In the first six chapters of the book of Daniel, we are
shown the most important events that will happen to the people of Israel
when the power of darkness comes. These prophecies are easy to see and
understand. Each chapter of the book shows a specific event. The order
of the chapters of the book shows us the sequence of these events.
The first chapter shows the beginning of the ministry of
the sons of Israel to the Babylonian whore.
The second chapter
shows the destruction of the Babylonian whore and the
salvation of the people of Israel.
In the third chapter,
the alived up Image of the beast is shown.
The fourth chapter
shows the process of grafting natural branches into one's
olive tree.
The fifth chapter
shows a seven-day feast and a sign in heaven.
The sixth chapter
shows "the time of Iacobs trouble" (Jer.30:7) and
the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But it turns out that the chapters of this book are
relevant to the present. We will look at the second chapter.
The King will order to destroy of all the Wise men of
A person who believes (trusts) God understands the
prophetic meaning of the Scriptures. This is expressed in his ability to
see types in Scripture ("the dreams of the king",
by which the spirit is disturbed), and correctly interpret them. For the
Lord reveals Himself by His Word (1Sam.3:21). The names of people who
misinterpret (pervert) the Word of God are in question in the Book of
Life. Such "Christians" are given the condition: "if ...".
Scripture on behalf of God, figuratively, in the words of
Nebuchadnezzar, says to them:
"...if ye will not make knowen vnto me the dreame, with
the interpretation thereof, yee shall be cut in pieces, and your houses
shalbe made a dunghill"
(Dan.2:5) (KJV1611)
Scripture calls such "Christians" the Magicians, and the
Astrologers, and the Sorcerers, and the Caldeans.
These are representatives of absolutely all confessions
and denominations in “Christianity”. They cannot tell "the King his
dreames" (Dan.2:2).
"But if yee will not make knowen vnto me the dreame,
there is but one decree for you: for ye haue prepared lying, and corrupt
words to speake before me, till the time be changed:
therefore tell me the dreame, and I shall know that yee
can shewe mee the interpretation thereof"
Every person who undertakes to interpret the Word of God
without understanding the prophetic meaning of the verses of Scripture
speaks a lie, perverting the Word of God. The entire Christian world
will be in delusion "till the time be changed" (Dan.2:9). The
turning point will occur at the moment of the rapture of Church of the
first born. And then all their deceit will be revealed. Scripture on
behalf of God prophetically tells them: "I know of certeinty that ye
would gaine the time" (Dan.2:8).
The king suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, concluded
that all the sages around him were not who they pretended to be. They
all stubbornly ignored his demands and wasted their time.
"For this cause the King was angry and very furious, and
commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babylon"
All of them, who delayed in the hope of success, were the
losers. We are shown a prototype of the present tense. The old world
began to crumble before our eyes. Humanity, morally degrading,
degenerates. And now, soon a decree will be issued to kill the Wise men
of Babylon - every "Christian" will experience the fierce wrath of God.
Only "Daniel and his fellowes" will escape destruction. They are the
only ones who will be able to stand in the breach of the wall, taking
the place of the whole Congregation, in order to turn off "the fierce
wrath of our God for this matter" (Ezra.10:14).
"¶ Therefore Daniel went in vnto Arioch whom the king had
ordained to destroy the wise men of Babylon: he went and said thus vnto
him, Destroy not the wise men of Babylon: bring me in before the king,
and I will shew vnto the king the interpretation"
God still continues to say to Christians: Give the
correct interpretation of the Word of God -
"shewe me
the dreame, and the interpretation thereof",
and then, at the appointed hour, turn into a multitude of
the heavenly Hoste (Luke 2:13,14) -you will become gods, "whose
dwelling is not with flesh" (Dan.2:11),
"yee shall receiue of me giftes and rewards, and great honour"
(Dan.2:6). But "Christians" do not understand the words
of the Author of the Scriptures, they are unable to please the Lord.
Note that perverse interpretation of the Scriptures
(Dan.2:9) is a crime. And according to the degree of punishment, it is
equated to changing His Word. In the 6th chapter of the book of Ezra, we
are shown the story of the writing of the King James Bible (see the work
"The Bible of the King"), and then, in the words of King Darius, a
formidable warning is given to all people for any change of His Word:
"Also I haue made a decree, that whosoeuer shall alter
this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set vp,
let him bee hanged thereon, and let his house bee made a doung hill for
Do you see similarities in punishments, both for
deliberately changing the Word (Ezra.6:11) and for misinterpreting it
(Dan.2:5)? And the same formidable warning sounds for any withdrawal of
the Word of God from the Book:
"And if any man shall take away from the wordes of the
booke of this prophesie, God shal take away his part out of the booke of
life, and out of the holy citie, and from the things which are written
in this booke"
Ruthless condemnation awaits every person who violates
these commands.
