In the seventh chapter of the book of Acts, Scripture shows us the
most important events over the past three thousand years: from the
birth of Christ to the completion of the world.
In the image of Stephen at the end of the Millennium, we are shown two
groups of people called and sanctified by God. People who will be
delivered “from the houre of temptation” (Rev.3:10) will be
raptured, while others (Israel) will be tested through baptism of
fire. The holy Ghost Himself will give the right words to Israel, who
will have led before kings and rulers for the Name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. And in these words their accusers will be shown the whole
history of Christianity. Scripture, telling about the wisdom of
Stephen, about the false accusation and the death sentence to him,
shows us these last days of the Millennium. And we are shown the whole
history of Christianity in his speech to the Sanhedrin.
What prophetic significance does Abram’s exit from Ur of the Chaldeans
and his stop in Harran in chapter 7 of the book of Acts (Acts 7:2-4)?
Scripture, using the events associated with Abram, shows us the events
of the past, present and future times. We will review the first verses
of the seventh chapter of the book of Acts. In the image of Abram, the
Scriptures show us the ministry of the Son of God: on earth, in the
tabernacle of heaven, and in the New Jerusalem. He will fulfill the
functions of: Prophet, High Priest and King. At birth, they called him
the name Jesus. In the tabernacle of heaven, He is Christ. On the
throne, He is the Lord.
“Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken: The God of glory appeared vnto
our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in
And said vnto him, Get thee out of thy countrey, and from thy
kinred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee.
Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran:
and from thence, when his father was dead, he remoued him into this
lande wherein ye now dwell”
“Loe, I come to doe thy will (O God:)”
Scripture shows us how God commands the Son to go out of his kindred,
out of His Father’s house, and go to the earth that He will show Him.
The Son left His “earth” - the third heaven, left His kinship - “the
king and the queen” (Neh.2:6), but “made himselfe of no reputation,
and tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant, and was made in the
likenesse of men” (Phil.2:7,8).
The books of the New Testament tell us about the fulfillment of this
prophecy: for unto us is born after the fourth thousand years from the
creation of Adam “in the citie of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Christ
the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
The second chapter of Genesis speaks of this event: “And the LORD
God formed man of the dust of the ground, & breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life; and man became a liuing soule” (Gen.2:7).
“being put to death in the flesh”
“came he out of the land of the Chaldeans”
After accepting the death of the cross, He really came out of the land
of the Chaldeans. And here, at this event, the whole Christian world,
in fact, puts an end, believing that Jesus has already fulfilled the
will of the Father. But is it? The reason for this error lies in the
misunderstanding of the many prototypes of the books of the Old
Testament, in particular ceremonial law. This misunderstanding is for
mistrust of the Word of God.
Scripture, narrating about the temptation of Christ in the wilderness,
about trial of Pilate, and “that he rose againe the third day”, shows
us the most important events of the future. It is impossible to see
them without understanding the prophetic significance of the verses of
the books of the Old Testament. And in general, the beginning of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark.1:1) is in the future.
The Son fulfilled only part of the Father’s command.
After death on the cross, after 2,000 years, He will dwell “in
Charran” (Acts.7:4)
Ahead is the long ministry of the High Priest and priests at the edge
of heaven in the tabernacle of heaven. And even after that, it’s too
early to put an end to the work of redemption. A stop in Charran
corresponds in the Gospels to the temptation of Christ in the
wilderness, to the presence of the Child and His Mother in Egypt
(Matt. 2), and denotes the ministry of Christ in the second
Tabernacle. The purpose of this ministry is explained in detail in the
work: “The Way of the Lord.”
The seventh chapter of the book of Acts is the only one in Scripture
in which is the word Charran; it means the tabernacle of
heaven. In all other verses of the Bible there is the word Haran;
it means life on earth.
“and from thence, when his father was dead, he remoued him”
At a certain time, God will resettle Jesus Christ from the first
branch of the tabernacle of heaven. And the Scripture gives us a sign
when this will happen. He will be resettled, when his father is dead.
What father is the Scripture prophetically talking about? For what
reason will he die? And what is the connection between these events?
Answers to these questions will be given in another work.
“the third day” or “in three dayes”?
People argue, finding out the number of days that have passed from His
death to His resurrection, not understanding that His “resurrection”
and all further events described in the Gospels serve only as
prototypes for describing future events. His “resurrection” in the
year 34 and the description of the day of Pentecost is the shadow of
future events. Otherwise, how the Scripture, telling about Jesus,
could tell us about His resurrection in the Spirit, about His ministry
in the Tabernacle of heaven, about the events of the last seventieth
week, about the events on His marriage day, about His second coming
and events in the end of the world (John 21)?
If the Scripture in only one chapter is able to show us several events
of the future time, then the four Gospels show us in all details all
significant events over three thousand years. Scripture says:
“Him God raised vp the third day, and shewed him openly”
“Thus it is written, & thus it behoued Christ to suffer, & to rise
from the dead the third day”
“he rose againe the third day”
“the third day there was a mariage in Cana of Galilee”
In these verses, “the third day” means the third thousand
years, Christ will be rise again in the Spirit at the beginning of the
third thousand years, and the marriage “in Cana of Galilee”
will be at the third thousand years. But an holy Temple in the Lord
will be finally built only after the third thousand years. Jesus said:
«Destroy this temple, and in three dayes I will raise it vp»(John.2:19).
After “the third day”, Christ and the Church will be like
“an holy Temple in the Lord.” Scripture, using the phrase “the
third day,” refers to another great event that will occur at the
end of the seventh year. Three “dayes”, depending on the
context, is also equal by three years (Mat.12:40), and in the verse
(John.2:1) “the third day” it is also the third day literally.
The week of those past days is a prototype of future events. Read the
work: “The Week of the Days.” The events of the week of the days show
us the events of the last seventieth week of Daniel. This is the time
when all power will be given to the devil and his angels for seven
years. So, more than three days passed from the death of Jesus
to His “resurrection”, which corresponds to three and a half years,
this is 1260 days. Wednesday of the week of the day corresponds to the
middle of the last seven years.
The end of the day and the beginning of a new one was determining
according to the Sun at that time, that is, subjectively. And some
disciples, speaking of those events, counted the days from His burial,
when Thursday actually began.
“he was buried”
and“he rose againe the third day according to the Scriptures”(1Cor.15:4).
Scripture does not openly name the time of His resurrection in the
future, but allowing the disciples to contradict each other when they
count days and give their details, shows us the most important events
of the future time.
The Author of the Scripture, using such “mistakes”, errors and
traditions of the fathers, through the written text shows in detail us
the past and future events. His Word is in the PROPHETICAL meaning of
One can absolutely say that His resurrection in the Spirit will happen
on the night of Saturday to Sunday. And “the mariage of the Lambe”
(Rev.19:7) will come at midnight from Saturday to Sunday.
“They haue taken away the Lord out of the Sepulchre, and we know not
where they haue laid him”
The books of the Old Testament contain numerous prototypes showing the
death of Jesus on the cross, His burial and further ministry. For
example, by investigating events related to David, you can trace the
entire way of the Lord. But not one of them speaks of the resurrection
of Jesus Christ in a glorious body on the third day or three days
Michal told David: “If thou saue not thy life to night, to morrow
thou shalt be slaine” (1Sam.19:11). Scripture prophetically speaks
of that night, from 13 to 14 Nisan, when Jesus was given into the
hands of sinners. Saul’s servants guarded David all night to kill.
These are the people who held Jesus all night, “mocked him, and
smote him” (Luke.22:63). But, having killed the body, they could
not kill His soul.
