Bible believer S.Y. Kharchenko
According to the generally accepted interpretation, the brass serpent, which Moses lifted up in the desert, is a prototype of the crucified Jesus Christ. This is not true. One of the reasons for the misinterpretation is the synod translation, which, by distorting the Word of God, leads a person away from the truth. The LORD told Moses to make a FIERY serpent; this feature should already prompt a person to look at this prototype differently. The second reason is a misunderstanding of the prophetic meaning of the verses. To understand this question, it is necessary to consider the context of Scripture, to find out what time the Author of Scripture is talking about? Next, it is necessary to find in the Scriptures the prototypes that are relevant to this event. And only after that it will be possible to draw the right conclusion. I remind you that we are considering only the prophetic meaning of the verses. According to another generally accepted interpretation, Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem throughout the 1000 years of peace. This is also incorrect. People, not understanding the Word of God, do not know anything about the second Anointed One. But He is the One who will be King and Priest in Jerusalem in the future 1000 years of peace. As for Jesus Christ, having ascended to the third heaven, He will sit at the right hand of God (1 Pet. 3:22), "on þe right hand of the Maiestie on high" (Heb.1:3) (KJV1611). We will investigate some of the types from the books of the Old Testament, and make sure of their prophetic meaning. By showing the sequence of future events, they complement them with details in their own way.
Signet, and staff, and bracelets Bible believer S.Y. Kharchenko
In this work, significant events of the present time and the near future are considered. The fact is that in 2020 a special period of time has begun. It is the harvest accjrding to the Biblical concept. God begins to gather "wheat" into His garner. We see that negative news about events in the world began to flow in a continuous stream: nature is raging, peoples are in despondency and bewilderment. The Sars-Cov-2-insanity that swept the whole world showed that the whole society is sick and the disease is progressing -- the media, reporting on new strains of coronavirus, stir up panic and fear, and local authorities threaten people who refuse to be "vaccinated" by creating unbearable conditions for their future life. Against the backdrop of this all-out information terror, the news of natural disasters happening around the world is no longer surprising in the headlines. These circumstances, traumatizing a person, contribute to his spiritual awakening - he seeks to find the meaning of this suffering. People know that such methods of coercion, which have a worldwide character, are the prerogative of the beast (Rev.13:11-17). They, reasoning, come to the understanding that Bible prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled before their very eyes. And so, the whole society was suddenly divided into sleeping people and awakened people. The difference between the two is growing. This polarization of society is one of the hallmarks of the beginning of the harvest. Many of the awakened, beginning to realize the essence of the events taking place in the world, are horrified by the feeling of approaching a more terrible time for all mankind - the power of darkness. They just can't come to terms and believe, that everything that happens around is reality. They still hope to wake up one day and forget it as a bad dream. And indeed, feelings and intuition about the terrible times ahead, do not deceive them. The time will come when the kingdom of the beast will devour the whole earth, trample and crush it. Preparations for this time have begun - the mystery of iniquity does already work. From now on, each subsequent "beast" of the new world power will be more insidious and bloodthirsty than the previous one (Dan.7:2-8). Given the increasing rate of degradation of the world's population, a new period of time in the history of mankind can be called the Era of Degeneration. The signs of this era and its important events are shown in detail in Scripture. But will society be able to realize its fall? We will look at the relationship of present events with the events that are shown in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation (verses 11-17). In the 38th chapter of the book of Genesis, in a short episode from the life of Judas, we are shown the events of the near future. This is one of many types in which Scripture shows us the degree of idolatry in Christian society and the fierce rage of God for worshiping alien gods. We will see the bitter lot of Christians, separated from the Church of the firstborn, and the sacrificial ministry of the Evangelist, like a lamb brought to the slaughter. We will consider the prophetic meaning of the verses, which is usually hidden from the reader. A person exploring the prophetic meaning of verses can be compared to a person who eats the fruits from the tree of life - he will certainly appreciate the magnificence of taste, admire their aroma and beauty, and experience delight.
