.1:4).
The next type, showing us the beginning of the joint ministry of the
Evangelist and Church of the first born, is found in chapter 39 of
“And the keeper of the prison committed to Iosephs hand all the
prisoners that were in the prison, and whatsoeuer they did there, he was
the doer of it”
God is shown to us in the form of the ruler of the dungeon. Prisoners in
prison are a type of Church of the first born in the Tabernacle of
heaven. Prince Michael will be the initiator of all ideas. God will
deliver him “out of all his afflictions”, give him wisdom and
favor (Acts.7:10), give him strength and authority. In the second
chapter of Acts, Scripture prophetically says in Peter's words:
“let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that
same Iesus, whom ye haue crucified, both Lord and Christ”
The phrase “that same” means that this person in Israel will be
well known to everyone.
“(¶ And Ioseph was thirtie yeeres old when he stood before Pharaoh king
of Egypt) and Ioseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went
thorowout all the land of Egypt”
The call of the Evangelist to the ministry will take place (happened) in
2020. His eyes will see “the Lord sitting vpon a throne, high and
lifted vp, and his traine filled the Temple” (Is.6:1). The
Evangelist, going out from the presence of the Lord, will go
“throughout all the land of Egypt.” And in 2050, after thirty years,
having bypassed it, he will “come vp againe” (Acts.20:11) into
the heavenly Tabernacle.
The date of the Lord's Passover in 2050 is indicated in the first verse
of the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel.
“Now it came to passe in the thirtieth yeere, in the fourth moneth, in
the fifth day of the moneth, (as I was among the captiues by the riuer
of Chebar) that the heauens were opened, and I saw visions of God”
April 5 or Nisan 14, 2050, there will be the Lord's Passover. The year
is calculated from the rapture of Church of the first born. In the
eighteenth year from the captivity of Israel, this Passover will be
“holden to the Lord in Ierusalem” (2Kings.23:23).
“the famine was grieuous in the land”
Joseph did not give away bread for free. Having received bread, a man
was giving his silver, then -- cattle, and then -- his land and himself
to Pharaoh.
“When that yeere was ended, they came vnto him the second yeere, and
said vnto him, We will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is
spent, my lord also had our heards of cattell: there is not ought left
in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and our lands.
Wherfore shall we die before thine eyes, both we, and our land? buy vs
and our land for bread, and we and our land will be seruants vnto
Pharaoh: and giue vs seede that we may liue and not die, that the land
be not desolate”
So it will be during the harvest, because “all that will liue godly
in Christ Iesus, shall suffer persecution” (2Tim.3:12). For the sake
of knowing and acquiring Christ, people will be ready to give up all the
benefits of civilization. And everything that they previously considered
an advantage will be considered by them as rubbish (Phil.3:8). A person
who receives “that bread of life” (John.6:48) will automatically
lose his money, then his property, and at the end of the path, his body.
Every person during the harvest, being persecuted, will enter the
kingdom of God under external pressure (Luke.16:16). Taking up their
cross, they will follow the Evangelist (Luke.9:23).
“And the famine was sore in the land”
Ҧ Behold, the daies come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine
in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of
hearing the words of the Lord.”
Troubles will begin with a stormy wind called “Euroclydon”.
Scripture figuratively shows our time, and the events of the next fifty
years, describing events at sea on the ship on which Paul and the
prisoners sailed to Rome. Paul counseled, saying:
“Sirs, I perceiue that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage,
not onely of the lading & ship, but also of our liues”
The last seven years of the “storm” NONE of the people who trust the
Word of God (chosen) are not survive. Their “ship” will be broken, but
they will escape “all safe to land” (Acts.27:44). Having revived,
they will reign with Christ for a thousand years (Rev.20:4). But people
who do not come to “Joseph” for bread will all perish.
“the dayes will come when the bridegrome shall bee taken from them”
In the 5th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, the firstborns in the
Tabernacle of heaven are called “the children of the Bride-chamber”.
The scribes and Pharisees once asked Jesus:
Ҧ And they said vnto him, Why doe the disciples of Iohn fast often, and
make prayers, and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees: but thine eat
and drinke?
And he said vnto them, Can yee make the children of the Bride-chamber
fast, while the Bridegrome is with them?
But the dayes will come, when the Bridegrome shall bee taken away from
them, and then shall they fast in those dayes.”
Jesus Christ, fulfilling the ministry of the High Priest, will leave
Church of the first born and go into þe Holiest of all. Scripture
figuratively says: “The bridegroom will be taken away from them.”
This will take place in Year of Jubilee. And when “the seuen yeeres
of dearth” (Gen.41:54) come, “then shall they fast in those
dayes.” Firstborns, having begun fasting, in fact themselves will
condemn themselves to death. They will not rely on themselves, but
“in God which raiseth the dead.” And He will deliver them from
imminent death (2Cor.1:8‑10). This time is described in detail in the
work: “The Way of the Lord.”
“Lazarus, come foorth”
Setting out the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, based on it,
Scripture shows us many events over a significant period of time. It is
a mistake to think that the 11th chapter of the Gospel of John is
dedicated to the resurrection from the dead of the Evangelist. This
event is only an episode of a chapter. Scripture begins with the first
verses to recount events that happened much earlier.
2,000 years have passed since the “the Iewes of late sought to stone”
Jesus (John.11:8). In this verse, Scripture speaks prophetically to us
about His death. We are shown the period of time that has elapsed since
that event: He “abode two dayes still in the same place where he was”
(John.11:6). His absence during this time Scripture explains with
the words: “sleepeth”, “was sicke”. And this His
“sicknesse is not vnto death, but for the glory of God, that the Sonne
of God might be glorified thereby” (John.11:4). Now, the time comes,
and He comes again.
Further, in the words of Jesus, Scripture says about the Evangelist:
“Are there not twelue houres in the day? If any man walke in the day, he
stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world”
(John.11:9). This is what God commands His Angels about him: they will
“they shall beare” him up, lest at any time he dash his foot
against a stone (Matt.4:6). In Psalm 91, we are shown the Evangelist
living with hope in God. His ministry will be with many tears and
temptations that will overtake him “by the lying in wait of the
Iewes” (Acts.20:19), but God will save him from numerous enemies,
and will fill him with the long days.