Ҧ So Michal let Dauid downe thorow a window: and hee went and fled,
and escaped”
To descend down “thorow a window” prophetically, means His
receiving up into heaven. Jesus saved His soul. He commended His
spirit into the hands of the Father (Luke.23:46).
“And Saul sought to smite Dauid euen to the wall with the iauelin”
That is“one of the souldiers with a speare pierced his side, and
forthwith came there out blood and water” (John.19:34)
“And Michal tooke an image, and laid it in the bedde, and put a
pillow of goats haire for his bolster, and couered it with a cloth”
In this type, Scripture shows us the empty sepulcher in which the body
of Jesus was laid. When Peter went inside he saw “the linnen
clothes lie, And the napkin that was about his head, not lying with
the linnen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by it selfe”
Michal covered goat’s hair, which imitated David’s head, “with a
cloth”. Scripture makes a clarification in another type: the face
of Jesus in the sepulcher was “bound about with a napkin”
That is“the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the
linnen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by it selfe”
The twisted, untied swaddling the linen clothes, preserving the
lineament of the body of Jesus, looked like an empty cocoon. What does
this mean? And what does the napkin, laying separately “by it
selfe”, mean? We are shown the image of His body, “which is the
Church” (Col.1:24). From that time, the cornerstone was laid and
the construction of the foundation of the building began, which will
subsequently grow “vnto an holy Temple in the Lord” (Eph.
2:21). The napkin, “wrapped together in a place by it selfe”,
is a type of Jesus Christ. The linen clothes and the napkin are like
separately lying “head” and “body”. This is a picture of the nowadays,
in which Adam sleeps, and Eve is not yet. Verses 20 of the chapter of
the Gospel according to S. John give an idea of the state of
Christian society:
“For as yet they knew not the Scripture, that hee must rise againe
from the dead”
Christians still do not know the Scriptures! They do not know that He
“must rise againe from the dead” in the Spirit. They do not
know that this event is in the future time. And if the first disciple
had not entered the Sepulcher, the other would have continued to
stand, contemplating from afar.
The Scripture shows us two groups of Christians in the image of two
disciples of Christ, the first group is faithful, the second one is
chosen. Although the other disciple “did outrun” and “came
first to the Sepulchre” (John.20:4), yet went he not in. This is a
type of Christians who, despite their activity, do not have faith. The
first disciple “following him” went “into the Sepulchre”
(John.20:6). In this verse we are shown how the Church of the
firstborn enters the Tabernacle of heaven. Scripture, depending on the
type, calls it: the Sepulcher, the cave (Gen.23), Naioth (1Sam.19:19),
the prison (Gen.40), the upper chamber (Acts.20:8).
Scripture, characterizing the other disciple, says that he only leaned
over and looked in. If Christians are putting the same effort for
studying the Word of God, then it is clear why they will not go in.
They do not have confidence in the Word. But they will surely believe
and enter the Tabernacle of heaven after they will became witness of
the rapture of the Church of the firstborn (Rev.6:9), not having loved
“their liues vnto the death” (Rev.12:11).
“Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the
Sepulchre, and he saw, and beleeued”
He believed according to the word of Mary: “They haue taken away
the Lord out of the Sepulchre, and we know not where they haue laid
him” (John.20:2).
Until Christians believe in her words, they will not enter the
Tabernacle of heaven. The prototype of chosen is Simeon. He, taking
the Child in his arms, said:
“Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace, according to thy
For mine eyes haue seene thy saluation.
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people.
A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel”
During the “harvest of wheat” absolutely every person on earth who
accepted Christ as their Savior will be killed: “For mine eyes haue
seene thy saluation.” They will be witnesses the appearance of
“our Sauiour Iesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought
life and immortalitie to light, through the Gospel” (2Tim.1:10).
At first, only one person will see the risen Christ. In the image of
Mary, the Scripture shows us the first witness of the resurrection of
Christ. Further, we are shown his ministry. And it will be a great
ministry. He will receive a command from Christ: “goe to my
brethren, and say vnto them...” (John.20:17). From this time on,
the sermon “of the Gospel of Iesus Christ, the Sonne of God”
will begin (Mark.1:1).
Thanks to his ministry, faithful will become witnesses of the
resurrection of Christ, then there will be the chosen and called, and
after all He will appear to Israel (1Cor.15:4-8).
“but quickened by the Spirit”
The two resurrection of Christ are hidden in the prophetic meaning of
verses. Read the work: “The Way of the Lord.” The resurrection of
Jesus “the third day” and “in three days” means:
1. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ “in the Spirit”, after
2000 years of “a deepe sleep” (Gen. 2:21).
2. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ after three years in
the hell.
First He will rise “in the Spirit”! Only His soul can offer
sacrifice for sin. And having completed His ministry, He will be
“iustified in the Spirit” (1Tim.3:16). He will receive the
glorious body on Pentecost.
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sinnes, the iust for the
vniust, that he might bring vs to God, being put to death in the
flesh, but quickened by the Spirit”
Christ after 2000 years of “a deepe sleep”, being “quickened by the
Spirit”, will come for His firstborn.
“By which also he went and preached vnto the spirits in prison,
Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long-suffering of God
waited in the dayes of Noah, while the Arke was a preparing: wherein
few, that is, eight soules were saued by water”
Here the spirits in prison are the Church of the firstborn. Scripture
likens our time, and this is time on the eve of the harvest, to the
days of Noah. In our time, the Tabernacle is being built, as the Ark
was once built.
Scripture, continuing the story of the salvation of David from the
hands of Saul, shows us the future path of Christ, from the moment of
His resurrection in the Spirit and ascension to the Father.
Jesus told Mary: Touch me not: for I am not yet ascended to my
Father: but goe to my brethren, and say vnto them, I ascend vnto my
Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God”
David ran away and “came to Samuel to Ramah” (1Sam.19:18).
Further, Scripture speaks of the rapture of faithful, of the rapture
of the chosen and called, in separate groups, “apart”
(Mat.17:1). When Saul was informed: “Behold, Dauid is at Naioth in
Ramah” (1Sam.19:19), then he sent “messengers to take Dauid”
(1Sam.19:20). The first messengers will be the Church of the
firstborn. By the power of the Spirit of God, they will be raptured
and enter into the “Naioth”. The twentieth verse speaks of this:
“the Spirit of God was vpon the messengers of Saul, and they also
Other messengers and those that were sent a third time are the
prototypes of the chosen and called.
Then“he sent other messengers, and they prophecied likewise: and
Saul sent messengers againe the third time, and they prophecied
also” (1Sam.19:21).
At the end of the chapter, in the image of Saul, Scripture shows us
the beast (Rev. 13). A spirit will descend upon him, too, and he will
In Image, after likeness
We continue to review the first verses of the seventh chapter of the
book of Acts (Acts 7: 2-4). Scripture speaks of the resurrection of
“he remoued him into this lande”
In relation to our time, this phrase must be understood: “God will
lead Him out the hell to this earth.” The return home to a new heaven
and new earth will happen after He attains perfection. Christ being
made perfect, will become “the authour of eternall saluation vnto
all them that obey him” (Heb.5:9).
Scripture calls the Church a wife, the bride of the Lamb, and compares
it to the holy
new Hierusalem, “prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”
(Rev.21:2). The Scriptures also compares the Church of God with the
construction of the building, which “fitly framed together, groweth
vnto an holy Temple in the Lord” (Eph.2:19-22). In the Gospels
there are the types of the holy Temple in the Lord too.
When Jesus was resurrected, “there was a great earthquake, for
the Angel of the Lord descended from heauen, and came and rolled
backe the stone from the doore, and sate vpon it” (Mat.28:2).
Now imagine an Angel sitting on a large stone.