The Song of Solomon Bible believer S.Y. Kharchenko
The order of the books of the King James Bible shows us the sequence of events past, present, and future. In the section of the Old Testament called Psalms, the book Song of Solomon is final, which means that its task is to show us the completion of the construction of the Temple not made by hands (John 2:19). The Song of Solomon, as a more sure word of prophecy, shows us a chronicle of the most important events related to this construction. The number of chapters in each book of the Bible, like the order of the books itself, has a prophetic meaning. The Book "The Song of Solomon" is divided into eight chapters. Seven chapters are like seven thousand years, the eighth chapter is a type of eternity. We have a book that, having crossed the line of seven thousand years, shows us the beginning of eternity. The Song of Solomon, like any other book of the Bible, has dual authorship. The Author of the Scriptures inspired Solomon as he wrote down his poems in a scroll. But he could not understand the prophetic meaning of the text he had written. The reader who understands only the literal text of the Bible reads this book through the eyes of Solomon, for him it is just a wedding song. The reader who is able to understand the prophetic meaning of the verses, perceives them as the Song of the Lord God about eternity and about love that never stops (1 Cor. 13: 8). That is why, this song is spoken even about the saddest events with love. All major types of Scripture have been collected (focused) by the Author in this book. Despite the small size of the chapters, the text is full of prototypes, and the pictures of the future are shown to us in their entirety. Even a short phrase, sometimes consisting of only two or three words, can show an important event or describe a phenomenon. Due to this feature, there is a difficulty in interpreting the book of the Song of Solomon. To understand the prophetic meaning of a chapter, verse, or phrase in this book, it is necessary to know many types of Scripture. However, this rule applies to all of Scripture.
A righteous branch Bible believer S.Y. Kharchenko
Each Bible verse has a prophetic meaning, and it does not depend on the time of writing the book, and the section in which it entered. So, 99.9% of all Bible prophecies are still awaiting fulfillment. They are a detailed description of the most important events that will take place in heaven and on earth during the harvest and on the DAY of Pentecost. This is a description of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and making of the New Testament, this is a description of the events of the future 1000 years of the peace and especially its last days. If a person does not understand “the wordes of the prophesie of this booke,” then he does not believe the Scriptures, does not believe the Author of the Scriptures, with all the ensuing consequences.
The people of Israel, having all the necessary prophecies about the birth of Jesus Christ, did not recognize Him. This is a prototype of the future time; history will repeat itself. The people of Israel will not recognize Christ who now comes from the tribe of Joseph.
Blessing his sons, Jacob foretold the fate of his descendants. With his words, the Scripture speaks of the fate of the twelve tribes of Israel during the harvest period of 49 years, during the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the next Millennium of peace. However, Jacob, unlike the rest of the predictions, actually blessed Joseph. And that was a special blessing. It exceeded the blessings of his ancestors to the utmost limit. Scripture prophetically says that Jesus Christ “preuailed aboue his brethren ... but the birthright” was transferred to another. Who is he?
“For Iudah preuailed aboue his brethren, and of him came the chiefe rulers, but the birthright was Iosephs” (1Chr.5:2).
According to the prophecies, a Shepherd should come from the tribe of Joseph to Israel, he is the Anointed of the God of Jacob. The Almighty will bless him with “blessings of heauen aboue, blessings of the deepe that lyeth vnder, blessings of the breasts and of the wombe.” (Gen.49:25). He is promised fruitfulness, victory and prosperity.
Scripture calls him: an Euangelist (2Tim.4:5) (KJV1611); messenger (Luke.7:27); a faithfull witnesse (Ps.89:37); the Apostle (Heb.3:1); Christ (Rev.11:15), Anoynted (Ps.2:2), (Ps.89); a Prophet vnto the nations (Jer.1:5) ; seruant (Is.42:1); the first borne (Ps.89:27), (1Chronicles.5:1,2); the Just one (Acts.7:52); righteous seruant (Is.53:11); the Sheapheard (Gen.49:22-26); a lambe (Is.53:7); the Prince (Ezek.44:2,3); the Prince of life (Acts.3:15); Prince Michael; the Holy one of Israel; “the man whose name is the Branch” (Zech.3,6); a righteous branch (Jer.23:5); The Lord Our Righteousnes (Jer.23:6).
An holy Temple in the Lord Work by S.Y. Kharchenko
Part 1 The history of “ancientry” Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Civilization of “Ancient Greece” and “Ancient Rome”
Chapter 3
Part 2 “foure men which haue a vow on them” Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 “hee that shall endure vnto the ende, the same shall be saued”
The way of the Lord Work by S.Y. Kharchenko
Chapter 1 “Now þe feast of vnleuened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passeouer“ (Luke.22:1);
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Between “the Lords Passeouer” and “the feast of Unleauened bread”
Chapter 4 The prison, the judgment, and the pains of death
Chapter 5 “this doe in remembrance of me”
Chapter 6
The burden of “Egypt” Work by S.Y. Kharchenko
Chapter 1 The “isles of Elishah” or foggy Albion Chapter 2 The “divine” mission of the USA Chapter 3 The “East Wind” |
Chapter 1 The “isles of Elishah” or foggy Albion “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee” (Ezek.28:15)
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Worship us and you will receive the kingdom
| They live by the sword and serve to God
| Why did the “good” democracy win in the “bad” country?
Falling Down of the Great British Empire
| The heart of “Egypt” shall melt
The historical mission of Russia
What does Scripture say about the King James Bible?
"The dreams of the King", by which the spirit is disturbed
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