“Thou shalt not bee afraid for the terrour by night: nor for the arrow
that flieth by day:
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darknes: nor for the destruction,
that wasteth at noone-day.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand:
but it shall not come nigh thee.
Onely with thine eyes shalt thou behold: & see the reward of the
“There shall no euill befall thee: neither shall any plague come nigh
thy dwelling.
For hee shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee: to keepe thee in all thy
They shall beare thee vp in their hands: lest thou dash thy foot against
a stone.
Thou shalt tread vpon the Lion, and adder: the yong Lion and the dragon
shalt thou trample vnder feete.
Because he hath set his loue vpon me, therefore will I deliuer him: I
wil set him on high, because hee hath knowen my Name.
He shall call vpon me, and I will answere him: I will bee with him in
trouble, I will deliuer him, and honour him.
With long life wil I satisfie him: and shew him my saluation.”
At the same time, the Evangelist himself will not value his life. He
will have only one purpose: to finish his “course with ioy” and
the ministry, which he will receive from the Lord Jesus, to preach the
Gospel of the grace of God (Acts.20:24). He will be appointed a ruler in
the land of Judah for twelve years (Neh.5:14). The Jews will say to him:
“Who made thee a ruler and a Iudge ouer vs?” (Acts.7:27,35).
As already mentioned, the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, after His
temptation from the devil, shown to us in the Gospels: Matthew, Mark,
Luke, is a type of the ministry of the Evangelist.
“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet,
The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthali, by the way of the Sea
beyond Iordane, Galilee of the Gentiles:
The people which sate in darkenesse, saw great light: and to them which
sate in the region and shadow of death, light is sprung vp.
¶ From that time Iesus began to preach, and to say, Repent, for the
kingdome of heauen is at hand.”
But the time allotted for him to teach knowledge and to admonish people
by preaching will pass. The evangelist will become a prisoner and die
“for the Name of the Lord Iesus” (Acts.21:13).
“Then saide Iesus vnto them plainly, Lazarus is dead:
And I am glad for your sakes, that I was not there (to the intent yee
may beleeue:) Neuerthelesse, let vs goe vnto him.”
The death of the Evangelist will be necessary that they “may beleeue”
Notice the phrase Jesus said: “Neuerthelesse, let vs goe vnto him”.
That is, we will go, and the danger will not stop us. Thomas says more
bluntly: “Let vs also goe, that we may die with him”
(John.11:16). In this verse, we are shown the way by which chosen will
walk. This is an appeal to them.
After His resurrection, Jesus said to women: “Goe tell my brethren
that they goe into Galilee, and there shall they see me”
In the Jubilee Year, the Evangelist, after his resurrection, will say to
the chosen Apostles: “Goe tell my brethren that they goe” “vnto God,
and to his Throne” (Rev.12:5), “and there shall they see me”.
As soon as they hear, they will hastily get up and go to Him
Scripture in the words of Jesus gives an assessment of this faith: “I
say vnto you, I haue not found so great faith, no, not in Israel”
(Luke.7:9). He said to His disciples:
“If any man will come after me, let him denie himselfe, and take vp his
crosse daily, and follow me.”
Prophetically, these are the future words of the Evangelist to all
people who want to follow him.
“(Now Bethanie was nigh vnto Hierusalem, about fifteene furlongs off:)”
This verse speaks prophetically of time. Scripture is counting down the
time remaining until the great event. It says that “foure dayes”
have passed (John.11:17), there are still fifteen left. From the moment
of execution to the DAY of Pentecost, (4 + 15) years will pass.
Why does the Scripture speak of the resurrection from the dead of the
Evangelist in the past tense, using the word “was” (John.11:18)?
It must be remembered that the Gospel of John is a view from the coming
century into the past time. In this Gospel, the victory over the devil
is already an accomplished event. Therefore, the coming harvest is past
time for people living in the 1000 years of the peace.
Martha said to Jesus: “Lord, if thou hadst bene here, my brother had
not died” (John.11:21).
The phrase: “if thou hadst bene here” - confirms that Jesus
Christ will not be next to the Evangelist, He will be in the heavenly
Tabernacle at that time.
“But I know, that euen now, whatsoeuer thou wilt aske of God, God will
giue it thee”
“whatsoeuer thou wilt aske of God”
- Jesus Christ, fulfilling the function of the high Priest, will
intercede for him before God.
Further, in verses 25‑31, Scripture shows us these that are called, &
chosen, and faithfull. The faithful are shown in the type of Martha. It
is said: “as soone as shee heard that Iesus was comming, went and met
him” (John.11:20). In the type of Mary, we are shown chosen. They
will be called in secret: “The Master is come, and calleth for thee”
(John.11:28). In the type of the Jews who “followed her”
(John.11:31), we are shown those who are called.
The Evangelist will be in the grave for four days, and his body will
already begin to decompose.
“For Dauid after he had serued his owne generation by the will of God,
fell on sleepe, and was laide vnto his fathers, and saw corruption”
Martha said to Jesus: “Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath
beene dead foure dayes” (John.11:39).
Scripture shows that after the first death, God is able to resurrect a
person, even if his body rotted or burned, and only dust remained from
him. When the devil realizes that a Temple not made by hands will be
built from living stones, he will be furious. His thoughts are
figuratively conveyed to us by Scripture: Sanballat (a type of the
devil), having heard about the construction of the stone wall of
Jerusalem, said with annoyance: “What doe these feeble Iewes? wil
they fortifie themselues? will they sacrifice? wil they make an end in a
day? wil they reuiue the stones, out of the heapes of the rubbish, which
are burnt?” (Neh.4:2).
Jesus told Martha: “Thy brother shall rise againe” (John.11:23).
The Lord will hear the voice of “Eliiah” and the soul of this
child will return to him, and he will come to life (1Kings.17:22).
Scripture compares death to sleep. The resurrection of a dead person is
like his awakening from his sleep. In Zechariah chapter 4, Scripture
shows us the resurrection of the Evangelist.