“His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snowe”
This is “the appearance of the likenesse of the glory of the Lord”
(Ezek.1:28). When Ezekiel saw a whirlwind, a great cloud, and a fire
enfolding itself (Ezek.1:4), he, realizing himself insignificantly
small in front of this Majesty, “fell vpon” his face from
horror and numbness. He saw the likeness of the future holy Temple in
the Lord, the Church of God in Christ.
God“maketh his Angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire”
The Angel of the Lord, sitting on a stone, is a type of Christ, coming
at the head of the Church at His second coming. It is said:
“descended from heauen”. Ezekiel saw over the heads of animals a
semblance of the firmament, and above the firmament “was the
likenesse of a Throne, as the appearance of a Saphyre stone, and vpon
the likenesse of the Throne was the likenesse as the appearance of a
man aboue vpon it” (Ezek. 1:26).
“In the day that God created man, in the likenes of God made he him.
Male and female created hee them, and blessed them, and called their
name Adam, in the day when they were created”
Man and woman, when they were created, had one name - Adam. The woman
was as part of Adam, from here and the expression “in Iesus
Christ.” Also, the Church of God with the Son of God, “when
they” will be created, God will call their name -- Christ the Lord
(Luke 2:11).
In eternity “his name shalbe called, Wonderfull, Counseller, The
mightie God, The euerlasting Father, The Prince of peace”
The stone on which the Angel sat is the body of Christ - the Church.
At the second coming, it will be represented by faithful, chosen, and
called. Israel and Gentile believers will supplement (replenish) it
later. An Angel and a stone are like a head and a body. This is the
same Man that God spoke of, “Let vs make man in our Image, after
our likenesse” (Gen.1:26). A man “in the Image of God” is
two: male and female (Gen.1:27). Therefore, God art the Father and the
holy Ghost, as one.
When Jacob went to Haran to take wife for himself from there, “hee
lighted vpon a certaine place, and taried there all night, because the
sunne was set: and hee tooke of the stones of that place, and put them
for his pillowes, and lay downe in that place to sleepe”
(Gen.28:11). In a dream, the Lord showed him the future Millennium.
This is the time when the land on which he lay will belong to Israel,
and the Lord will be their hiding place and shield.
“And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt
spread abroad to the West, and to the East, and to the North, and to
the South: and in thee, and in thy seed, shall all the families of
the earth be blessed.
And behold, I am with thee, and will keepe thee in all places
whither thou goest, and will bring thee againe into this land: for I
will not leaue thee, vntill I haue done that which I haue spoken to
thee of”
In this type, Scripture shows us their patron and protector. The
stones and head that he laid on them is a type of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Christ “is the head of the body, the Church”
(Col.1:18). The name Lord Jesus Christ will be given to Christ and the
Church; in this Majesty, will dwell “all the fulnesse of the
Godhead bodily” (Col.2:9).
On Pentecost, God WILL MAKE “that same Iesus” “both Lord and
Christ” (Acts.2:36). In the book of Revelation, the Scripture
says about the events of this day: “the seuenth Angel” will
SOUND and there will be “great voyces in heauen, saying, The
kingdomes of this world are become the kingdomes of our Lord, and of
his Christ, and he shall reigne for euer and euer” (Rev.11:15).
Great vision was seen by Daniel. His face changed tremendously, and
when he heard the “the voice of his wordes,” then he was his
“face toward the ground” (Dan.10:8,9). He saw a certain man
clothed in linen. Scripture shows us the second coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ and His meeting with Israel. Scripture specifically
speaks of His body, face, eyes, and limbs.
“His body also was like the Berill, and his face as the appearance
of lightning, and his eyes as lampes of fire, and his armes, and his
feete like in colour to polished brasse, and the voice of his words
like the voice of a multitude”
And here is the description of the Lord Jesus Christ by John: “in
the midst of the seuen candlestickes”, he saw “one like vnto
the Sonne of man, clothed with a garment downe to the foot, and girt
about the paps with a golden girdle. His head, and his haires were
white like wooll as white as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of
fire, And his feet like vnto fine brasse, as if they burned in a
furnace: and his voice as the sound of many waters” (Rev.1:13-15);
“and out of his mouth went a sharpe two edged sword: and his
countenance was as the Sunne shineth in his strength”
Scripture shows us the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ in many
types. The Scriptures show us the holy Temple in the Lord by the
description of the face and garments of Jesus after His
transfiguration on a high mountain, as well as in the appearance of a
cloud that overshadowed His disciples: “and his face did shine as
the Sunne, and his raiment was white as the light” (Mat.17:2).
The type of the Church of God in Christ is “a charet of fire, and
horses of fire”. Before the prophet Elijah ascended to heaven, he
went with Elisha.
“And it came to passe as they still went on and talked, that
beholde, there appeared a charet of fire, and horses of fire, and
parted them both asunder, and Elijah went vp by a whirlewind into
Ascension of Elijah “by a whirlewind into heauen” is a
prototype of the rapture of the Church of the firstborn. But when the
marriage of the Lamb takes place, a great earthquake will occur.
Scripture explains:
“The Lord raigneth, let the people tremble: he sitteth betweene the
Cherubims, let the earth bee mooued”
John saw “mighty Angel come down from heauen” (Rev.10:1). In
the image of an Angel who had an open book, Scripture shows us the
Lord Jesus Christ, “clothed with a cloud, and a rainebow was vpon
his head, and his face was as it were the Sunne, and his feet as
pillars of fire”. John’s vision is similar to vision of Ezekiel.
The rainbow above the head of the Angel, clothed with a great cloud,
was seen by John and Ezekiel. Ezekiel saw in the middle of a great
cloud and swirling fire “the likenesse of foure liuing creatures”
“As for the likenesse of the liuing creatures, their appearance was
like burning coles of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it
went vp and downe among the liuing creatures, and the fire was
bright, and out of the fire went foorth lightning”
Above their heads was the likeness of a man, “as the colour of
amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it: from the
appearance of his loynes euen vpward, and from the appearance of his
loynes euen downeward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, & it
had brightnesse round about” (Ezek. 1:27,28).
These living creatures of John’s vision looked “as pillars of
fire”, like copper, heated in a furnace to a dazzling brilliance
(Rev.1:15). The living creatures, whose appearance is like a flame of
fire, is a prototype of the body of Christ: faithful, chosen, called
and beloved (Jude 1).
Those that love Him will be“as the Sunne when he goeth foorth in
his might” (Judges.5:31).
Scripture shows us these “foure liuing creatures” in chapter 21
of Acts. When Paul arrived in Hierusalem, there were “foure men
which haue a vow on them” (Acts 21:23). And he be “at charges
with them” (Acts. 21:24).
“Paul tooke the men, and the next day purifying himselfe with them,
entred into the Temple, to signifie the accomplishment of the dayes
of purification, vntill that an offering should be offered for euery
one of them”
Scripture shows us the Lamb, who incurs on Himself all the charges of
sin. In the image of four men we are shown four groups of people.
These are those who regard everything as rubbish “for the sake of
the superior knowledge of Christ Jesus” (Phil.3:8), they will give
up everything that they had previously considered an advantage, and
will follow Christ, remaining faithful to Him. After passing the tests
“according to the law of Moses” (Luke 2:22), the vow given to
the Lord will be fulfilled. Christ, having taken these people, will
declare “the accomplishment of the dayes of purification” in
the new Hierusalem.