"enter into his Sanctuarie"
In verse 17 we are shown the rapture of the Evangelist.
He will be the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ after
2000 years of His "deepe sleepe" (Gen.2:21). This event will be made
known to Church of the first born:
"Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing knowen
to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah his companions:
That they would desire mercies of the God of heauen
concerning this secret, that Daniel and his fellowes should not perish
with the rest of the Wise men of Babylon"
In verse 18, we are shown the Church of the first born,
in confession before God, asking for mercy from God, so that she would
not perish "with the rest of the Wise men of Babylon." They will
ask God to reveal to them the date of the rapture of Church of the first
born. It is said: "That they would desire
mercies of the God of heauen concerning this secret."
The events of these days are described in chapter 30 of
the book of 2 Chronicles, and in chapters 9-10 of the book of Ezra.
Scripture in the Name of the Author of the Scriptures tells Christians:
"Now be yee not stiffe-necked as your fathers were, but
yeeld your selues vnto the Lord, and enter into his Sanctuarie, which he
hath sanctified for euer: and serue the Lord your God, that the
fiercenesse of his wrath may turne away from you"
The firstborns of Christ are separated from the
abominations of the Gentiles, and therefore only they will receive news
of the imminent rapture and experience great joy. Their great joy will
last fourteen days (2Chron.30:23) - Jesus, having descended from the
third heaven, will be stunned by the degree of idolatry of Christian
society, and the number of foreign wives accepted into cohabitation.
Realizing the scale of the crimes of the Christian society, the
firstborns and Christ Himself will mourn those who have sinned. The
prototype of this event is the arrival of Ezra in the community to the
settlers (Ezra.9-10).
Church of the first born will be gathered "against the
thirde day" (Ex.19:11), this will be the third day of the month
(Sunday), so that to board a ship "on the morrow" (Acts.20:7),
and those who could not separate themselves "from the people of the
land, and from the strange wiues" (Ezra.10:11) will return home
(Acts.21:6). Not surprisingly, after the rapture of Church of the first
born, there will be a huge number of people weeping and wailing. It is
they who have turned Christian doctrine into fables. But there is still
hope "concerning this thing" (Ezra.10:2). They will give their
hands that they will "put away
their wiues"
and, admitting their guilt, will offer
"a ramme of the flocke for their trespasse"
(Ezra.10:19) -- a type of the Evangelist. After that,
they will no longer be able to live as before. Preaching the Word of
God, they will be in great affliction and reproach (Neh.1:3)
The Passover "of the second moneth"
The feast of Passover, according to the ceremonial law,
was celebrated in the first month. In the second month they feasted
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread by the special command of the
Lord (Numb.9:9-11), as an exception. Once, in the second month, "did
they eate the Passeouer otherwise then it was written"
(2Chron.30:18), not according to the rule, and the Lord forgave
2 Chronicles 30 gives the reason why the rapture of
Church of the first born was temporarily delayed:
"For the king had taken counsell, and his Princes, and
all the congregation in Ierusalem, to keepe the Passeouer in the second
For they could not keepe it at that time, because the
Priests had not sanctified themselues sufficiently, neither had the
people gathered themselues together to Ierusalem"
In this verse, the phrase: "to keepe the Passeouer in
the second moneth" means the rapture of Church of the first born in
the second year - 2022.
Harvest time
Harvest time is divided into four special periods of
time, they are shown to us in the form of an image - four "kingdoms"
will replace each other. It is said: it "shalbe in the latter dayes"
(Dan.2:28). This is in detail told in work "A righteous branch",
Part 1.
During the harvest time, the Church of the first born
will increase the people of God, "(how many soeuer they be) an
hundred folde" and the eyes of the King will see this (2Sam.24:3).
Kingdom of God
The completion of the harvest is shown to us in verses
44-45. The next four verses 46-49 form the last paragraph, in which we
are shown the events of the beginning of the future 1000 years of the
peace. The God of heaven will exalt a man whose name is Branch (see the
work "A
righteous branch"). Having become the leader and judge of Israel, he
will sit "in the gate of the King" in Jerusalem. And in the case
of a difficult case in court: "betweene blood and blood, betweene
plea and plea, and betweene stroke and stroke" people will come to
him to judge them or get advice (Deut.17:8-9).
"Then the King made Daniel a great man, and gaue him many
great gifts, & made him ruler ouer the whole prouince of Babylon, and
chiefe of the gouernours ouer all the wise men of Babylon.
Then Daniel requested of the King, and he set Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego ouer the affaires of the prouince of Babylon: but
Daniel sate in the gate of the King"
At the same time, the faithful, chosen and called (the
Church of Christ), in the future 1000 years of the peace, will be "ouer
the affaires of the prouince of Babylon" - in heavens.
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