“And the Angell that talked with me, came againe and waked me, as a man
that is wakened out of his sleepe”
The miracle of the resurrection of the Evangelist will strengthen
people's faith in the Word of God. To Jesus' question: “Beleeuest
thou this?” Martha replied: “Yea Lord, I beleeue that thou art
the Christ the Sonne of God, which should come into the world”
(John.11:26,27). Other people at this time will acquire faith: “Now
by this I know, that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the
Lord in thy mouth is trueth” (1Kings.17:24)
Scripture compares a man who has believed in the Word of God, with a
blind man whose eyes have just been opened. The Jews asked the question:
“Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blinde, haue caused
that euen this man should not haue died?” (John.11:37). In this
verse, the Scripture speaks of chosen who, having acquired faith (who
being with opened eyes), will be executed. Further verses 32‑45, which
speak of the resurrection of Lazarus, show us the resurrection of chosen
on the eve of the Day of Pentecost.
“And he that was dead, came forth, bound hand & foot with graue-clothes:
and his face was bound about with a napkin. Iesus saith vnto them, Loose
him, and let him goe”
Here the souls of those killed for the Word of God (Rev.6:9) are shown
to us in a new type. They are shown “bound hand & foot with
graue-clothes” - white robes (Rev.6:11). We are shown the loss of
all motor functions in them, as in a person with paralyzed limbs. In the
9th chapter of the book of Acts we are shown their healing
Ҧ And it came to passe, as Peter passed thorowout all quarters, he came
downe also to the Saints, which dwelt at Lydda.
And there he found a certaine man named Aeneas, which had kept his bed
eight yeeres, and was sicke of the palsie.
And Peter said vnto him, Aeneas, Iesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise,
and make thy bed. And he arose immediately.”
The Scripture compares the souls of those killed for the Word of God
with a certain person with paralysis. A person with this diagnosis has
no control over the body. Scripture makes it clear to us that the soul
of a killed person under the altar in the tabernacle of heaven will be
devoid of motor functions. However, she, being able to see and hear,
will be fully aware of what is happening around. She can even speak
loudly: “And they cried with a lowd voice ...” (Rev.6:10). And
also, they can be put on white clothes (Rev.6:11).
On the eve of the DAY of Pentecost, when “Cephas” comes “to the
Saints”, they will hear a voice addressed to each of them:
“Arise, take vp thy bed.” We must assume that there will be no dug
graves when the elect will come out of “the graues after his
resurrection” (Matt.27:53). In addition, many of the dead Saints
will not have graves, because their bodies will be burned. All “beds”
will be made. When they are healed, they will enter the holy city and
everyone will see them.
Please note that after the healing of the paralyzed patient, “a
certain disciple, named Tabitha” was resurrected in an upper chamber
(Acts.9:36). Tabitha, as already mentioned, is a type of Church of the
first born in the Tabernacle of heaven.
In verses 46-53, we are shown the events that will take place on earth
and in heaven in the middle of the 70th week of Daniel. From that time
as “he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease”
The chief Priests and Pharisees, fearing the loss of power, convened a
council. In their understanding, Jesus did not want this people
prosperity, but disaster (Jer.38:4). They, expressing their thoughts,
involuntarily uttered prophetic words for the end times:
“the Romanes shall come, and take away both our place and nation.”
Kings from the north will come and seize Jerusalem, and the children of
Israel will be made servants of the Babylonian harlot. And this will
happen due to the betrayal of the leader, who shortly before this event
will be accepted by the people as a man from the LORD (Gen.4:1).
Judgment will take place in heaven at this time ...
Scripture says: “the wages of sinne is death” (Rom.6:23). This
wages of sin is the second death, after which resurrection is
impossible. But the judgment must take place first. It is said: “And
as it is appointed vnto men once to die, but after this the Iudgement”
Scripture in the words of Caiaphas says: “Iesus should die for that
nation: And not for that nation only, but that also hee should gather
together in one, the children of God that were scattered abroad.”
Let me explain. Jesus was crucified on the Cross, but there was no
judgment after His death, which means that His feat was not completed.
Having taken away His body, the devil now needs His soul. Therefore, the
judgment of “Pilate” awaits Jesus Christ. The chief priests and
Pharisees who gathered the council are a type of the devil's angels, in
other types they are called princes (Jer.38:4). Jesus Christ will be
given into their hands.
“¶ Then gathered þe chiefe Priests and the Pharises a councell, and
said, What doe wee? for this man doeth many miracles.”
On that day, the council will decide “to put him to death”
(John.11:53). Jesus will be thrown into the depths of the waters of the
great deep. Scripture through David's prayers conveys to us all the
sorrow of Christ:
“I sinke in deepe mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deepe
waters, where the flouds ouerflow me.
I am weary of my crying, my throate is dried: mine eyes faile while I
waite for my God.”
One “of them” named Caiaphas said:
“Ye know nothing at all,
Nor consider that it is expedient for vs, that one man should die for
the people, and that the whole nation perish not”
But destruction will pass Him by the will of the Father. God will save
Him by “hauing loosed the paines of death” (Acts.2:24). David
spoke of the resurrection of Christ, “that his soule was not left in
hell, neither his flesh did see corruption” (Acts.2:31).
The Lord allowed Caiaphas to utter prophetic words, predicting that
Jesus “should die for the people” (John.11:51). Caiaphas is a
type of the leader who will come “in his owne Name” (John.5:43).
In the middle of the 70th week of Daniel, he will become the high Priest
in the great city, which will reign “ouer the kings of the earth”
(Rev.17:18). It is said: he will be “high Priest that yeere”
Ҧ And the Iewes Passeouer was nigh at hand, and many went out of the
countrey vp to Hierusalem before the Passeouer to purifie themselues.”
As the DAY of Pentecost draws near, many people (144,000) will leave
their countries and ascend to Jerusalem (be caught up) to make one body
in Christ. It is said: so that the children of God "were scattered
abroad" in one. (John.11:52).
The man who built the house
In the third chapter of the book “To the Hebrews,” Scripture urges the
people of Israel on the eve of the second coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ to pay attention to the difference in the ministries of the
Evangelist and Jesus Christ. It is said, “consider the Apostle and
high Priest.”
“Wherfore holy brethrē, partakers of the heauenly calling, consider the
Apostle and high Priest of our profession Christ Iesus,
Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithfull
in all his house.”