Note that the Scripture says: “Wee haue foure men which haue a vow
on them” (Acts.21:23), but on DAY of Pentecost only “three men”
will appear before Christ: faithful, chosen, and called. The fourth
group of saved people is Israel and the believing pagans of the future
the Millennium. The promise belongs to Israel, their children “and
to all that are afarre off, euen as many as the Lord our God shall
call” (Acts.2:39). Jesus told His disciples of those “that are
afarre off”:
“And other sheepe I haue, which are not of this fold: them also I
must bring, and they shall heare my voyce; and there shall be one
fold, and one shepheard”
The sacrifice for sin for them will be brought in absentia. Scripture
says: “an offering should be offered for euery one of them”
(Acts 21:26). Outside the Body of Christ there is no salvation.
The fourth group of saved people will include all the righteous who
lived until the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. In the book of
Hebrews, in chapter 11, Scripture lists only a small fraction of them.
Saying to Israel on the eve of their meeting with the Lord, Scripture
All of them, “hauing obtained a good report through faith,
receiued not the promise:
God hauing prouided some better thing for vs, that they without vs,
should not be made perfect.”(Heb.11:39,40).
In the books of the Old Testament, Scripture shows us past and future
events on stories from their lives. “So the last shall be first,
and the first last” (Mat.20:16).
The Four Gospels
The order of books of the Bible, like all text in books, divided into
chapters and verses, has prophetic significance. The location of any
book in the Bible determines its content. Therefore, knowledge about
the location of the book helps to understand its content, to
understand the purpose of its writing by the Author. Conversely,
knowing the prophetic meaning of the book, its content, we can easily
determine its place among other books. It is understandable, each
stage of the construction of the holy Temple in the Lord has its own
The four Gospels show us the time during which the Gospels will be
preached throughout the earth. The first three Gospels are called
synoptic because they largely repeat each other and their verses have
significant similarities. They show us the time from the beginning of
the ministry of the first witness of the resurrection of Christ to the
beginning of the Millennium. Currently, today, May 7, 2019, this
ministry has not yet begun. But where is the dependence of the order
of the book in the Bible on its content?
In the Gospel of Matthew, we are shown the ministry of faithful; in
the Gospel of Mark -- the ministry of chosen; in the Gospel of Luke --
the ministry of the called. These three Gospels describe Jesus Christ
as a man, because the ministry of faithful, elect, the called will
continue until Pentecost. The Gospel of John shows us the rebirth of
Israel and their ministry until the end of the world.
The first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew speaks of the
resurrection of Christ, of the rapture of the Church of the firstborn,
and outlines the purpose of their ministry in the Tabernacle of
Ҧ Now the birth of Iesus Christ was on this wise: When as his
mother Mary was espoused to Ioseph (before they came together) shee
was found with childe of the holy Ghost”
After the rapture of the Church of the firstborn, in the Tabernacle of
heaven there will be the espousal of the “Bridegroom” and the “Bride”.
The betrothal of Mary and Joseph is a prototype of the future
initiation into the ministry of the First born and His firstborns in
the Tabernacle of heaven. The consecration of Aaron and his sons to
Priests to God (Lev. 8) is a type of these events. In ceremonial Law,
this event is indicated by the “the feast of vnleauened bread”
(Lev.23:6). But before, on the eve of the betrothal, it suddenly turns
out that she will be “with childe” (Rev.12:2). Who is the
Scripture talking about?
“It is reported commonly”
(1 Cor. 5:1) that the whole “Christian doctrine” has turned into
fables. Teachers and preachers, not understanding what time period
they live in, do not understand “neither what they say, nor whereof
they affirme” (1Tim.1:6,7). “And yee are puffed vp”
(1Cor.5:2) - the Author of Scripture reproaches modern Christians
(1Cor.5:2). The perversion of the Word of God in the Christian world
has reached such an extent that it can be compared with fornication,
“as is not so much as named amongst the Gentiles” (1Cor.5:1).
Therefore, all participants in this debauchery will be delivered
“vnto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be
saued in the day of the Lord Iesus” (1Cor.5:5).
Scripture prophetically says:
“Then Ioseph her husband being a iust man, and not willing to make
her a publique example, was minded to put her away priuily”
Jesus Christ “being a iust man” because of the unfaithfulness
of the bride cannot secretly escape public shame. The prayer of Ezra
for the people (Ezra 9-10), this is the prayer of Christ because of
the crime of the “captives”. “Rulers” will take the place of the whole
congregation in the Tabernacle of heaven. But all those guilty of the
crime will “come at appointed times, & with them the Elders of
euery citie, and the Iudges thereof; vntill the fierce wrath of our
God for this matter, be turned from vs” (Ezra.10:14). Chosen will
be born (Rev.12:2) in pain and torment; they have left their first
love (Rev.2:4).
So, “being raised from sleepe”, lasting 2,000 years, Christ
will take “his wife” (Mat.1:24).
The Gospel of Mark
is the shortest of four and lacks an introduction. The first verse
explains EVERYTHING:
“The beginning of the Gospel of Iesus Christ, the Sonne of God”
The text of this Gospel contains many Statements of Faith. Each
believer during the harvest of wheat is waiting for the trial of
“Pilate”. And those who believe, while remaining faithful to Christ,
will live one event when Christ, “being made perfect”, WILL
BECOME “the authour of eternall saluation vnto all them that obey
him” (Heb.5:9). The Gospel of Jesus Christ will direct the gaze of
people to His future victory.
In the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke, we are shown the
events that will occur on the eve of the DAY of Pentecost. Scripture
shows us the completion of the harvest of wheat and the beginning of
the harvest of barley. We are shown the last days of the ministry of
the Church of the firstborn in the Tabernacle of heaven and the
beginning of the grafting of natural branches to its olive tree. In
the image of the Priest “named Zacharias” we are shown the
Church of the firstborn, in the image of his wife Elizabeth -- Israel.
Events will take place “in the dayes of Herode” (Luke.1:5),
these are the last months of the beast’s power (Rev. 13), he is also
the king of Judea.
In the Gospel of John, the key theme is “that light is come
into the world” (John 3:19), and therefore further events should
be considered as occurring after DAY of Pentecost and the second
coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The mystery of union of Christ and
the Church, through the action of the holy Ghost, is shown in verses:
“But as many as receiued him, to them gaue hee power to become the
sonnes of God, euen to them that beleeue on his Name: Which were
borne, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will
of man, but of God”
Next, we are shown Christ who rose up, reigned, and became perfect in
Marriage: “the Word was made flesh”. And in general, the
phrases: “the Word was made flesh” (John. 1:14), “the flesh
Christ” (Rom.9:5), “In the body of his flesh” (Col.1:22),
“through the vaile, that is to say, His flesh” (Heb.10:20),
speak of Christ after His betrothal to His Bride, or after His
Marriage with His Wife.
After His second coming, “full of grace and trueth” He will
dwell for a certain time with Israel, and they will see “his glory,
the glory as of the onely begotten of the Father” (John.1:14).
Israel in the future Millennium will testify to the Gentiles what was
“from þebeginning”.
“That which was from þebeginning, which wee haue heard, which wee
haue seene with our eyes, which wee haue looked vpon, and our hands
haue handled of the word of life”
Scripture defines the birth of the Son of God (Ps.2:7) as the
BEGINNING in this Gospel. Remember, we are considering the prophetic
meaning of verses.
“In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, and the
Word was God”
The phrase “from thebeginning” is often found in the generall
Epistles, because the countdown in the future Millennium will be from
the DAY of Pentecost and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ,
as “frō the beginning of the creation” (2Pet.3:4).
Notice that Jesus cleansed the Temple at the beginning of His ministry
after He “manifested forth his glory, and his disciples beleeued on
him” (John 2:11). But in the synoptic Gospels, the entry of Jesus
Christ into Jerusalem and the cleansing of the Temple take place at
the end of His ministry. In these events, Scripture shows us His
second coming. In addition, the Gospel of John does not mention the
temptation of Jesus from the devil in the “wilderness,” because the
ministry in the Tabernacle of heaven will be in the past.
For the saved sinner, who lives in the Millennium, the victory over
the devil will be an accomplished event - the Saints will possess the
kingdom. Therefore, the synoptic Gospels speak of the approach of the
kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God. In the Gospel of John, we are
shown this time as the present.
The true meaning of Scripture is hidden from the reader. And only a
person who trusts the Word can understand it. By the way, is this a
good way to test yourself, “whether ye be in the faith”
(2Cor.13:5)? Have you received this gift from God? Are you born from
the word of truth?
I hope it is clear why there are discrepancies and contradictions
between the texts of the Gospels and other books of the Bible?
The Author of the Scripture inspired a person who wrote his
impressions, reflections as a witness to events or from the words of
other people in a book scroll, while not understanding the prophetic
meaning of the text he wrote. Using these subjective judgments and
perceptions of various writers, “as the word of men”
(1Thess.2:13), the Author gives us the true meaning of the Scriptures.
“For this cause also thanke wee God without ceasing, because when
yee receiued the word of God, which yee heard of vs, yee receiued it
not as the word of men, but (as it is in trueth) the word of God,
which effectually worketh also in you that beleeue”
Each text of the Bible bears its imprint of human impressions, being
inspired by God. Therefore, discrepancies and contradictions exist for
people from whom the prophetic meaning of verses is hidden, for them
there is only open text.
Let the waters bring foorth aboundantly the mouing creature that
hath life (Gen. 1:20).
A new covenant
Israel will not be able to attend the marriage supper of the Lamb, and
all the more so the Gentiles who in the future will believe in Christ,
they will not even be born by then. But, after the conclusion of the
New Covenant with Israel, all newly believers will become part of His
Body. They will be in Christ. In the book of Deuteronomy, Scripture
shows us how Israel makes the New Covenant with the Lord. The Lord
Jesus Christ will say to Israel:
“Neither with you onely doe I make this couenant and this othe:
But with him that standeth here with vs this day before the Lord
our God, and also with him that is not here with vs this day”
In the type of Thomas, the Scripture shows us the fourth group of the
saved, which will be absent at the marriage supper. He is “one of
the twelue,” who was not with them, “when Iesus came”
(John.20:24). Israel will only believe when they see “a charet of
fire, and horses of fire”.
When Joseph released his brothers, and they went “into the land
of Canaan vnto Iacob their father, And told him, saying, Ioseph is
yet aliue, and he is gouernour ouer all the land of Egypt. And
Iacobs heart fainted, for he beleeued them not. And they told him
all the words of Ioseph, which hee had saide vnto them: and when hee
saw the wagons which Ioseph had sent to carie him, the spirit of
Iacob their father reuiued. And Israel said, It is enough;
Ioseph my sonne is yet aliue: I will goe and see him before I die”
To completely complete the construction of the holy Temple in the Lord
(Eph. 2:21), it will take another “day” - the Millennium. When the Sun
of truth rises, there will be much easier to find a way leading to
life than it is now in the times of ignorance. Therefore, during the
Millennium, a huge number of people will be saved, they will
“replenish” (Gen.1:28) the flaw. In this Man they will fulfill the
function of the fingers (1Cor.12:20). If we consider the location of
the camp in the Sinai desert (Num. 2,3) according to the requirements
of the ceremonial Law, then we will see the peculiars: “head”, “body”,
“limbs” and “fingers”.
Birth of water and of the spirit
In the Gospel of John, the Scripture speaks of being born again
(John.3:3) after the events that occurred on a marriage “in Cana of
Galilee”. The new birth, the birth from the holy Ghost, will occur
for the Son of God, for faithful, elect, called on Pentecost. This DAY
will bring about the mystery of the union of Christ and the Church
through the action of the holy Ghost. Israel “purifying” (Acts
21:26) will be also become part of His Body.
This is the mystery that Scripture speaks to Israel in the words of
“except a man be borne againe, he cannot see the kingdome of God”
In the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, the Scriptures show
us the future fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ with Israel, the
fellowship of Christ and the Church with the people of Israel.
Therefore, Jesus and Nicodemus in this conversation do not speak on
their own behalf, they express the opinion of many people. Nicodemus
says: “Rabbi, wee know that thou art a teacher come from God: for
no man can doe these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him”
Jesus replies: “we speak of what we know, and testify of what we
saw” (John.3:11).
Israel will not believe unless it sees signs and wonders (John.4:48).
And Nicodemus, through the signs and wonders that Jesus performed in
Jerusalem, became convinced (believed) that He was “a teacher come
from God” (John.3:2). Jesus told Nicodemus:
“Uerily, verily I say vnto thee, except a man be borne of water and
of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdome of God”
The Scripture shows the second birth of Israel in the book of Acts,
“when the day of Pentecost was fully come” (Acts.2:1). And also,
in the conversion of Saul (Acts 9) and the baptism of the disciples of
John (Acts 19), who, like Nicodemus, “haue not so much as heard
whether there be any holy Ghost”.
“And it came to passe, that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul
hauing passed thorow the vpper coasts, came to Ephesus, and finding
certaine disciples,
He said vnto them, Haue ye receiued the holy Ghost since yee
beleeued? And they saide vnto him, Wee haue not so much as heard
whether there be any holy Ghost.
And he said vnto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they
saide, Unto Iohns Baptisme.
Then saide Paul, Iohn verely baptized with the baptisme of
repentance, saying vnto the people, that they should beleeue on him
which should come after him, that is, on Christ Iesus.
When they heard this, they were baptized in the Name of the Lord
And when Paul had laide his hands vpon them, the holy Ghost came on
them, and they spake with tongues, and prophecied.
And all þemen were about twelue”
The Scriptures show us a future prophet in the ministry of John the
Baptist, whose ministry will begin on the eve of the harvest time. He
will be the first witness of the resurrection of Christ. Thus, John’s
baptism is a ministry by the preaching “of the Gospel of Iesus
Christ, the Sonne of God” (Mark.1:1), and the ministry by the Word
of God, “that they should beleeue on him which should come after
The baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus is the national repentance
of Israel. These events are described in the work: “Baptism in the
Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” The second birth of Israel is shown in
the ninth chapter of the book of Daniel. They will turn “vnto the
Lord God to seeke by prayer, and supplications, with fasting, and
sackcloth, and ashes.” (Dan.9:3). The Lord says:
“And I wil powre vpon the house of Dauid, and vpon the inhabitants
of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications, and they
shall looke vpon me whom they haue pearced, and they shal mourne for
him, as one mourneth for his onely sonne, and shall be in
bitternesse for him, as one that is in bitternesse for his first
Scripture, saying to Israel during the period of their national
repentance, says:
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath
made that same Iesus, whom ye haue crucified, both Lord and Christ.
¶ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and
said vnto Peter, and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren,
What shall we doe?”
Israel, like Saul, who “could not see for the glory of that light”
will be in distress. He said, trembling and astonished, “Lord, what
wilt thou haue mee to doe?” (Acts.9:6). The men of Judah asked,
“Men and brethren, What shall we doe?” How shall we reconcile with
God and Christ?
Jesus rebuked Nicodemus: “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest
not these things?” (John.3:10). Scripture, referring to Israel
during their second birth, reproaches them: “when for the time yee
ought to bee teachers, yee haue neede that one teach you againe which
be the first principles of the Oracles of God” (Heb.5:12).