But until now, no one has considered the ministry of the Apostle - the
second Moses. The ministry of the Evangelist is compared to the ministry
of Moses. But the second Moses is worthy of greater glory.
“For this man was counted worthy of more glory then Moses, in as much as
he who hath builded the house, hath more honour then the house.
For euery house is builded by some man, but hee that built all things is
The ministry of the second Moses, with whom the people of Israel will be
well acquainted, will have to direct their gaze to Jesus Christ.
Scripture says that “euery house is builded by some man”
(Heb.3:4). The person whom God will set over “all his house”
(Acts.7:10) will be the Evangelist. He alone will be entrusted with the
construction of this house. Joseph told his brothers: God “hath made
me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house” (Gen.45:8).
In the 3rd chapter of the book of Zechariah, Scripture figuratively
shows us the High Priest and His firstborns, sitting before Him, “for
they are men wondred at” (Zech.3:8). Because the Lord brings the
Evangelist out and says to Them: “Listen, Jesus, High Priest, you and
your companions ...”
“... for behold, I will bring foorth my seruant the Branch.
For behold the stone that I haue layd before Ioshua”
Scripture explains:
“For Iudah preuailed aboue his brethren, and of him came the chiefe
rulers, but the birthright was Iosephs”
In Zechariah chapter 4, the Scriptures show us a festive ceremony. We
see that all the obstacles in building a house have already been
successfully overcome. But there remains one final, and therefore the
most solemn action. Zerubbabel must take the main stone that completes
the entire structure, and lay it down.
“Who art thou, O great mountaine? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a
plaine, and he shall bring forth the head stone thereof with shoutings,
crying; Grace, grace vnto it”
Scripture shows us the most solemn moment of the DAY of Pentecost. We
are shown how the second Moses completes the construction of the house:
“The hands of Zerubbabel haue layed the foundation of this house: his
hands shall also finish it” (Zech.4:9).
Jesus Christ in the built house will be like a precious stone, even like
a jasper stone (Rev.21:11). He, placed from above, will crown the whole
building, and radiance will go from him around.
Ezekiel saw the radiance of this cornerstone (Ezek.1:27‑28). He saw a
semblance of a vault above the heads of animals, and above the vault
“was the likenesse of a Throne, as the appearance of a Saphyre stone,
and vpon the likenesse of the Throne was the likenesse as the appearance
of a man aboue vpon it” (Ezek.1:26).
Scripture, summing up the ministry of the Evangelist, says that he
“was faithfull in all his house as a seruant” (Heb.3:5), he is a
good fellow. “But Christ as a Sonne” is the head “ouer his
owne house” (Heb.3:6). Church of God (called, & chosen, and
faithfull) is called house here, therefore Jesus Christ is the Head of
this house (Col.1:18).
A “Sonne” “ouer his owne house” is one
of the types of Jesus Christ who has become perfect. On the DAY of
Pentecost, He will be born in the image of God. For the sake of
achieving such perfection, He was once born. He was in the bosome of the
Father, he hath declared Him (John.1:18).
With the laying of the main stone, the construction of a separate house
will be completed, but not a Temple, the construction of which will
continue, and it will be completed in a thousand years. But hee that
built ALL THINGS “is God” (Heb.3:3‑4).
All believers are the sons of “Abraham” (Gal.3:6,7),
prophetically, the Evangelist. They are like precious living stones from
which God will build the Temple. Scripture, using architectural
concepts, shows us the structure of a house or Temple. In its
construction, depending on the prototype, the following stones are used:
1. “the corner stone” is also “the chiefe corner stone” (Eph.2:20).
2. The stone which the builders reiected, the same is become the head of
the corner (Matt.21:42); the head stone of the corner (Ps.118:22).
3. "liuely stones" (1Pet.2:5).
4. The "the head stone" completing the structure, it is also the
cornerstone (Zech.4:7).
Epistles to the Churches
In the book of Revelation, we are shown seven Churches: four Churches
before the DAY of Pentecost and three Churches after it. Thus, the time
of the harvest (49 years) is divided by Scripture into four periods of
time. Each period has its own characteristics.
In Daniel 2, Scripture shows us four “kingdoms” in the form of an
image. During the time of harvest, they will be replacing each other. It
is said: it “shalbe in the latter dayes” (Dan.2:28).
“This images head was of fine gold, his breast and his armes of siluer,
his belly and his thighes of brasse:
His legs of yron, his feete part of yron, and part of clay”
In the very near future, a new geopolitical model of the world will be
formed. The country that will take a leading role in the world, and
subsequently make all nations work for it (Jer.28:14), is figuratively
called by Scripture – “head of gold” (Dan.2:38); the head is
“head was of fine gold” (Dan.2:32). This country is located in the
middle of the largest continent, in the heart of the land, in heartland.
But in all subsequent years the world as a whole will steadily degrade,
which means that the dignity of this “kingdom” will also decrease
every time. Human rights and freedoms will not be recognized and
guaranteed, and this will be done with good intentions. Daniel told
“And after thee shall arise an other kingdome inferiour to thee, and
another third kingdome of brasse, which shall beare rule ouer all the
The degradation of this “kingdom” is figuratively shown in the decrease
in the value of the metal. Silver is less valuable than gold. Copper is
less valuable than silver. Iron is less valuable than copper. Well, in
the last seven years “the kingdome shall be partly strong, and partly
broken” (Dan.2:42). The viability of the state and its strength are
determined by the morality of society. A weak “kingdom” is a sign
of the moral decay of society as a whole, for the same reason “in the
last dayes perillous times shall come” (2Tim.3:1). The dignity of a
country is the dignity of its people.
A real “pandemic” is an epidemic of fear. It is a warning to the world,
it is the first symptoms of a fatal disease of society, the beginning of
In chapter 7, in the form of large beasts that came out of the sea, we
are shown four rulers who will succeed each other. Each “kingdom”
from the 2nd chapter of the book has its own “king” from the 7th
chapter. Each new ruler replacing the previous one will be crueler.
Therefore, they will direr “one from another.” (Dan.7:3).
The Ephesian church (Rev.2:1) will be born with the beginning of the
preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark.1:1). This means that the
Church does not exist before the beginning of the ministry. It is said:
“Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time ...
and they serued other gods” (Joshua.24:2).