Scripture tells us of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
through the testimony of Daniel:
“Yea whiles I was speaking in praier, euen the man Gabriel, whom I
had seene in the vision at the beginning, being caused to flie
swiftly, touched me about the time of the euening oblation.
And he informed mee, and talked with mee, and said; O Daniel, I am
now come foorth to giue thee skill and vnderstanding”
The “man Gabriel” will say to Israel:“And now, why tariest thou?
Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sinnes, calling on the name
of the Lord” (Acts.22:16).
“Repent, and be baptized euery one of you in the Name of Iesus
Christ, for the remission of sinnes, and ye shal receiue the gift of
the holy Ghost.
For the promise is vnto you, and to your children, and to all that
are afarre off, euen as many as the Lord our God shall call”
Note that Scripture speaks of baptism in “in the Name of the Lord
Iesus” (Acts.22:16), (Acts.19:5). That is, in the name of Christ,
Who was glorified and attained to perfection, which means that this
baptism indicates events following the DAY of Pentecost.
What does the word “water” mean in verse (John.3:5)? The “adoption,
and the glory, and the couenants, and the giuing of the Law, and the
seruice of God, and the promises” (Rom.9:4) perteineth to
Israelites. Therefore, all Judah who will believe will be zealous of
the Law (Acts 21:20), and according to the custom of cleansing of the
Judah, they will have to wash their uncleanness. The prototype of this
ablution is the healing of Naaman, “He was also a mighty man in
valour, but he was a leper” (2Kings.5:1).
“In that day there shalbe a fountaine opened to the house of Dauid,
and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem, for sinne, and for
A new and living path will be opened for them, after they cleanse
their hearts and wash their bodies with “pure water”
(Heb.10:22). To the Israelites “perteineth the adoption, and the
glory, and the couenants, and the giuing of the Law, and the seruice
of God, and the promises” (Rom.9:4).
So, no man can be born “of water and of the spirit”, or be
baptized with the holy Ghost, or be baptized “in the Name of the
Lord Iesus.” But the Christians, not knowing how to correctly
divide the word of truth, decided that the Scripture does not appeal
to Israel during their national repentance on the eve of the second
coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, but to them. Considering themselves
to be “the sonnes of God” (John.1:12), born “of water and of
the spirit” they are hardly even infants. That is why they need
the baptism of repentance.
Giving birth from the holy Ghost
Faithful, chosen, and called, born once from an incorruptible seed,
from the word of truth, will be born of the holy Ghost on DAY of
Pentecost. A new birth is like a physical birth -- first the paternal
conceiving from the seed, then giving birth by the mother. The birth
of the Son of God is similar; it has two stages. He is “conceived” by
the Father, it is said: “the onely begotten Sonne, which is in the
bosome of the Father”. Now He and the Church will have to be born
of a “mother,” of the holy Ghost. When the day of Pentecost is fully
come (Acts.2:1), “the mysterie of God” (Rev.10:7) will be
completed. Christ and the Church will become One through the action of
the holy Ghost. God will say:
“Thou art my sonne, this day haue I begotten thee”
“Thou art my Sonne, to day haue I begotten thee”
His resurrection in a glorious body is inextricably linked with His
reign up and marriage (Rev.19:7). In order to achieve this perfection,
He was once born in the Family of God (John.1:18). And the joy of
giving birth of the Only Begotten Son was restrained at that time.
When Abraham’s son was born, a great feast in honor of this event took
place only when the child grew up and was weaned (Gen. 21: 8). This
great event is indicated by the numerous prototypes of the books of
the Old Testament.
At present, the heir is as if a child, “differeth nothing from a
seruant, though hee bee Lord of all, But is vnder tutors and
gouernours vntill the time appointed of the father” (Gal.4:1,2).
The day of Pentecost in New Testament Books
In the Gospels this Great event is most clearly reflected in the
second chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, which describes the
circumstances of the birth of Jesus “in Bethlehem of Iudea”
(Mat.2:1). In the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke, the events of
Pentecost DAY begin with the words: “when the dayes of her
purification according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they
brought him to Hierusalem, to present him to the Lord” (Luke
2:22). This event is also shown in the resurrection of Christ
(Mat.28), (Mark 16), (Luke 24), (John 20), and in resurrection of
Lazarus by Christ (John 11). The transformation of water into wine,
which occurred during a marriage in Cana of Galilee (John 2), shows us
the changes that will begin to happen on to the people of Israel from
this time (Zech.12: 10). And the events of Pentecost (Acts 2: 1),
described in the book of Acts, show us all these future changes taking
place simultaneously in heaven and on earth.
Let’s consider some of these verses. When Joseph and Mary came to
Bethlehem to register for the taxing, there were no places for them in
the Inn, and they were placed in the cattle pen, which was arranged in
a cave beside the Inn.
At the birth of Jesus, Mary “wrapped him in swadling clothes, and
laid him in a manger” (Luke.2:7).
The wooden box serving as a cattle feeder became a cradle. But there
are still funeral sheets, and “a manger” of another purpose. The
deceased person is wrapped in funeral cloths and put in the Sepulcher.
The Sepulcher is already for a different purpose. Christ after death
on the cross was entwined with burial sheets and laid in the
“Then tooke they the body of Iesus, & wound it in linnen clothes,
with the spices”
Joseph“laide him in a sepulcher” (Mark.15:46).
The verse (Luke 2: 7), which refers to His birth, shows us His FUTURE
resurrection from the dead, in fact, His second birth (Ps. 2: 7).
“hee must rise againe from the dead”
Even describing the events that occurred during the execution, the
Scripture shows us His FUTURE resurrection!
When Jesus cried out in a loud voice on the cross: “My God, my God!
why did you leave me?” (Mat.27:46), the Scripture shows us how
utterly exhausted Christ addresses God the Father “with strong
crying and teares” at the last gasp in the deep of the waters of
the great deep. And the Scripture is not in vain quoting to us
replicas of the people who stood there. They said: “This man
calleth for Elias” (Mat. 27:47), and the “rest said, Let bee,
let vs see whether Elias will come to saue him” (Mat. 27: 49). And
indeed, Elias will come and save Him. Having “loosed the paines of
death” (Acts 2:24), God will resurrect Him. In the following
verses, Scripture shows us His resurrection, the rapture of elect and
called for the wedding supper, the destruction of the barrier between
God and human:
“And behold, the vaile of the Temple was rent in twaine, from the
top to the bottome, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.
And the graues were opened, and many bodies of Saints which slept,
And came out of the graues after his resurrection, and went into the
holy citie, and appeared vnto many.
Naming three women “which followed Iesus from Galilee, ministring
vnto him” (Mat. 27:55), Scripture shows us faithful, chosen, and
called in the new Jerusalem (Mark.15: 41). They “followed Iesus”,
“ministring vnto him”.
“And many women were there (beholding afarre off) which followed
Iesus from Galilee, ministring vnto him.
Among which was Mary Magdalene, & Mary the mother of Iames and
Ioses, and the mother of Zebedees children”
Telling about Christ: about His birth, giving Him into the hands of
sinners, His death and resurrection, Scripture shows us all
significant events of the future time, “of the end of the world”,
until heaven and earth cease to exist.
Moses “wrote of me”
After the Israelites drank water from the “rocke in Horeb” (Ex.
17: 6), “came Amalek, & fought with Israel” (Ex. 17: 8).
Scripture explains “that Rocke was Christ” (1 Cor. 10: 4),
which means this prototype shows us the beginning of the events of the
future the Millennium. The Lord will make the New Covenant with
Israel, dress them “the whole armour of God” (Eph.6:11), and
entrust them preach “the Gospel of peace” (Rom.10:15). The
Scripture, in the image of Jesus with his chosen people, shows us
Israel and called, fighting the Amalekites, “spirituall wickednes
in high places”. The Scripture addresses Israel and all believers
of the Millennium: “take vnto you the whole armour of God”: the
shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the spiritual sword,
“that yee may be able to withstand in the euill day, and hauing done
all, to stand” (Eph.6: 13).