The Ephesian church is limited by the time of the “kingdom”,
which is represented as the head of gold.
Its ruler is “like a Lyon, and had Eagles wings: I beheld till the
wings thereof were pluckt, and it was lifted vp from the earth, and made
stand vpon the feete as a man, and a mans heart was giuen to it"
In the very near future the country, about which the Scripture speaks,
will be freed from colonial slavery, and this event will be reflected in
the fate of its ruler. He is a soulless and heartless man, like a beast,
who lacks feelings of pity and compassion. His idea is to rob the poor
and give money to the rich. Such a peculiar Robin Put. Scripture in the
words of Daniel gives him advice:
“Wherefore, O King, let my counsell be acceptable vnto thee, and breake
off thy sinnes by righteousnesse, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy
to the poore; if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillitie”
The Smyrna church is limited by the time of the existence of the
“kingdom”, which is represented as the chest and arms of the image,
made of silver. The ruler of this “kingdom” will wage great wars.
Only one people can challenge the world system and completely destroy
it, the one that lives in the heart of the earth (heartland).
“And behold, another beast, a second, like to a Beare, and it raised vp
it selfe on one side, and it had three ribbes in the mouth of it
betweene the teeth of it, and they said thus vnto it, Arise, deuoure
much flesh”
Chapter 46 of the book of the prophet Jeremiah can be roughly divided
into two parts, because it tells us about the defeat of the army of
“Pharaoh” in two battles. If the first battle (Jer.46:2‑12) will take
place “at Carchemis”, somewhere in the buffer, coastal zone
relative to the offensive on Russia, then the second (Jer.46:13‑26) will
already be on the territory of the enemy, in the “land of Egypt”.
Therefore, the ruler of this “kingdom” is told like this:
“Arise, deuoure much flesh” (Dan.7:5). These two battles are
referred in work “The burden of Egypt”.
The Pergamon church is limited by the time of the existence of the
kingdom”, which is represented as the belly and thighs of the idol,
made of brass. The ruler of this “kingdom” will rule the world.
It is said: “dominion was giuen to it” (Dan.7:6).
The third beast “like a Leopard, which had vpon the backe of it foure
wings of a foule, the beast had also foure heads, and dominion was giuen
to it.” (Dan.7:6).
For Israel's sake, the Lord will call this “king” by name,
although the “king” will not know Him (Is.45:4). As a result, at
his order, the captives will begin to return, and Jerusalem will begin
to rebuild. This order will be published in 2045 - 2046. In Jerusalem,
the construction of the third Temple will be completed in 2050. This
ruler is shown to us in the book of Ezra in the image of the king of
“Thus says Cyrus, king of Persia: the Lord God of heaven gave me all the
kingdoms of the earth, and He commanded me to build a house for Him in
Jerusalem, which is in Judea”
All the kingdoms of the world will belong to him.
“Thus sayth Cyrus king of Persia, The Lord God of heauen hath giuen mee
all the kingdomes of the earth, and he hath charged me to build him an
house at Ierusalem, which is in Iudah”
In the days of this ruler, the Evangelist will be killed. The Faithful
Martyr His Antipas is his prototype. The message to the Pergamon Church
“I know thy workes, and where thou dwellest, euen where Satans seat is,
and thou holdest fast my Name, and hast not denied my faith, euen in
those daies, wherein Antipas was my faithful Martyr, who was slaine
among you, where Satan dwelleth.”
The Thyatira church is limited by the time of existence of the
"kingdom", which is represented as the iron legs of the image, and
his "his feete part of yron, and part of clay" (Dan.2:33).
Jesus rebuking the Thyatira church says:
“Notwithstanding, I haue a few things
against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Iezebel, which calleth
herselfe a Prophetesse, to teach and to seduce my seruants to commit
fornication, and to eat things sacrificed vnto idoles”
The woman Jezebel, “which calleth herselfe a Prophetesse” is a
type of the Babylonian harlot (Rev.17:18). There will be given time for
her, but she will not repent, and therefore all her children who have
come to know the depths of Satan will be killed (Rev.2:23).
In this letter we are shown the events of the last years of the harvest.
From the letter we see that there is little time left before the coming
of the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore Jesus does not impose any other
burden on believers.
“But that which ye haue already, hold fast till I come”
Further, Scripture speaks of authority of the Saints as the immediate
“And hee that ouercommeth, and keepeth my workes vnto the ende, to him
will I giue power ouer the nations:
(And he shall rule them with a rod of yron: as the vessels of a potter
shall they be broken to shiuers:) euen as I receiued of my Father”
Scripture prophetically names the year of the coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ. The Land of Israel will be desolate until the year 2070.
“vntill the land had enioyed her Sabbaths: for as long as shee lay
desolate, shee kept Sabbath, to fulfill threescore and tenne yeeres.”
In 2 Chronicles, in the form of Cyrus, king of Persia, we are shown the
coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The news of this event will spread by
“the word” and ‘also in writing” throughout the earth.
Ҧ Now in the first yeere of Cyrus king of Persia (that the word of the
Lord spoken by the mouth of Ieremiah, might bee accomplished) the Lord
stirred vp the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that hee made a
proclamation throughout all his kingdome, and put it also in writing,
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdomes of the earth hath the
Lord God of heauen giuen mee, and he hath charged me to build him an
house in Ierusalem, which is in Iudah: Who is there among you of all his
people? the Lord his God be with him, and let him goe vp”
The “house in Ierusalem” referred to in these verses is the
Temple for the 1000 years of peace. He was shown to Ezekiel in a vision
“the roote and the offspring of Dauid”
In the final chapter of the last book of the Bible, Jesus says:
“I Iesus haue sent mine Angel, to testifie vnto you these things in the
Churches. I am the roote and the offspring of Dauid, and the bright and
morning starre”
The bright and morning star is the third brightest object in the night
sky, after the Sun and the Moon, but no one pays any attention to it.
Like the ascent of this star in the night sky (Rev.22:16), the
resurrection of Jesus Christ will occur after 2000 years of His “sleep”.
The prototype shows that for the whole Christian society this event will
pass unnoticed.