The battle with “Amalek” over the entire the Millennium can be
compared to study and exam at the end. The exam time is called “the
euill day”. This exam will be taken not only by Israel, but also
by faithful, chosen and called. Moses, and Aaron and Hur ascended to
the top of the hill; Aaron and Hur stood all day, supporting the hands
of Moses. This is a prototype of the future ministry of faithful and
“And it came to passe when Moses held vp his hand, that Israel
preuailed: and when he let downe his hand, Amalek preuailed.
But Moses hands were heauie, and they tooke a stone, and put it
vnder him, and he sate thereon: and Aaron and Hur stayed vp his
hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side, and
his handes were steady vntill the going downe of the Sunne”
Moses, sitting on a stone with the rod of God, on the top of the hill,
is another type of Christ and the Church, a type of the Lord Jesus
Christ. The Saincts, who will be “in heauenly places” (Eph. 1:
3), and Israel, who will be on earth, must be work hard so that many
people of the future Millennium can find a way leading to life (Mat.
7:14). In other words, it will be necessary to fill up for the
deficiency “for his bodies sake, which is the Church”
(Col.1:24,25). The Author of the Scripture figuratively speaks of this
ministry in chapters 29 and 18 of the book of Genesis. Scripture on
behalf of Christ addresses faithful, and chosen, and called: “My
brethren” (Gen. 29: 4):
“it is yet high day, neither is it time that the cattell should be
gathered together: water yee the sheepe, and goe and feed them”
After reading the first verses of chapter 29 of Genesis, with faith in
the Word of God, you should see no well on the field, not “three
flocks of sheepe”, and not a large stone, but you should see a
picture of the future time.
In the 18th chapter of the book of Genesis, this feast (DAY OF
PENTECOST) is shown by the Scripture in another story. The three men
who appeared to Abraham “in the heat of the day” (Gen. 18: 1)
are faithful, and chosen, and called. God tells them as if by the
words of Abraham:
“comfort ye your hearts, after that you shall passe on”
The Scripture explains the words “goe and feed them” and
“you shall passe on” with the words of Jesus. Having made the
New Covenant with Israel, He will say:
“All power is giuen vnto me in heauen and in earth.
¶ Goe ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost:
Teaching them to obserue all things, whatsoeuer I haue commanded
you: and loe, I am with you alway, euen vnto the end of the world.
What does “the wels mouth” (Gen. 29: 3), or the door of the
Sepulcher (Mat. 28: 2) mean? The heavenly Tabernacle has two sections.
The section where on the eve of the GREAT VICTORY will be Jesus
Christ, is called þe Holiest of all. Scripture figuratively calls this
section of the Tabernacle the heavenly chamber. At the time when
“the bridegroome goe forth of his chamber” (Joel 2:16), “the
mysterie of God should be finished” (Rev. 10: 7).
So, three men will hurriedly prepare for feast “during the heat of
the day” (Gen. 18); the Scripture shows them as “three measures
of fine meale”. But, “a calfe, tender and good” will also be in a
hurry to prepare for the feast.
“And Abraham hastened into the tent, vnto Sarah, & said; Make ready
quickly three measures of fine meale, knead it, and make cakes vpon
the hearth.
And Abraham ranne vnto the heard, and fetcht a calfe, tender and
good, and gaue it vnto a yong man: and he hasted to dresse it”
What does the phrase “he hasted to dresse it” mean? When the
pharaoh called Joseph, he was hastily taken out of prison. He
“shaued himselfe, and changed his raiment, and came in vnto Pharaoh”
(Gen. 41:14). Regarding the “three measures of fine meale”, the
phrase: “Make ready quickly” means, “his wife hath made
herselfe readie. And to her was granted, that she should bee arayed in
fine linnen, cleane and white: for the fine linnen is the
righteousnesse of Saints.” (Rev. 19: 7,8).
And when the day of Pentecost will fully come, they are “all with
one accord in one place” (Acts 2: 1); the holy Ghost will make
“ready quickly three measures of fine meal, and make unleavened bread”
- “that holy thing which shall bee borne”, “shall bee called
the sonne of God” (Luke 1:35).
Scripture, using another type, shows us the preparation of these
“cakes vpon the hearth”. In the second and third chapters of the
book of Daniel, we show the events of the last six months of the 70th
week of Daniel. It will be time on the eve of the Day of Pentecost.
The destruction of the Babylonian whore is shown to us in the second
chapter of the book of Daniel. The king will command “to destroy
all the wise men of Babylon” (Dan. 2:12). Service to her will be
replaced by worship of the image of the beast, the idol.
“Then Nebuchad-nezzar the king sent to gather together the Princes,
the Gouernours, and the Captaines, the Iudges, the Treasurers, the
Counsellers, the Sherifes, and all the rulers of the Prouinces, to
come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchad-nezzar the King
had set vp”
This decision will be made by another beast that comes out of the
earth. He will come out to teach the “first beast” (Rev. 13:12)
what to do. Each person will be faced with the choice to devote
himself to the image of the beast or to be beheaded by him (Rev. 20:
4). Deceived people from all nations, tribes and languages will devote
their lives to serving the idol. Dedication to an idol means
worshiping it and receiving a sign on the right hand or forehead.
He will cause“all, both smal and great rich and poore, free and
bond, to receiue a marke in their right hand, or in their foreheads”
The image of the beast, like a great image “whose brightnesse was
excelleut” (Dan. 2:31), will speak and act in such a way that
everyone is killed, who will “not worship the Image of the beast”
(Rev.13: 15). The devil, imitating Christ and the Church, will build
his “temple not made by hands”.
The dedication to the image of gold, which “Nebuchad-nezzar the
king made” in the region of Babylon, is a prototype of these
future events. In the type of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we are
shown called, 144,000 people who will refuse to bow to the image of
the beast, and will be miraculously saved. And further, in this type,
Scripture shows us the mystery of the union of Christ and the Church.
King said:“Loe, I see foure men loose, walking in the midst of
the fire, and they haue no hurt, and the forme of the fourth is like
the sonne of God” (Dan.3:25).
Four men: faithful, chosen, called and Christ, walking in the midst of
the fire, is the born Son of God - the Lord Jesus Christ. The servants
of Christ will have spiritual bodies “in heauenly places” (Eph.
1: 3), that look like a flaming fire. (Psalm 104: 4).
Please note that Abraham, as the head of his wife, gave Sarah orders,
met guests, organized the preparation of refreshments, but did not
take part in the meal, “he stood by them” Abraham is a type of
God the Father, and His role only to be organizer in this mystery.
“And he tooke butter, and milke, and the calfe which he had dressed,
and set it before them; and he stood by them vnder the tree: and
they did eate”
Here butter is a type of the holy Ghost, milk is the Word of God. We
are shown a picture of the future time, the participants of the
wedding feast: the holy Ghost, the Word of God, the Son of God and
“three men”. In a moment, a new birth will occur, and “they two
shalbe one flesh” (Eph.5: 31). The mystery of integration of
Christ and the Church through the action of the holy Ghost is
described by Scripture as the new birth, the baptism of the holy
Ghost, and compares it with a rite that is understandable to everyone
- marriage. The process itself is indicated by a short phrase: “and
they did eate” (Gen. 18: 8).
And God bless Them, saying: “Be fruitfull, and multiply, and fill
the waters in the Seas, and let foule multiply in the earth”
(Gen. 1:22).
Mother-in-law of the Lamb’s Bride
In the book of Ruth, we are shown the ministry of the Church of the
firstborn in the Tabernacle of heaven and the events taking place
during the harvest on earth. Naomi, who arranged the marriage of Ruth
with Boaz, is a type of the holy Ghost. In her efforts, we are shown
the dominant role of the holy Ghost in the birth of the Lord Jesus
Christ. In this type, the Holy Spirit is called the mother-in-law of
the Bride of the Lamb.
Ҧ And she went downe vnto the floore, and did according to all that
her mother in law bade her”
Ruth, lying at the feet of Boaz, is a type of Christ and the Church of
the firstborn in the Tabernacle of heaven. The heap of “corne”
(Ruf. 3: 7), which is next to him, are “the soules of them that
were slaine for the word of God” (chosen) (Rev. 6: 9).
Scripture shows us the primary role of the holy Ghost in the birth of
the Lord Jesus Christ in the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. The
Lamb's bride asks about the upcoming marriage:
“Then said Marie vnto the Angel, How shall this be, seeing I know
not a man?
And the Angel answered and said vnto her, The holy Ghost shall come
vpon thee, and the power of the Highest shall ouershadow thee.
Therefore also that holy thing which shall bee borne of thee, shall
bee called the sonne of God”
Scripture shows us the birth of the Son of God in the transfiguration
of Jesus. Scripture shows us the Father and the holy Ghost in the
image of “two men standing with him” (Luke 9:32). Taking with
him the three disciples Peter, John and James, Jesus “bringeth them
vp into an high mountaine apart” (Mat. 17: 1). Ascended up
“into an high mountaine” (Rev. 21:10), faithful, chosen, and
called will be united with Christ in one body: “there came a cloud,
and ouershadowed them, & they feared, as they entred into the cloude”
(Luke 9:34). In the image of a cloud that ouershadowed them, the
holy Ghost is shown. Scripture shows us the appearance of holy thing,
Who should be born: “his face did shine as the Sunne, and his
raiment was white as the light” (Mat. 17: 2) The mighty Angel,
descending from heaven, in the image of which the Lord Jesus Christ
was shown to us, as well had face “as it were the Sunne” (Rev.
10: 1).
The resurrected Jesus, standing in the midst of the disciples, is
another type of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ҧ Then the same day at euening, being the first day of the weeke,
when the doores were shut, where the disciples were assembled for
feare of the Iewes, came Iesus, and stood in the midst, and saith
vnto them, Peace bee vnto you.
And when hee had so saide, hee shewed vnto them his hands and his
side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
Then said Iesus to them againe, Peace be vnto you: As my Father hath
sent me, euen so send I you.
And when he had said this, hee breathed on them, and saith vnto
them, Receiue ye the holy Ghost.”
There is not, and there cannot be, a single person in Christ, before
the marriage of the Lamb comes (Rev. 19: 7). As you already
understood, Scripture does not say important things in clear text.
Absolutely all the important information, with all the details and
dates necessary for us, is contained in the prophetic meaning of
Sheaf Offering Day in New Testament Books
In the Gospels, this day is shown to us in the same chapters that talk
about the birth of Jesus and His resurrection. Running to Egypt, like
Abram’s stop at Haran, prophetically tells us about the rapture of the
Church of the firstborn and their ministry in the Tabernacle of
heaven, which will be located at the edge of heaven. The young child
and his mother (Mat. 2:14), prophetically, mean Jesus Christ and His
Church of the firstborn. This event will cover both the living and the
dead, from two thousand years ago and less, in all the ends of the
Earth (Mat. 2:16). Read the work: “Wise men from the East.”
The Scripture figuratively calls the first witnesses of the
resurrection of Christ, after 2000 years of “a sleep,”:
“shepheards”, “the disciples” (Acts 20: 7-8). Elsewhere, Scripture
calls them the number “the twelue” (1 Cor. 15: 5). In the book
of Revelation, the Scripture calls them “faithful” (Rev.17:
14). In the first chapter of Genesis, they are called “great
whales” (Gen. 1:21). These are those who are currently “keeping
watch ouer their flocke” (Luke 2: 8), nourishing the “sheep” with
the Word of God. This they will find “the babe wrapped in swadling
clothes lying in a manger.” (Luke 2: 12).
And how will the Christians remaining on earth react to this event?
Probably they will be very offended? Not that word. There will be
“a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning,” and
they will not be comforted. Scripture says:
“In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and
great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be
comforted, because they are not”
In the Gospels of Matthew, of Mark, of Luke, the Scripture, narrating
about the baptism of Jesus, shows us Christ who came for His
firstborn, and, by the words of Jesus, explains: “for thus it
becommeth vs to fulfill all righteousnesse” (Mat. 3:15); “vs”,
it means to Christ and His firstborn.
Heaven will open “vnto him”, and He, passing through the
thickness of the waters of the great deep, will descend from heaven
“like a doue.” The phrase: “went vp straightway out of the
water” means that He will go through the open heavens. Scripture,
calling Him the Spirit of God, shows us Him descending from heaven:
“And Iesus, when hee was baptized, went vp straightway out of the
water: and loe, the heauens were opened vnto him, and he saw the
Spirit of God descending like a doue, and lighting vpon him”
The ministry of Christ and His firstborn will take place in the
tabernacle of heaven during the “harvest” period; the Scripture likens
this place to the wilderness.
“Then was Iesus led vp of the Spirit into the wildernesse, to bee
tempted of the deuill”
Christ, having quickened “by the Spirit” (1 Pet. 3:18), will
descend from heaven as the Spirit of God, will be “led vp of the
Spirit into the wildernesse” (Matt. 4: 1), will be “iustified
in the Spirit” (1 Tim. 3:16). As you see, the Spirit of God in the
prophetic meaning can mean Christ.
“God was manifest in the flesh, iustified in the Spirit, seene of
Angels, preached vnto the Gentiles, beleeued on in the world,
receiued vp into glory”
Three “flocks of sheepe” or “three men” are also
presenting in the 11th chapter of the Gospel of John, these are
Martha, Mary and the Jews who “followed her” (John. 11:31).
Showing the conversation between Jesus and Martha before the
resurrection of “Lazarus,” Scripture explains to us that He will
“hath not left off his kindnesse to the liuing and to the dead”
(Ruth. 2:20). Jesus spoke of people who believe in Him, who have died
and who are live:
“I am the resurrection, and the life: hee that beleeueth in me,
though he were dead, yet shall he liue.
And whosoeuer liueth, and beleeueth in mee, shall neuer die”
His firstborns will be that who are resurrected: “hee that
beleeueth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he liue”;
and living now: “whosoeuer liueth, and beleeueth in mee, shall
neuer die”.
In the image of the two sisters Martha and Mary, faithful and chosen
are shown to us. When the rapture of the Church of the firstborn is in
the past, chosen will begin to testify of Christ. Scripture says:
Martha“went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying,
The Master is come, and calleth for thee” (John.11:28).
Maryas soone “as she heard that, she arose quickely, and came
vnto him” (John.11:29).
Scripture indicates the reason why a significant portion of Christians
will remain on Earth, awaiting a special invitation.
“Martha, as soone as shee heard that Iesus was comming, went and met
him: but Mary sate still in the house”
They will not hear that Jesus is coming, which means they will not go
to meet Him. Verses of the Gospel of Mark specify the reason for their
“And she went and told them that had beene with him, as they mourned
and wept.
And they, when they had heard that he was aliue, and had beene seene
of her, beleeued not”
Here is how! Those “that had beene with him” will not believe the
first witness of His resurrection!