Whom in this verse (Rev.22:16) does the Scripture call an Angel? And why
does Jesus say of himself that He is “the roote and the offspring of
The lively oracles will be conveyed to the churches through the
Evangelist. In this verse, the Evangelist is called the Angel. He will
receive the revelation in the congregation of the High Priest and
Priests in the third heaven, in the Tabernacle of heaven.
“This is he that was in þe Church in the wildernesse with the Angel,
which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who receiued
the liuely oracles, to giue vnto vs”
In the 7th chapter of the book of Acts, in Stephen's speech to the
Sanhedrin, Scripture shows us in detail the entire history of
Christianity. In this speech, we are shown the most important events
that will occur over three thousand years: from the birth of Christ to
the end of the world.
Note that the firstborns in the Tabernacle of heaven are called the
“fathers” of the people of Israel. The people of Israel are their
descendants. They are “first, which shall be last” (Luke.13:30).
Mount Sinai is the prototype of the third heaven.
In the 13th chapter of the book of Acts, Scripture speaks in the words
of Paul about the rapture of Church of the first born:
“The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers, and exalted the
people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt, and with an
high arme brought he them out of it”
The rapture of Church of the first born is indicated by the phrases:
“exalted the people ... and with an high arme brought he them out of
it”. In this verse, the firstborn in the Tabernacle of heaven are
also called the “fathers” of the people of Israel. Further, in
chapter 13, we are shown the events of the future harvest that relate to
So, Jesus says about Himself: “I am the root of David.” In other words,
the Scripture says from the name of Jesus: “Before the Evangelist I am,”
“I am the first cause.” He is the root that gives life to the Evangelist
and his descendants. The Evangelist is the only Branch of this root.
Jesus is like the rock or the main stone on which the Evangelist will
build the foundation of the Temple not made by hands.
In a conversation with the Jews, Jesus told them: “Uerely, verely I
say vnto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” (John.8:58).
Further, Jesus says about Himself: “I am a descendant of David.” During
the harvest season, Jesus will be the server of the Evangelist. The
ministry of the Evangelist from the first to the last day of the harvest
will take place without the direct participation of Jesus Christ. Types
help to see the difference between the ministry of the Evangelist and
Jesus Christ.
“And the Lord spake vnto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh vnto his
friend. And he turned againe into the campe, but his seruant Ioshua the
sonne of Nun, a yong man, departed not out of the Tabernacle”
In this verse, Moses' servant Jesus is a type of Jesus Christ, who
cannot be separated from the heavenly Tabernacle. In other types, the
Evangelist and the High Priest are shown to us as Moses and Aaron, as
Joseph and Pharaoh.
God commissioned Moses to free His people from Egypt, sending him as a
leader and deliverer.
But Moses did not feel able to carry out the commission. The difficulty
of the task before him made him feel insecure. And when he offered God
to find a replacement for him, God became angry.
“And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses, and hee said, Is
not Aaron the Leuite thy brother? I know that he can speake well. And
also behold, he commeth foorth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, hee
will be glad in his heart”
God suggested to Moses to use, as an assistant in his ministry, his
brother Aaron, who could speak well.
“And thou shalt speake vnto him, and put words in his mouth, and I wil
be with thy mouth, & with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall
And he shal be thy spokesman vnto the people: and he shall be, euen hee
shall be to thee in stead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him in stead
of God.”
We see that God assigned to Moses and Aaron different functions in this
ministry. We are shown the scheme in which Aaron was to be between the
people and Moses. He is a representative of the people, and Moses is
like God to him. Scripture in these verses shows us the functions of the
Evangelist and Jesus Christ during the harvest. Jesus Christ in the
heavenly tabernacle will act as a mediator between God and man. Aaron is
his prototype here. Jesus Christ will be like a negotiator, a
parliamentarian from the people. Each prayer will be delivered to God
through the mouth of the High Priest. The words of prayer will be put
into His mouth. He will resist the slander of Satan, who will accuse our
brothers “before our God day and night” (Rev.12:10). He will be
an eloquent and persistent defender of man against the wiles of the
devil. It is said: “he can speake well” (Ex.4:14). Jesus' prayer
in the Garden of Gethsemane typifies the intercessory ministry of the
High Priest. The evangelist will be “to him in stead of God” just
as Joseph was the father of Pharaoh. Although, it would seem, who is
Joseph? He is a shepherd who had just been released from prison, but he
was given power in the country as an absolute dictator, and the daughter
of a priest was also given him as a wife. Joseph said to his brothers:
God “hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and
a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.” (Gen.45:8).
The second Moses, like the first (Deut.18:18), will perform great
miracles “in the sight of all Israel” (Deut.34:12). He will be a
Prophet and then a Ruler and Judge over the people of Israel. There will
not be “there is none so discreete and wise, as” he art
(Gen.41:39). He is the only Prophet whom the Lord will know face to face
(Deut.34:10). Church of the first born will be given to him as a wife,
and he will have two sons: chosen, and called. In the Jubilee Year,
after the resurrection, there will be given “All power” him in
heaven and on earth (Matt.28:18). All power -- that Jesus Christ did not
have since he “tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant”
(Phil.2:7,8). He, being the Heir, will be “vnder tutors and
gouernours vntill the time appointed of the father” (Gal.4:1,2). The
tutors and governors referred to in the verse are the Apostles, who will
be appointed by Prince Michael “in euery citie” (Tit.1:5). And on
the DAY of Pentecost, the date appointed by the Father will come
(Gal.4:1,2). Scripture speaks in Paul's words of the Evangelist:
“I haue found ... a man after mine own heart, which shal fulfill all my
From his offspring, God according to the promise God will raise up
“vnto Israel a Sauiour, Iesus” (Acts.13:22‑23).
The Savior of Israel (Lord Jesus Christ) will be raised up from the
descendants of the Evangelist. Therefore, Scripture figuratively calls
the Evangelist the father of Jesus Christ (Acts.7:4), His God (Ex.4:16),
and His father-in-law (Ex.18:2‑7).
God told Abraham: “As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her
name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.
And I will blesse her, and giue thee a sonne also of her: yea I wil
blesse her, and she shalbe a mother of nations; Kings of people shall be
of her”
Jesus Christ and the descendants of the Evangelist on the DAY of
Pentecost, through the action of the holy Ghost, will be made one body.
The Scripture figuratively calls the son born to Israel the descendant
of the Evangelist, and on behalf of Israel says: God “hath appointed
mee another seed in stead of” the Evangelist whom the Babylonian
harlot killed.
Ҧ And Adam knew his wife againe, and she bare a sonne, & called his
name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed mee another seed in stead
of Abel, whom Cain slew”
In the type of Seth, the Lord Jesus Christ is shown to us - another
seed, instead of the Evangelist.
The type, in which we are shown two vines: the vine and the chosen vine
explains to us the ministry of the Evangelist and the ministry of the
Lord Jesus Christ (Gen.49:11).
Two vines
Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is a type of the second coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ. But the events that occurred the day before, figuratively
show us the preparation for the approaching DAY of Pentecost. It is
said: “And when they drewe nigh vnto Hierusalem ... vnto the mount of
Oliues” (Matt.21:1), Jesus, sending two Disciples to the village,
said to them:
“Saying vnto them, Goe into the village ouer against you, and
straightway yee shall find an Asse tied, and a colt with her: loose
them, and bring them vnto me.
And if any man say ought vnto you, yee shall say, The Lord hath need of
them, and straightway hee will send them.”
The two Disciples sent by Jesus to the village are a type of the two
witnesses sent by God to Israel.
“they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore dayes
clothed in sackcloth”
Two witnesses will instruct Israel, explaining “vnto him the way of
God” (Acts.18:26). They, like Moses and Aaron, will plague
“Egypt” with plagues (Rev.11:6). In the book of Acts, they are shown
to us in the form of Aquila and Priscilla (Acts.18), about whom it is
said that they laid their own heads (Rom.16:4).
But what do an Asse and a colt mean in this type? Why does the Scripture
draw our attention to such a detail that the donkey is tied and must be
untied? Why did she have to be untied on that very day and brought to
Jesus? For what purpose are an Asse and a colt and why do “The Lord
hath need of them”? And what does the village mean, in which there
were an Asse and a colt?
To answer these questions, we will look at other types that also apply
to these events. Jacob predicted to Judas what would happen to him in
the last days:
“The scepter shall not depart from Iudah, nor a Law-giuer from betweene
his feete, vntill Shiloh come: and vnto him shall the gathering of the
people be”
Scripture figuratively calls the Evangelist “The scepter” and the
Lord Jesus Christ “a Law-giuer”. They will not forget the people
of Israel. The prophetic meaning of the verse will be fulfilled when the
New Testament is made.
The following are the events that will take place on the DAY of
“Binding his foale vnto the vine, and his asses colt vnto the choice
vine ...”
This verse says that God “binds” the colt to the “vine” and his
offspring to the “vnto the choice vine”. Note that all of the
sheep that David herded were of his father's. The father binds them to
David. Therefore, the colt (at the beginning of the harvest) bonded
“vnto the choice vine” is a type of the faithful who will be
“bounded” to the Evangelist. The “vine” is a type of the
Evangelist. The “choice vine” is a type of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Before the coming of the DAY of Pentecost, all people in the harvest
season who believed in the Word of God are the offspring of the
Evangelist and the Church of the firstborn, therefore they are called
"his asses colt". All of them will initially be "bounded" to the
“vine”. And while waiting, they will be in the “village” (in
the heavenly Tabernacle).
The coming of the DAY of Pentecost, in this type, is indicated by the
words of Jesus: “loose them, and bring them vnto me” (Matt.21:2).
In other words, bring the called, & chosen, and faithfull to Jesus. This
verse shows us the last moments before the greatest event in history.
Scripture says prophetically, “The Lord needs them”. Jesus Christ
will become one body with called, & chosen, and faithfull. And
immediately there will be heard “the voice of mightie thundrings,
saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth” (Rev.19:6).
In the first chapter of the book of 1 Kings, the Beloved Son is shown in
the form of Solomon, seated “vpon King Dauids mule”
(1Kings.1:38). After they had anointed Solomon, they blew a trumpet,
“and all the people said, God saue King Solomon.” (1Kings.1:39).
The Lord God Almighty is shown to us in many images: This is the King
sitting “sitting vpon an Asse, and a colt, the foale of an Asse”
(Matt.21:5). This is the same type as the transfiguration of Jesus: the
Sun in a cloud (Matt.17:1‑5). It is a rainbow in a cloud (Gen.9:13).
This is an Angel standing in the Sun (Rev.19:17). And this is an Angel
sitting on a large stone (Matt.28:2‑4).
The chiefe Butler told Joseph his dream:
“beholde, a vine was before mee:
And in the vine were three branches, and it was as though it budded, and
her blossoms shot foorth; and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe
The “vine” is the prototype of the Evangelist. The ripe grapes on
the three branches of the vine are a type of called, & chosen, and
faithfull. By the DAY of Pentecost, all the ripe grapes will ripen, this
will mean that the wife of the Lamb has prepared herself (Rev.19:7,8).
When the Lord brought His people out of Egypt, and they camped at the
mountain of God in the wilderness, his father-in-law came to Moses; he
was with his wife and his two sons. This is one of the many types where
we are shown the events on the eve the DAY of Pentecost.
“Then Iethro Moses father in law tooke Zipporah Moses wife, after he had
sent her backe,
And her two sonnes, of which the name of the one was Gershom: for he
said, I haue bene an alien in a strange land.
And the name of the other was Eliezer: for the God of my father, said
he, was mine helpe, and deliuered me from the sword of Pharaoh.
And Iethro Moses father in law came with his sonnes and his wife vnto
Moses into the wildernes, where he encamped at the mount of God.
And he said vnto Moses, I thy father in law Iethro am come vnto thee,
and thy wife, and her two sonnes with her.
¶ And Moses went out to meete his father in law, and did obeysance, and
kissed him: and they asked each other of their welfare, and they came
into the tent.”
In this prototype, the father-in-law of Moses is Prince Michael. Jesus
Christ is shown in the image of Moses. The wife who was sent back is
Church of the first born. Gersham is a type of chosen. Eliezer is a type
of those who are called. This name means “God is my help.” They
“shall not taste of death” because they will be delivered “from
the sword of Pharaoh.”
The beginning of the wedding feast is indicated by the phrase: “they
came into the tent” to eat bread before God. The sacrament of the
union of Jesus Christ and the Church is spoken of in the work: ”This is
a great mystery”
Ҧ And Moses let his father in law depart, and he went his way into his
owne land”
Two Olive trees
Prince Michael, returning “from the slaughter of the Kings”
(Heb.7:1), will be blessed by the most high God. This event is typified
by the blessing of Abram (Gen.14:19). In the person of Melchizedek, we
are shown the most high God. He, having met “Abraham”, will bless
The slaughter of the Kings is a type of the defeat of the dragon and his
angels in heaven. There will be three months until the DAY of Pentecost.
“And there was warre in heauen, Michael and his Angels fought against
the dragon, & the dragon fought and his angels,
And preuailed not, neither was their place found any more in heauen.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the deuill
and Satan, which deceiueth the whole world: hee was cast out into the
earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
After the slaughter of the Kings, the Lord God told Abram: “I am thy
shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” (Gen.15:1). The magnitude
of this award is beyond our comprehension. Jacob's predictions give us
an idea of its magnitude. Jacob, predicting to Joseph what would
happen to him in the last days of what was actually said, blessed him.
“The archers haue sorely grieued him, and shot at him, and hated him.
But his bow abode in strength, and the armes of his hands were made
strong, by the hands of the mighty God of Iacob: from thence is the
Sheapheard, the stone of Israel,
Euen by the God of thy father who shall helpe thee, and by the
Almightie, who shall blesse thee with blessings of heauen aboue,
blessings of the deepe that lyeth vnder, blessings of the breasts and of
the wombe.
The blessings of thy father haue preuailed aboue the blessings of my
progenitors: vnto the vtmost bound of the euerlasting hils, they shall
bee on the head of Ioseph, and on the crowne of the head of him that was
separate from his brethren.”
All the fullness of God was promised to Prince Michael and his
posterity. The blessing of the most high God is like anointing with
“holy oile”. It will be on the crowne of the head of “Joseph”
(Ps.88:21) and on the head of Jesus Christ, who, being “separate from
his brethren” (Church of the first born) in the heavenly Tabernacle,
will give his soul to death. The two Anointed Ones will nourish and
cherish Church of God.
In Zechariah chapter 4, a lamp was shown to the prophet in a vision. It
didn't look like a Candlestick in the Tabernacle. Through this image,
Scripture clearly shows us that the construction of the Temple not made
by hands is a continuous process. We are shown the Church of God, which
consists of seven churches. And we are shown two builders of it, who
serve and give their souls for the redemption of many. They are shown in
the form of two olive trees, from which golden oil constantly flows into
the cup “through the two golden pipes”, which feeds seven lamps.
Two olive trees “are the two annointed ones, that stand by the Lord
of the whole earth.” (Zech.4:14), this is Jesus Christ and His
Branch (Zech.3.6).
The Angel asked Zechariah:
“What seest thou? and I said, I haue looked, and behold a candlesticke
all of gold, with a bowle vpon the top of it, and his seuen lampes
thereon, and seuen pipes to the seuen lampes, which were vpon the top
And two Oliue trees by it, one vpon the right side of the bowle, and the
other vpon the left side thereof.”
Seven candlesticks, “seven lampes” symbolize the Church of God.
It is said: “are the seuen Churches” (Rev.1:20).
God's blessing of the man and woman, created “in the Image of God”
(Gen.1:27), is blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that
lyeth under, blessings of the breasts and of the womb. These blessings
go on for eternity. In other words, the most high God will fill the
Temple not made by hands with all the fullness of God.
“And God blessed them, and God said vnto them, Be fruitfull, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and haue dominion ouer
the fish of the sea, and ouer the foule of the aire, and ouer euery
liuing thing that mooueth vpon the earth.”
“I shall be next vnto thee”
Telling about the events when Saul went out to seek the soul of David,
Scripture shows us the time on the eve delivering of Jesus Christ into
the hands of the devil and his angels. The feat of the soul of Jesus
Christ is necessary for our justification. And so, the Scriptures
through the words of Jonathan convey to us the words of Christ's death
sentence over Himself. Taking upon Himself the curse that all the people
feared (1Sam.14:28), He said:
“I must die”
But the people set Jonathan free, “who hath wrought this great
saluation,” and he did not die (1Sam.14:45).
When there was a great storm at sea, Jonah told the Mariners: “Take
me vp, and cast mee foorth into the sea; so shall the sea be calme vnto
you” (Jonah.1:12). This is another type of Jesus Christ taking the
sin of the world upon Himself.
One can imagine the state of mind of Jesus Christ on the eve of His
being delivered into the hands of the devil and his angels. It is
reflected in His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.
“being in an agonie, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was as it
were great drops of blood falling downe to the ground”
Jonathan “went to Dauid into the wood, and strengthened his hand in
God. And he said vnto him, Feare not; for the hand of Saul my father
shall not finde thee, and thou shalt be king ouer Israel, and I shall be
next vnto thee: and that also Saul my father knoweth”
Scripture in this type shows us Prince Michael and Jesus Christ. The
Gospel of Luke says about this event: “And there appeared an Angel
vnto him from heauen, strengthening him” (Luke.22:43). Jesus Christ
will be ready to accept the wrath of God.
“Jonathan,” strengthening Him, will say: “Do not be afraid, you will sit
at the right hand of your Father, “and I shall be next vnto thee”
and the Father knows about this.
How to prophetically understand Jonathan's words? What do the words
“I shall be next vnto thee” mean?
In the future 1000 years of peace, God will make Prince Michael
“ruler ouer Israel” (1Sam.25:30). He will be King and a Priest for
ever after the order of Melchisedec. The name by which he will be called
The Lord Our Righteousnes.
Ҧ Behold, the daies come, saith the Lord, that I wil raise vnto Dauid a
righteous branch, and a King shall reigne and prosper, and shall execute
iudgement and iustice in the earth.
In his dayes Iudah shalbe saued, and Israel shall dwell safely, and this
is his Name whereby hee shall be called, The Lord Our Righteousnes”